How's that for an attention grabber? Good. Now that you're all paying attention, lets just get right to it - This is not a fan site. Plain and simple. The people on here just straight up don't like comic book movies. Think I'm wrong? Go look at the comments section for any article and you'll see that I'm not. I'd say about 90% of the comments for any given article are negative. What the [frick] is wrong with you people?
Since when was being a fan all about trashing movies? You call yourselves fans but in all honesty your not. The definition of a fan is as follows - "A fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with a liking and enthusiasm for something, such as a band or a sports team. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They may show their enthusiasm by being a member of a fan club, holding fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or by promoting the object of their interest and attention."
Does that sound like most of the people on this site? Nope.
One day I came on here and one of the articles on the main page had the title and heading of this - "The Latest Batch of Transformers 3 Set Pics. Does anyone care anymore? This is the last one, right?"
And that was on the HOMEPAGE! That should be the example for the word Cynical in the dictionary.
What is wrong with fans these days? Why do we feel the need to continuously put down movies? As fans, we should be celebrating what we love about comic book movies! We the hell are you guys so negative? Why do you have to focus on the bad for everything?
You people act so ungrateful. We live in the Age of the Geek! We get multiple kick-ass summer blockbusters every year! And yet every year you guys whine and complain about how they are rapeing your childhood. (Which is such a bullshit remark by the way. Your old G1 Transformers shows will always be there along side your old G.I. Joe shows. They can't touch 'em)
You end up just giving fans in general a bad name. I mean jeez, I know we hate the stereo type of some fat guy sittin in his mom's basement typing furiously while pushing up his broken glasses every once in awhile, but some of you people make it really hard to deny that.
Instead of being so god damn cynical all the time lets start being positive! Even the worst things have something that you can take away from them. Lets look at some movies that you guys continue to bash and see what we can take away form them -
-Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Optimus Prime taking on Grindor, Starscream AND Megatron in the forest. You know it was [frick]in badass.
-Spider-Man 3: The Symbonite Suit. That fight with Sandman in the subway was undeniably cool and the scen were he tears off the suit was epic.
-Star Wars Episode II-Attack of the Clones: Yoda fighting for the first time. Admit it. You had a nerdgasm.
-X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth. 'Nuff said.
-X-Men: The Last Stand: Iceman vs. Pyro. Once again... 'Nuff said.
That's just a sample. Name any movie that you think was shit and I'll give you AT LEAST one great moment from said movie.
All this cynicism also applies to upcoming movies. I mean what the hell was that all about with you guys CONSTANTLY saying X-Men First Class was gonna be shit. Then all of a sudden the trailer comes out and you guys start to change your tune! Have faith! Why in the hell should we off doubted Mattew Vaughn?! The man just gave us Kick-Ass!
Now don' worry, I'm not just going to rant at the haters. I'm now going to shift focus to the FANS WHO DON"T STICK UP FOR THE MOVIES THAT THEY LIKE! By not saying anything, you give the impression that a certain movie really was bad. Speak the [frick] up!
I know for a [frick]ing fact that more people liked some of the movies that get trashed than there are people who supposedly hated it. You know why? Because they make shit loads of money! You think really think Revenge of the Fallen would have made $400 million dollars in just the U.S. if so many people hated it? Hell no!
In conclusion, the so called "fans" on this site need to start proving that they are indeed fans and the actual fans need to come out of the [frick]ing closet and show their support.
All in all I wanna see less negativity and more [frick]ing excitment! Let's make this site an actual fan-site and not a black hole of cynicism.
Consider this rant officially over.