Detailed Breakdown Of STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI's Deleted Scenes Reveal Tom Hardy's Cameo And More

Detailed Breakdown Of STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI's Deleted Scenes Reveal Tom Hardy's Cameo And More

A detailed breakdown of some more Star Wars: The Last Jedi deleted scenes have surfaced and as well as a tense confrontation between Luke and Rey, one would have included an awesome Tom Hardy cameo...

By JoshWilding - Dec 20, 2017 12:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Slash Film
Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a lengthy movie but it's become clear recently that it could have been even longer and that we should expect to see a lot of footage on the DVD and Blu-ray next year. Now, a new report has shed even more light on moments which either weren't filmed, were replaced in reshoots, or will be released as deleted scenes and these all make for very interesting indeed. 

From an incredible sounding cameo featuring Venom star Tom Hardy to a badass moment for Captain Phasma and a huge sequence between Rey and Luke Skywalker and more, all of these sound amazing.

So, click below for the full list but be warned that SPOILERS for the movie do follow from here.

Tom Hardy's Scrapped Cameo

Why on Earth did this wind up on the cutting room floor? Surrounded by Stormtroopers in an elevator, one of them turns to Finn and starts scrutinising him. When Finn - in his Imperial officer uniform - asks him what the problem is, the trooper (who is Tom Hardy talking with a southern accent) says, "I know who you are…FN 2187! Damn boy, I never took you for officer material."

We learn that the two of them grew up together and that the troopers are somehow unaware that Finn has been branded a traitor, presumably because it would have inspired others to do the same.


Captain Phasma Gets A Badass Moment

Captain Phasma only has a very small role in the movie but she was going to have at least one more badass moment. Right after Finn smashes a hole in her helmet, a group of Stormtroopers surround him and he attempts to win them over by saying that they can join him and escape Phasma's grasp just as he did. Finn calls her a coward and reveals she gave him the codes to Starkiller Base's shield.

As they consider his offer, Phasma reappears and quickly guns down the entire group of Stormtroopers before they can do anything about it. The scene is compared to a classic western shootout. 

Why Rey Leaves Ahch-To

Shortly after Luke and Rey have that conversation about Darth Sidious, the youngster notices that there's a boat approaching the island. The former Jedi Master explains that they're bandits that regularly come to Ahch-To to plunder and kill the Caretakers. Rey wants to help but Luke points out that if they stop them now, they'll only return and cause even more destruction. 

He also argues that Rey won't be there forever to protect them but she's furious by his justification to let them get hurt and uses a Force-powered run to get to them in time. However, it turns out the fire she saw was actually a party the Caretakers are holding which Chewbacca and R2-D2 are also present at. Frustrated, she turns off her lightsaber and returns to Luke who explains that he lied to her to teach her that the Resistance needs someone who will leap into an action and not a failed religion. 

However, when Rey starts crying and explains that her friends are dying and that she believed in the legend of Luke Skywalker, he realises he's pushed her too far and this gives her yet another reason why she ultimately chooses to leave him and the island behind. 

Canto Bight Changes

A lot of changes were made to The Last Jedi's Canto Bight sequences in post-production/reshoots. Those include a lot of extra creatures and aliens, as well as Rose having a go at Finn for "pining for Rey." However, he argues that he was "raised to fight" and is now fighting for something which has meaning by trying to help Rey. Rose, unfortunately, seems more than a little jealous. 

Rose recounting her past (she had family taken by The First Order too) was also trimmed to make room for that kid to appear we see at the end of the movie. The chase scene with the Fathiers was also longer and would have included Finn and Rose crashing through a bathhouse much to the surprise of an alien who loses his bath towel. An earlier version of the script saw Finn and Rose sneaking into the casino wearing a tuxedo and a dress and even though costume tests were done, this was dropped. 

Supreme Leader Snoke's Ship

We were originally going to spend a little more time with Finn, Rose, and DJ aboard Supreme Leader Snoke's Star Destroyer but a few of those scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. For starters, we would have seen Finn trying to flatten down Rose's hair so she looked more like a member of The First Order, while there would have been a humorous elevator scene with a very slow closing door. 

Also, when Finn and Rose learn that DJ has betrayed them, she yells, "How could you?" to which he replied, "I’m sorry I turned out to be exactly what I said I was." Sick burn, eh? 
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MartinTanley - 12/20/2017, 12:17 PM
can i get a superhero article please
WaffeX - 12/20/2017, 12:18 PM
13 Biggest Cameos in Star Wars: The Last Jedi
pitbull76 - 12/20/2017, 12:21 PM
Jeez is there a quota on star wars stories this month?
Doomsday8888 - 12/20/2017, 12:35 PM
F*ck it, this all sounds quite good to me, and yes, even that Hardy scene! :P
BackwardGalaxy - 12/20/2017, 12:37 PM
I actually like that cut DJ line, though. The rest were solid cuts.
Prork - 12/20/2017, 12:38 PM
That scene on the island sounds really good, would have liked to have seen that.
TheRealMandarin - 12/20/2017, 12:47 PM
Would've been cool if tom hardy was a survi surviving nines instead-but it doesn't matter since most hate this movie anyways.
AleSir19 - 12/20/2017, 1:20 PM
@ashkan1373 - Who cares? I dont. I love to analyze movies. Rotten Tomatoes is pretty good. But i would only follow the score of the critics. Not the people.

Because almost always the General Audience will enjoy trash and hate good stuff. Or the film is so indie that only people who would love it will see it. That is a reality.

In the world of blockbusters Rotten Tomatoes has become a weapon of sorts. Because the people use the scores like some kind of prove they are right or a movie is entirely shit or entirely a masterpiece.

When in reality the critics give to this movie 93% and angry fans dissapointed because Snoke wasnt Plagueis. Because J.J. Abrams put Luke in an island and build a shady backstory around him and let Rian Johnson figure out by himself what happen and clearly Rey is nobody. Give this movie 59 %...

Who cares? Critics are experts. I am an expert and i hated this movie the first and only time i saw it in teathers. But then after thinking about it a lot...

And not just giving it a bad score in a website. I began to see the genius of so many things in the movie.

So again... Who cares? I dont...
MosquitoFarmer - 12/20/2017, 1:02 PM
Tom Hardy cameo would be cool...

JoeMomma29 - 12/20/2017, 1:04 PM
@MosquitoFarmer - Why this movie? These films are progressively getting worse...well Rouge One was awesome.
MosquitoFarmer - 12/20/2017, 1:22 PM
@JoeMomma29 - I'm not the hugest Star Wars fan, though I've enjoyed all the movies very much (haven't seen Rogue One entirely). Just curious how a Tom Hardy cameo comes about as a conceit. the Daniel Craig one is fun, but the specific choice of these actors is just out of nowhere mostly.
UltimateCarnage - 12/20/2017, 1:05 PM
With the DCEU flat-lining and Fox being eaten whole by Disney, we needed something to create the great divide this website's comment section is known for.

I never thought it would be Star Wars that did it though. I didn't think I'd be sharing opinions with people I've debated with for so long. Friends are now foes, foes are now friends. All in the name of a movie that shouldn't really be on this website if we're being honest.

To be fair, this is all sounding more entertaining than the plot to the Last Jedi.

I hope Disney buys me out.
JoeMomma29 - 12/20/2017, 1:12 PM
@UltimateCarnage - Disney is ruining SW IMO! I was so excited when Disney bought out Lucas etc.

I thought hey we can finally get Knights of the Old Republic, expand on the existing story line, get a Boba Fett movie, maybe get movie with the bounty hunters etc.

So far Rouge One was great to fill in the hole from episode 3 to 4. TFA was just a rehash of the original movies and TLJ was a joke.

But wait! We can look forward to a Han Solo movie!!!! And soon a trilogy completely made up!

Ugh!!!!! I really want George back!
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