EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Could Finally Happen Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal With Warner Bros.

EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Could Finally Happen Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal With Warner Bros.

Emily Blunt Still Hopeful For EDGE OF TOMORROW 2, But Feels Script Would Only Have Worked Eight Years Ago
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Emily Blunt Still Hopeful For EDGE OF TOMORROW 2, But Feels Script "Would Only Have Worked Eight Years Ago"

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FightAs0ne - 11/13/2012, 5:12 PM
In March? We should be getting some official stills or a trailer soon shouldn't we?
THRILLHO - 11/13/2012, 5:17 PM
jimpinto24 - 11/13/2012, 5:21 PM
CaptainObvious - 11/13/2012, 5:23 PM
@DEATHbyEXILE- Wha...?
bazinga85 - 11/13/2012, 5:23 PM
That picture sucks. It looks like what Michael Bay will make Mark Walhburg wear in transformers 4, lol
Philvis - 11/13/2012, 5:46 PM
Do you mean 2013?
maxxgone - 11/13/2012, 6:04 PM
@ all

hey guys, i know you might not know me as well as many of the other posters on this site - but if i could persuade any of you to read this book, you would not be disappointed!

it reads quickly - roughly 100 pages - and is engaging at every single turn. i always saw ken leung & mila jovovich in the lead roles (based off of race & descriptions in the book) but i know blunt will be great & i'm in cruise's corner on this one.

very very excited for this.
Kyos - 11/14/2012, 4:37 AM
I would really like to be interested in this. But Tom Cruise... :/
Boekelaar - 11/14/2012, 4:56 AM
what book?
pepe - 11/14/2012, 7:22 AM
Yikes...!!! Tom Cruise... Scary
PaulRom - 11/14/2012, 8:54 AM
It just began filming last month, so don't expect footage to be released anytime soon. And no, it's definitely 2014.
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