Jurassic World largely revolved around the creation of a hybrid dinosaur known as the Indominus Rex which was made to bring visitors back to the park. Things soon went horribly wrong when it escaped and started tearing its way through the guests and the sequel will once again feature a man-made creation, this time designed to be a weapon (until, you know, it inevitably escapes and causes havoc).
While coming up with these new dinosaurs is definitely an interesting direction to take things in, it's already beginning to feel a tad repetitive so you may be glad to know that Jurassic World 3 director Colin Trevorrow will be moving away from that concept as he confirmed Fallen Kingdom's Indoraptor will be the last hybrid to appear in the trilogy (what comes after that remains to be seen, though).
"I’m looking forward to, in the third film, getting a little back into the Paleontological, wild animal, true dinosaur nature of all of it," he revealed, making it clear that the franchise is going back to basics. With the park seemingly destroyed in Fallen Kingdom by an erupting volcano, it's going to be interesting seeing where things go from here...surely we won't ever get those human/dino hybrids?