Short Editorial: Power Rangers Reboot - What should it be like

A short editorial on my stance regarding the Power Rangers Reboot and what i feel the reboot should be similar to in both tone and action.

Editorial Opinion
By Malcopunch - Mar 02, 2015 04:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Power Rangers

Power Rangers is show i have a lot of feelings towards. My personal favourite Power Rangers show is Dino Thunder but i like the other Power Ranger Seasons for the most part. 

When regarding this Power Ranger Reboot, i am scared but also looking foward to it.Powe Rangers is my childhood and i think it deserves a good reboot but here is my problem. I just don't think a dark and serious Power Rangers Film would work as well as others think it would work well. Power Rangers has always been not very serious and always had that camp factor that i feel should not be changed with the reboot. 

I am about to talk about an anime but before you go onto that hate train, please hear me out. I feel the best comparision of what i personally would like the Power Rangers Film Reboot to be is well..Gurren Lagann. 

For those who don't know what Gurren Laggan is well it is a
Japanese Mecha Anime that pretty much ressurected the giant mecha franchise in Japan but also the states. What makes Gurren Laggan as good as it is is one simple fact - it's over the top and when i do mean over the top that is no sheer understatement as the final battle involves the main villain throwing galxies at Simon - the hero. 

Gurren Laggan is the perfect blend of Fun, Great Charcters, Seriously Moments, Hillarous Moments and Great Action. While most of the time it does not take itself seriously it's still an enjoyable ride from beginning to end. Power Rangers should be like that to me - embrace the camp and brace the stupidity of it and unlike reboots like TMNT which tried too hard to be realstic turn Power Rangers into bat shit insane action romp that has a great script, plenty of laughs but also plenty of action.

On the other hand i do not want the Power Rangers Movie to be like the Transformers movie which only focuses on the action. I want heart and i want charcter. That's the big difference between Anime like Gurren Laggan and Transformers. While both have huge action scenes, Gurren Lagann actually has some heart and soul put into it while Transformers is just simply made to make more money. While over the top action and humor is great it also needs a good script and charcters in order to make itself shine and become a great movie.

I do not want a gritty Power Rangers Movie, for a series like Power Rangers i feel it would much better if they make an over-the-top action fest. Hey you know why that stragety for a movie has worked well look at Kingsman which never took itself seriously but still managed to be such a great film that pepole are praising it so much, They can make a Power Rangers Movie with the explosions and Over-the-top action of Gurren Lagann and the humor of Kingsman. It's not impossible - you don't need to made it dark and gritty in order for it to work. Kingsman showed this wasn't impossible so please studios don't turn it into another TMNT - please don't screw this up.

This is just my stance on the Power Rangers Reboot and why i feel it should not be dark and gritty reboot, if you agree or dissagre please comment.
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UltimateCookie - 3/2/2015, 9:34 AM
I want a Pacific Rim-style PR movie but it shouldnt be Rated R for a second. I havent seen Kingsman but Iĺl check it out.
huckfinnisher - 3/2/2015, 5:35 PM
I have not seen Gurren Lagann but as a long time anime fan I say no no no no. Please no. Anime's in general are extremely poorly written and obvious. About a quarter of the way through any anime I can usually say with certainty how it will end. The way anime treats its characters is horrible. They always go to telling and showing the character's feelings when we should just be able to read them from a situation they are in. It just doesn't feel natural. In my older years I have been steering away from anime, as it is often childish and predictable (shy girl with huge knockers falls for main character and he is either too dumb or childish to realize it till the end of the show when we have all known all along what was gonna happen) The last thing we need is over the top characterization.
@MrSotoMan, I agree, although I think Avengers should be the main influence. Its about the group dynamic. I do think a bit of grit would serve the series well, the fans of the franchise have grown up, sure it was a childrens show but everybody who watched the original childrens show is an adult. It makes no sense to market it solely to children.
A franchise must grow with it's fans or it dies. If the movie is pg I definitely won't be paying to see it in the theater, there are large stakes never acknowledged in Power Rangers, every time they fought in the megazord and took down a building there were thousands of casualties and it was played off with a laugh. There needs to be gravitas in a movie about protecting the Earth, with actual stakes.
kong - 3/2/2015, 8:00 PM
I always said that Pacific Rim was the grown mans power rangers.

@MrSotoMan is right. The action and archetypes of Transformers will draw in the audience that would say "Power Rangers? That shit's for 5 year olds!" The giant robots and monsters of Pacific Rim just fit right in and are in need of an update. They're stuck in Godzilla 1954 and need to come to Godzilla 2014. Then the Avengers like interaction will give the movie heart, fun, laughs, and drama all at the same time.

I'd love to see a Matthew Vaughn PR now that I think about it. I'd love to see a Blomkamp portrayal though, just to see how he makes the world of PR dark and gritty. I don't really think that's the best for the film though. Maybe Doug Liman who did Edge of Tomorrow. Great sci-fi action director. I'd love to see his take on their world as well.
gamecreatorjj - 3/3/2015, 12:47 AM
@huckfinnisher I have seen a bit of anime, but I have seen enough to know what's shit and what's well done. Gurren Lagann is very well done. It is not at all what you describe. It can get a little heavy on fan service and some stereotypical things, but most of that is done as satire to make fun of anime as a whole. Hiroyuki Imaishi knows how to make anime well, he isn't a studio Gibli or anything, but he makes fun anime and he makes it at top tier level.

Source: Watched all of Gurren Lagann in 3 days.
gabriellarkins - 3/4/2015, 7:31 AM

Gurren Lagann is the exact opposite of what you just described. I'm still not sure if I'd want it to be the influence for a PR movie, but it is miles away from the stereotypical mediocre anime.
gabriellarkins - 3/4/2015, 7:33 AM

Yes. Yes. Yes. I actually started to write a screenplay that was essentially this after seeing Pacific Rim, but then the reboot was officially announced and I figured I'd wait and see what they did before I proclaimed that I could better.
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