Ridley Scott Updates On PROMETHEUS and BLADE RUNNER Sequels
The director of Prometheus and Blade Runner, Ridley Scott, talks about the sequels for these two science fiction films, as well as further confirming that Deckard was indeed a replicant in the 1982 film.
Prometheus was a box office hit this summer. Its global gross is $402 million, and with Blu-ray and DVD sale, it will make some more money. So, it's no secret that studio wants a sequel, which is now happening for sure. Talking to Metro, director Ridley Scott gave an update on what we will see in the next chapter:
"Prometheus evolved into a whole other universe. You’ve got a person [Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw] with a head in a bag [ Michael Fassbender’s David] that functions and has an IQ of 350. It can explain to her how to put the head back on the body and she’s gonna think about that long and hard because, once the head is back on his body, he’s dangerous. They’re going off to paradise but it could be the most savage, horrible place. Who are the Engineers?"
Scott also addressed his involvement with the upcoming Blade Runner sequel:
"It’s not a rumour – it’s happening. With Harrison Ford? I don’t know yet. Is he too old? Well, he was a Nexus-6 so we don’t know how long he can live [laughs]. And that’s all I’m going to say at this stage."
Interesting. Very interesting. I'm down for Prometheus sequel, as I really liked the first film. With Blade Runner, I'm definitely optimistic about the new film, as long as Scott is directing.