Star Trek is the story of James Kirk from earth and the Vulcan from Vulcan, Spock. We get brief glimpses of their lives as children, but the majority of the film takes place when they are both in their early 20'. They finally meet after Kirk cheats on a test designed by Spock while attending Starfleet Academy. It doesn't take long before the action starts and the young crew of the U.S.S Enterprise is called to investigate a spacial phenomenon. Led by Captain Pike, the crew face the ship`s first battle, one in which the captain is forced to surrender himself to the Romulan villain, Nero, leaving Spock to command the ship. Spock wants to run and get Starfleet, Kirk wants to go after the Romulans and save Captain Pike before it`s too late. Their conflict being that of matched intelligent against opposing views.
The characters are likeable and funny, the story and pace of the film would satisfy even the worst cases of A.D.D., and the special effects and cinematography are top quality. Unlike the previous Trek films, this interpretaion of the franchise comes from a very Star Warsy point of view. It is like a Star Wars film but nearly not as bad as one. Previous Star Trek movies weren`t so great either, but as this new version catches on, it may resuscitate this once dying franchise. Star Trek, in it`s 2009 indirect prequelly manner, has managed to take an old rusted heap of crap and make it shiny and new. Unless your braindead, this film should deliver on all of your space action movie needs.