Oscar Isaac talks here about what it's been like to be involved with Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, describing what it's been like to work with some of the original cast members, J.J. Abrams' use of practical effects, and the response to both John Boyega and THAT lightsaber...
Oscar Isaac's role in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was revealed when we saw him piloting an X-Wing in the recently released trailer. In an interview with IGN Movies, the Inside Llewyn Davis star had plenty to say about starring in the J.J. Abrams helmed movie. "There was just so much love poured into it and so much care," he said of the director's insistence to use as many practical effects and sets as possible (unlike the green screen heavy prequels). "The thing is, when you rely on the latest technology to tell your story -- and that's it -- that dates. It can date badly. Whereas, when you actually make the stuff, I think there's something about that that is a little bit more ageless." It sounds like we should expect to see Isaac share the screen with some Star Wars legends come December 18th, 2015! "It was totally like living out a childhood dream. Being on those sets and being surrounded by those people -- talking to Anthony Daniels, seeing him getting suited up, and Peter Mayhew putting on the suit again -- that was incredible."
Like the Original Trilogy, Isaac insists that The Force Awakens will have a bigger focus on story and character rather than endless CGI battles. "If you watch Harrison Ford in [the originals], he doesn't give a f***, you know? [Laughs] He's just being a real person. He's funny. You can even hear little ad-libs and things like that... [It's similar on this film]. There's less of a formality, I think."I think the biggest thing, the most important part of the story, is the emotional aspect of it. I think that's what most of us were keyed into: 'What is the emotion of the thing?' The spectacle is secondary to that." The trailer hasn't been without some controversy of course, and sadly, a lot of that revolved around John Boyega not being white. Yes, it's 2014, and there are some who have an issue with that. "What's great about it is, it's like, 'Are you a racist? Here's a perfect way of revealing that to everyone!' [Laughs] What I loved about the trailer too is, like, the giant middle finger of the first thing you see, right off the bat: John's face -- BAM! So it is, yeah, 'Just deal with it.'"
Oh, and that lighsaber? ""I think it's amazingIt's so cool... If Darth Vader had one of those, he wouldn't have lost his hand!" Well said! What do you guys think about these comments?