One of the most exciting developments announced during Marvel's legendary SDCC panel was no doubt Phase Four's inclusion of Shang-Chi. The film, which introduces charismatic newcomer Simu Lliu, looks set to start production this Winter for its early 2021 release.
According to HN Entertainment,
Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings has added Chung Man Yee to the film's production as a costume designer. Yee was nominated for an Academy Award in the field for his work on
The Curse of The Golden Flower. Yee is a very well respected and sought after designer in the Middle Kingdom, having done costume work on
The Monkey King and the
Monster Hunter franchise. By including Yee, Marvel, similar what they did with Best Costume Design winner
Black Panther, is showing how committed they are to the superhero film's authenticity.
How excited are you for
Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings?