With the film announced at Comic-Con this year and Batman cast for this film a couple weeks ago, little is known about the upcoming Superman/Batman film. LEVITIKUZ states 5 things he feel needs to be in the film from certain scenes to what Bat villain working with Lex. Click to check it out.

Editorial Opinion
By LEVITIKUZ - Sep 02, 2013 02:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

Let’s be honest, Superman/Batman is going to be the most talked about and biggest event in not just 2015 but possibly comic book movie history. Yes all WB uses is those 2 characters but they’ve never used them together and I think we all can agree, we’ve always wanted to see a Superman/Batman film happen no matter how much you agree or disagree with it happening. It’s not a diss at Avengers: Age of Ultron. That will be big to but there is a certain feeling you get when you see your favorite characters together on the big screen for the first time. The Avengers gave us that feeling and while I do think Avengers: Age of Ultron will be good, it can’t recapture that feeling since it’s a sequel. But Superman/Batman can because it hasn’t happened before. Now there has been a lot of talk about Superman/Batman. Recently Argo star, Ben Affleck, has signed on to play Bruce Wayne/Batman. That got a lot of people talking and the more they talk, the more anticipated it becomes. I do feel Man of Steel disappointed on some degree. Most of us thought this would be the best superhero movie of all time so in a way it’s our faults for hoping for one film to be the best of all time when it’s not out yet. Iron Man 3, The Wolverine, and Kick-Ass 2 didn’t have this pressure on them. Now if the pressure was on Man of Steel, the pressure has greatly increased with Superman/Batman. This film can not disappoint. It has to be good and everyone likes it. We all have our opinions on what should be in the film, here are my 5 main points on what needs to be in the film.

Start The Film In Gotham And With Batman

In my opinion, Superman/Batman should start off like how Man of Steel started off. Just replace Jor-El and Krypton with Batman and Gotham City. I have an idea of how to do beginning. Most of my influence comes from The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Gotham Knight, the intro to Batman: The Animated Series, 89 Batman, & the car chase scene in Spider-Man 2. Picture this. We start off with the opening like Man of Steel where you see the WB symbol, the DC symbol and the other production symbols. While you see that, you hear a police call going in about a robbery at the Gotham Bank. After you see the company logos, you see an overview of Gotham City. You start to go into and show around the city. It’s nighttime. It’s thundering and raining. We see the Batsignal up in the sky. We get to a building with a gargoyle and we see the back of Batman but never his front. We hear where the robberies are and what street their going on. Now for the record, they don’t have to be just random robberies. You could replace them with Joker or Two-Face or anyone else. Someone more mob related. Or you can just have them be random robberies. Either way works.

Now back to where I was. We see Batman on top of a building. We see his cape flapping around. We then have Batman jump off the building and go to the robberies in a chase with police cars. We have them have a shoot out with a car with detective Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya in it. We have the robberies in a van from the Bank. The robberies were able to shoot one of the tires of the police van off. They think that got away. We then see the driver ask the one of the guys is something following them since he saw a big shadow over them. We now see Batman in the classic Frank Miller pose like the photo I have above this topic over the van. We see him land on the front of the car. Batman punches from the glasses and the car spins out of control and crashes. The robberies didn’t die and they get out and enter some abandon building.

There are like 3-4 thugs. We see them spread out. Batman takes one of them out front the ground like in The Dark Knight Returns. Other thug has his back against the wall and Batman grabs him and pulls him through the wall. We have another Batman knocks out. The final one is scared. We see Batman basically walk up behind him and disarm him and holds him up like he was about to integrate him. He knocks the thug out. The cops come to the building and we have the thugs tied to a stoplight pole. We then see move up to a building, like in the ending of Batman 89, and Batman is on top of another building on a gargoyle looking down. Zoom in around Batman. Have thunder boom and lighting strike a few times, end scene.

In that one scene alone, you already established how Batman is in this universe. You don’t need to go into his training or his origin. We know Batman’s origin. This opening is like how the opening was to the 89 Batman where at the end you say that Batman is a badass. If this was the opening and was pulled off perfectly, I promise no one would complain about Affleck being Batman.

A Quintessential Superman Moment

One thing that really wasn’t in Man of Steel was a Superman moment. Yes the first flight is great but a Superman moment needs to be done in public. An example from the 78 film is him saving the helicopter. Hell even Superman Returns had this moment where we see Superman saving the plane. Like how my idea on an intro for this film is a perfect Batman moment, we need one for Superman. One thing that many people said is that Man of Steel didn’t feel like a Superman movie and I agree a bit. I liked Man of Steel but there were lost elements. I really do feel that the first time we see Superman in the film; we to have a moment that everyone recognizes as a Superman moment. Not just fanboys that say “that was the Superman from yada yada yada”. No. We need a Superman moment everyone recognizes and cheers for. I’m not sure how to do it. It needs to be something new and refreshing. My idea would be a nod from Grant Morrison’s All-Star: Superman and have someone ready to jump off a building to kill themselves. We have Superman talks them down from the idea. We already have had Superman saving planes, grabbing debris, saving Lois before. Having a Superman moment where he doesn’t use his powers in a way to help people is something new and memorable. So yea, I suggest a nod to All-Star Superman as a Superman moment.

Lex Luthor As The First Who Discovers Superman’s Weakness

Now I feel this will happen but I wish Zack could come out and say whether or not it will. With adding Batman and having a rumor that it’s a versus film, it makes me feel this won’t happen. Bruce Wayne/Batman should NOT be the one to discover Superman’s weakness. I swear if that happens, I will walk out of the film. Superman’s weakness needs to be discovered by Lex and used by Lex before Batman ever uses it. Yes Batman plans on how to beat everyone but it just feels odd if Superman’s best friend found out and used his weakness before Superman’s archenemy. I just don’t like the idea of it at all. We all know Lex will be in the film. Personally I want him to use the Kryptonite on Superman by creating Metallo. That is really how it should be. Having Metallo is once again something new and refreshing. I personally want to see Lex as a business type. Someone you know is dirty and evil but you have no proof on him. I also don’t want Lex in the power suit YET! You work up to the power suit. You don’t have the suit in the first fight, in a way, against Superman and Lex. So yea I want Lex to be the one and not Batman that discovers Superman weakness. I feel like it will be Lex but at the same time I need confirmation on this. I don’t want Batman discovering it at all.

Improving Lois Lane & Superman’s Relationship With Metropolis

I really do feel Lois wasn’t great in Man of Steel. I felt that she was just Rachel Dawes 2.0. I mean Lois is a journalist and yet she’s with the army launching a weapon against an alien space ship. It doesn’t make sense. Sure Lois has done stuff like that but in the first appearance of Superman? We need to see a stronger Lois internal not external. Someone who doesn’t call Superman every time she’s in trouble or in danger. Half of the stuff with Lois in Man of Steel left me questioning her. Why did she call Superman Clark? Why she was in the Army plane with the baby space ship Clark was in? She couldn’t just tell the military what to do? Didn’t seem all that complicated that she couldn’t tell them. I would prefer to see Lois Lane the award winning journalist in the film and really just that. I believe Amy Adams can give us a great Lois but just write Lois as Lois and not as Rachel Dawes 2.0. Hell once again, Superman Returns used a Lois that didn’t cry for Superman all the time and showed her as a journalist. For the record, I like both Man of Steel and Superman Returns. Prefer Man of Steel but both films do have their positives and negatives and there is something I prefer in one film that the other didn’t have.

Now with Metropolis improved. One thing I also didn’t like about Man of Steel was you didn’t care for Metropolis. Let me explain. Look at Batman Begins. Look at how Gotham was, how depressing it was, how crime ridden it was. You felt the pain in the city. You wanted Batman to save the city. The city itself became a character. With Man of Steel, there is no connection like that. Superman isn’t connected to Metropolis in the film. Metropolis isn’t a city like Gotham where it’s in danger. We need a connection between Superman and Metropolis. Why does he live there? Why does he protect this city? Defend this city? Save this city? Zod pretty much randomly selected Metropolis as his city to destroy. We never had a connection between Superman and Metropolis and that is something that needs to happen.

A Batman Villain

Now since we have Lex, who will be Batman’s foe? Let’s all agree, it should be Lex and Joker but it can’t. I love the Joker but it’s too early to use him this soon after Ledger’s performance. I mean it was 19 years between Batman and The Dark Knight. It’s only been like 5 since Ledger’s and by the time this film comes out it will only have been 7 years. So while Joker and Lex teaming up would be perfect, we have to think of someone else. I believe the way one should go at this film is Public Enemiesish. Lex wants Bruce Wayne and Superman dead. Lex doesn’t like Superman and he see Bruce Wayne as a rival and wants them eliminated. The villain I’m picking wants Batman and Clark Kent dead. I believe the Batman villain should be Black Mask. Think about it, Batman and Black Mask have been at odds before so we have a connection. Meanwhile we have Clark Kent investigating on some supplies and shipments Black Mask has and is getting a little too nosy with it. In that we have Superman save Bruce from Lex and Batman save Clark from Superman. We will also show Clark Kent’s journalism which does need to be explain in this film. Of course Lex and Black Mask don’t know Superman is Clark Kent and Batman is Bruce Wayne but it does deal with why those 2 villains would be after them and their alter egos. We have Black Mask also hire Deathstroke and Lex has Metallo. Hell maybe I should write a full length story using this….

In conclusion there are several things Superman/Batman needs. We can know move on from the origin story since Man of Steel gave us that. We have to focus on correcting some of the problems Man of Steel had and also how to introduce Batman into this world and who the villains and their motives are. With sequels, you get more freedom. I do feel the film needs a lot more than these 5 reasons. I would prefer some nods at Arrow and The Flash shows so we can have a DC Universe of some sorts. It’s not necessary but it doesn’t hurt. There are many things you can add, I just decided to give you my 5 things that I feel need to happen. So what are your thoughts about this? Do you agree? Disagree? Comment below. Peace and remember…

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LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 2:52 PM
To my fellow editorial writers,

Good luck and may the best writer win.

TonyChu - 9/2/2013, 3:03 PM
I would love to see Lex Luthor hire Deathstroke to take on Batman.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:07 PM

1. No it's not.

2. No there weren't besides First Flight.

3. Yes it does.

4. No she wasn't... yet.

5. Just because Black Mask is in this film doesn't mean he can't be in a Batman film.
TonyChu - 9/2/2013, 3:11 PM
Marcy Graces: "And what about the Batman?"

Lex Luthor raises from his desk and walks towards his window towering the city of Metropolis, with his hands behind his back.

Lex Luthor: "Oh, don't give another thought Marcy. Our rodent problem will be solved within the next couple of hours."

Screen fades to an old but strapping man sitting in an airplane. Looking at his personal laptop of an article of about a mysterious caped crusader roaming the sky scrapers of Metropolis known to the citizens of Gotham As The Batman.

The man is none other but Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke.
bazinga85 - 9/2/2013, 3:14 PM
Manu Bennett would be awesome in this movie
MrCBM56 - 9/2/2013, 3:17 PM
Great article. But the more I think about it, the more I hope it has a more older mature Batman. After that mess Superman caused in Metropolis, it would be cool to see Batman train Superman of how to be a hero or what not. Teach him the right from wrongs, for example don't destroy a whole city!! Hehe, great article man.
SomTingWong - 9/2/2013, 3:21 PM
Great ideas and points Levi. Though I don't know how well that opening scene would work...
NovaCorpsFan - 9/2/2013, 3:29 PM
Rehashing an old editorial, eh? Shame on you.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:30 PM

What old editorial?
Havenless - 9/2/2013, 3:31 PM
Nice article, I disagree with some points, but it is well written.

Not 500$ quality, but a good effort nonetheless.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:32 PM
Well which ones do you disagree with Havenless?
Minato - 9/2/2013, 3:33 PM
Superman has to make Batman a sandwich thats imperative
Zuriel - 9/2/2013, 3:33 PM
Who put this on main and why?
OdinsBeard - 9/2/2013, 3:36 PM
i'd use riddler for the batman villain. that could be cool the batman villain has to be a crazy out-there foe compared to lex's straight man act.

nice article! some good thoughts.
SnapperCarr - 9/2/2013, 3:38 PM
Levi vs Josh!

I'd personally side with Levi.
McNyagano - 9/2/2013, 3:38 PM

Well done man, Well done. Great article :D

thatdylhooper - 9/2/2013, 3:38 PM
I don't login often.... but I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if batman figures out kryptonite first, and then uses it against him when the government asks superman to intervene in "the batman problem"?
McNyagano - 9/2/2013, 3:38 PM

Keep Snyder, ditch Goyer -_-
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:39 PM

I thought about Riddler. I feel that he could be used well with Superman but I just felt the Black Mask/Lex combo with Deathstroke/Metallo works better.
Gnyah123 - 9/2/2013, 3:39 PM
with affleck as batman
im sure he will have SOME input on the script n help goyer make it better...I HOPE!!!

but ehhh public enemies? maybe
im sure goyer will take some elements from comics n tie it to the movie like him n the nolans did with batman

anyway back to the article
no black-mask for me
i think lex and metallo will be just fine
dont want too many characters in the movie...dont want MOS sequel to pull a spiderman 3 with too many characters going on...lex in the suit vs. batman
and superman vs. metallo is fine
and im sure we will get batman n superman fighting for once..maybe when they first MEET...but who knows
only time will tell
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:41 PM
As I said, the main reason fro Black Mask is for Clark Kent showing off his journalism. I do feel Clark's journalism needs to be showed off. He gets too nosy with Black Mask, Black Mask hires a hit on Clark.
BuddyBaker52 - 9/2/2013, 3:41 PM
I definitely agree with most of this. I will say though, for me at least, Bruce having the jump on kryptonite is far more interesting and serves as a great shorthand. They could explore a Tower of Babel avenue with that. Its just instant tension between bats and supes. And to me it sums up who batman is and what he is willing to do. It is the biggest difference between the two. Batman wont kill but he'll kick dirt in your eyes and sh*t in your cereal.
Gnyah123 - 9/2/2013, 3:42 PM

that wud be cool...since at the end of MOS when superman told the general he will help but on his terms
maybe the general tells him about batman he goes to check it out...batman knows baout superman doesnt know who he is..

i think both lex n bruce shud discover the kryptonite
bruce first! maybe with that rumor about morocco if a meteor falls there..let one of bruce satellite pick it up n he goes n checks it out
Facade - 9/2/2013, 3:43 PM

Let's not forget the Arkham game element.
EpitomeofAwesome - 9/2/2013, 3:43 PM
Good editorial.
@2Challa LOL
Gnyah123 - 9/2/2013, 3:44 PM
maybe bruce shud find it first ALONG with getting Zods suit first if possible
then have the 2 companies beef it out..and have lex n his goons break into wayne enterpise n get the stuff
Gnyah123 - 9/2/2013, 3:45 PM
agree though dont think batman villians shud be introduce at all
THIS IS MAN OF STEEL SEQUEL so the FOCUS should be on superman himself n the characters and villians around him such as lex n metallo
LEVITIKUZ - 9/2/2013, 3:45 PM
Was Jor-El the main focus for Man of Steel? No but he was in the opening.

That's how I'm going at it in a way.
BuddyBaker52 - 9/2/2013, 3:51 PM

I always loved the prologue intros from the Dark Knight trilogy so I like the idea of introing batman like that.
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