Henry Cavill On His Approach To Superman And Playing A British Man Of Steel!

Henry Cavill On His Approach To Superman And Playing A British Man Of Steel!

The actor discusses landing the role, how he plans on approaching a character like Superman, Clark Kent's Kansas accent, and what it's like to be a British Man of Steel...

By JoshWilding - Apr 08, 2011 01:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Newsarama

On How He Ended Up Landing The Role:

"There’s nothing intentional about my job choices it’s just what jobs I get offered. I often hear about people saying, ‘Oh, you know, so and so’s choice’ and this or that. I think once you get to a certain level of notoriety and fame where you can open a movie then yes, you are offered scripts and stories and get to choose. It’s not like I went on Tudors and said, ‘Ok, next I’m going to play a hero for my campaign for Superman,’ it just all happened to happen as it is."

On Whether He Would Answer Questions In A Kansas Accent:

"I shall not."

On How He Plans On Approaching Superman:

"I think on Superman it will be slightly different because I’ve approached it with the experience of Immortals and I’ve said, ‘Look, guys, I’m going to need recovery time and I’m going to need this, I’m going to need that, if possible, please, please.’ And I think the most difficult thing with Superman is going to be making everyone...doing a true justice to the role while reimagining it."

On Being A British Man Of Steel:

"Superman is, I think these days he’s such a universal idea. And yes, he was raised in America as a character but I don’t think the Brits see it any different, they see him as the coolest, biggest and best superhero out there."

Starring Henry Cavill as Superman and Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Superman: The Man of Steel is expected to be released sometime during the Winter of 2012!

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jazzman - 4/8/2011, 1:40 PM
British Man Of Steel actually they should of said British Manly Man Of Steel LMAO :p

anyway could they get over that a British actor playing Superman who is a alien. we dont seen people crying over RDJ playng Sherlock Holmes.

in the interview his right Superman to us in the UK is universal.
ManofSteel23 - 4/8/2011, 1:43 PM
Yeah Im british and I dont look at superman and go...''wow hes american'',hes just superman and I wouldnt really care who plays him long as its done right
Amazo - 4/8/2011, 1:49 PM
I'm a Brit too,ditto to both your comments and his.Superman is a global icon :)
Jaiv1 - 4/8/2011, 1:50 PM
@jazzman @Superboy91 i agree with you guys.

plus, superman is jewish anyways
RedeyeJedi - 4/8/2011, 1:53 PM
I'm american and I can't see why anyone would be bothered. The guy looks like Superman and he's a descent actor, that's enough for me.
Hellsing - 4/8/2011, 1:54 PM
I fully agree with Mr Cavill's last answer. Superman to me stands for truth, justice and the right way ( theres no such thing as the american or british way)
Talontd - 4/8/2011, 1:56 PM
I'm so indifferent about him being Supes.....i don't know if it's the lack of Stature, lack of resemblance, or the fact that he's British (i know, i know)....but I LOVE Supes, in fact he's one of the few DC characters i've followed all my life...so it really sucks that I have ZERO enthusiasm for this film...

...i hope it goes away with more news or a trailer. :|
JDUKE25 - 4/8/2011, 1:56 PM
Yeah, it doesn't bother me at all that he's British. He looks the part and I think he'll do a really good job with it. I just want someone to do the role justice and be the Superman we need on screen. And I think he'll do just that.
HelaGood - 4/8/2011, 1:58 PM
hes from krypton! who cares if he's British or American????

he certainly is the most tough looking Supes we've had. and he's a decent actor. so its a win win!
golden123 - 4/8/2011, 2:00 PM
@Hellsing: There is such a thing as the American way. This way might not belong to America but they have adopted it.
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:02 PM

yes the American way is shoot first and ask question later LOL
HelaGood - 4/8/2011, 2:08 PM
@jazzman "Shoot first and ask questions later" is WB's way of filming movies.
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:10 PM

good ol WB
WellDrawn - 4/8/2011, 2:11 PM
Who cares if a Brit plays Superman? Its not like he's playing Captain America.
DarrkEvil - 4/8/2011, 2:24 PM
What Thnos, Well and Rocker said...
luffycapri - 4/8/2011, 2:29 PM
F#ck I hope they cast a Americans to play super man and Batman in the Justice League of America movie.
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:32 PM

sorry but you guys not Manly Man enough LMAO
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:33 PM
Cavill better beef up for this role.

Also if the Brits can take over Superman. I still say they should finally allow an American to be James Bond. Mister Cavill, I like you and all. But no Bond for you. Let an AMERICAN take that role.

It's not about what's fair. And Superman is just as much an American icon as James Bond is a British icon. So like I said...if a Brit can be Supes. Then certainly an American should be given Bond.
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:34 PM

sorry but Americans cant pull of a British accent to play James Bond. even RDJ British accent sounds abit off sometimes.

anyway Americans played alot of British iconic characters.
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:37 PM
But who said the American would need to play a Brit?

Make a new Bond film separate from the rest- (not a continuation with a diff actor like they always do)

Make it a Bond reboot...and have it be about an AMERICAN James Bond for a change. I'm just saying...it aint fair for the Brits to get it all. Superman, Batman, Spider-Man...all were created IN AMERICA. Just saying, I think it's time an American was given a shot at Bond.
Ichaos - 4/8/2011, 2:37 PM
First I am sure he will be fine. Plenty of UK actors have proven to pull off an American accent. The other way around I can only think of Kevin Costner's renditoin of Robinhood :/ I am personally much more nervous with all this reimagining talk. I mean he was already reimagined as a superstalker and a dead bet dad

As for why people may object, it could be that for decades he was an American character with one of the famous catch phrases being he fights for truth, justice and the American way. But as an American I would feel odd an American playing an iconic UK character and have. I expect there would be a good number of people not happy say Ben Aflack playing Dr Who.

But we will see how this guy does eventually. I don't expect a few people whining will get them to change casting
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:41 PM

that just stupid reboot bond and make him American geez thats just lazy.

if American actor play Bond he needs to have a British accent and set it in England. If our British actors making a effort to pull of a American accents then a American actor should make a effort to plus of a British accent.

Superman reboot is still set in America not England and the actor will use a American accent.
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:41 PM
@Ichaos- Agreed. I like Cavill as Superman, I think he'll do great. I just don't want Brits taking over all the biggest American character roles and yet they still get to keep their own brand on James Bond.

Just seems somehow...unbalanced to me.
Ichaos - 4/8/2011, 2:42 PM
@LP4 Kind of sorta already happened in the 60s with Woody Allen as Jimmey Bond :D

LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:43 PM
@jazzman- Ok...I see your point. Then let an American try his shot at a British accent. I don't think the whole lot of em should be judged based on Costner's fu*ked up british accent in robinhood. That is just one actor. THere are plenty of American actors that I'm sure can pull off a Brit role with the accent.
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:44 PM
@Ichaos- Seriously? Damn...Woody Allen? I don't even like that guy :P

Hm but that wasn't the main 007 role right? Still had a brit playing the main-lead role.
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:45 PM

HAHAHA i remember that movie


they had everyone playing the main role of James Bond in that movie.

StrangerX - 4/8/2011, 2:47 PM
This movies going to be better than The Avengers.
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 2:51 PM
@StrangerX- THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone said it!


btw- your avatar looks like Charlie Sheen doing a Superman shirt-rip, lol. Cool though.

@jazzman- Maybe...I don't know...
InFamouslyCool - 4/8/2011, 2:53 PM
not impressed.
ManofSteel23 - 4/8/2011, 2:55 PM
lol sorry but I wouldnt watch an american james bond,james bond is cooler being british
jazzman - 4/8/2011, 2:56 PM

Casino Royale 1967 was a spoof of James Bond movies anyway lol
StrangerX - 4/8/2011, 2:58 PM
LP4 - 4/8/2011, 3:03 PM
@StrangerX- Hahahahaha and lest we forget...- NOT bipolar. It's "bi-WINNING" hahahahaha
soberchimera - 4/8/2011, 3:16 PM
It's called a dialect coach people, you won't know the difference. Don't believe me? Christian Bale, nuff said.
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