The first poll was:
"Who SHOULD play Superman in The Man of Steel?"
For this Poll I included the actors most likely to be in the final running and the real fan favourites amongst fan forums and such. People like Brandon Routh, Henry Cavill, Jon Hamm, Tom Welling etc.
The Poll results was a resounding one to say the least. Brandon Routh and Tom Welling recieved just under 600 votes EACH! Shock considering there was around 12 candidates to choose. It is also interesting that niether of these actors will be portraying Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman in "The Man of Steel" under the directorship of Christopher Nolan. It is clear that the "Routhboot" fanbase is still clearly there. I personally feel that IF he is given another shot, won't be too bothered because thought he was the only good thing that came from "Superman Returns (2006)" and under a new direction, would do the character even more justice.
The second poll was:
"Which actor is going to be the next Superman?"
This is more real world based and not fan fiction based like the previous poll and was an even bigger in terms of candidates on the list stretching it to 31 actors. I feel that the actor (Unless Unknown) that will portray Superman in "The Man of Steel" is on the list. For this list, I exluded Routh and Welling from the poll because they won't be portraying Superman. The results although still quite early, show that a very clear majority think that "HENRY CAVILL" is going to be the next man to grace the famous House of El symbol on his chest. I believe this is a fine choice by the voters, Cavill took my vote as he is almost perfect for the role. He also took 3rd in the Fan Fiction Poll previous behind Routh and Welling, but my suspiscion is that because Routh and Welling are already and have already portrayed Superman, that is why they are so high.
Given that Henry Cavill is British, the right age for a new movie trilogy, the right height, has the acting chops and has the right look for Superman given he missed out on the role before as well as James Bond all this sounds to me like what Christopher Nolan looks for in his actors. Most of the Batman Begins cast was British except the parts that REQUIRED an American or other actor. The same with The Dark Knight, most of the extras and smaller roles were all British.

So, would Henry Cavill suit you as the next Superman, possibly facing off against Billy Zane's Lex Luthor in The Man of Steel if rumors are proven to be true about his secret meeting with Chris Nolan? Comment and let the world know.