From MSNBC: The Wrap:
"It used to be simple — the ratings suck, we're cancelling it,"(On why show's will or being consider Canceled) But now numbers aren't always the primary reason a show is canceled or picked up. There are sales considerations, financial reasons, all sorts of things." It's still pretty early to make any definitive call on many shows, since networks have yet to premiere a couple of key midseason series that could impact final decisions. In addition, how strong — or weak — a network's new development is can make a big difference in the fate of bubble shows. (For shows like Chuck,Fringe, Heroes,there saying Smallville etc).
With that major caveat, here's TheWrap's best network-by-network guess on how some key bubble shows are likely to fare come May — We must believe. It has to be done. It must be Renewed.
Save This Show!
"Smallville": Last fall, we predicted it was probably curtains for the Man of Steel. Ratings were ho-hum, the show was expensive — it seemed dire. Fans attacked, telling us we were dumb. Guess what? The fans were right.
Ratings have risen through the season, buzz has been generated with some special episodes. Guess what? We think the CW should (and likely will) bring "Smallville" back.