SUPERMAN Stunt Rehearsal Videos Feature Hand-To-Hand Combat - But Who's Doing The Fighting?

SUPERMAN Stunt Rehearsal Videos Feature Hand-To-Hand Combat - But Who's Doing The Fighting? SUPERMAN Stunt Rehearsal Videos Feature Hand-To-Hand Combat - But Who's Doing The Fighting?

Some videos from the set of James Gunn's Superman have been shared online, giving us a distant look at stunt performers(?) rehearsing a hand-to-hand combat scene...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 08, 2024 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

We got a first look at the new LexCorp logo earlier today, and as filming continues on James Gunn's DCU Superman reboot in Cleveland, Ohio, these videos from the Headlands Beach State Park set give us a glimpse of some stunt rehearsals.

The footage was shot from quite a distance away, but we can make out several figures practising combat moves in the sand.

Are these stunt performers or some of the actors from the movie? It's very difficult to tell, but there's been speculation that the guy in the black shirt moving into shot from the left might be David Corenswet (he certainly has the right build).

At the very least, this confirms that we're going to see some super-powered individuals engage in a hand-to-hand scrap.

Check out the videos at the links below, and let us know what you think in the comments section.

Gunn revealed our first look at David Corenswet in his Super-suit a few weeks ago, and the reaction was somewhat mixed. The image, which showed an already battle-tested Man of Steel putting his boots on to go deal with another potentially catastrophic threat to Metropolis, was effective enough, but some fans were hoping for a clearer glimpse of our new Man of Tomorrow and his updated costume.

Superman will also star Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, and Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho.

Sara Sampaio is on board as Lex's assistant/lover Eve Teschmacher, Pruitt Taylor Vince and Neva Howell will play "Ma" and "Pa" Kent, and Wendell Pierce will play Perry White. Milly Alcock's Supergirl is also rumored to make her debut ahead of her own Woman of Tomorrow movie, but that's yet to be confirmed.

We're still not sure exactly how these other superheroes will factor into the story, but Gunn has previously revealed that Superman's dual-life as both Clark Kent and the Man of Steel will be explored in the film, suggesting that these characters will be his "super friends." Whether they'll be part of an actual team or not remains to be seen.

“Overjoyed to be announcing the start of principal photography on SUPERMAN today, February 29, which just so happens to be – coincidentally and unplanned – Superman’s birthday,” Gunn captioned the first official photo earlier this year. “When I finished the first draft of the script, I called the film ‘Superman: Legacy.’ By the time I locked the final draft, it was clear the title was SUPERMAN,” he added. “Making our way to you July 2025.”

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Maltrova15 - 6/8/2024, 12:07 PM
Def Batman.
Malatrova15 - 6/8/2024, 12:10 PM
Its gotta be Pablo Lyle finally nailing his comeback but dont call it a comeback
Shotoyt to the newly released hostages hope never dies and our strength is renewed
harryba11zack - 6/8/2024, 12:18 PM
grouch - 6/8/2024, 12:19 PM
yo this marketing ain't making me interested bro, do better.
Knightbat05 - 6/8/2024, 12:28 PM
@grouch - This isn't marketing lol.
grouch - 6/8/2024, 3:30 PM
@Knightbat05 - sure.. totally legit someone passing by and filming and uploading it randomly..
xfan320 - 6/8/2024, 12:19 PM
Glad to see some practical FX/fight choreography. James Gunn has been pretty good about balancing the CGI usage in his prior films.
Se4M4NSt4ine - 6/8/2024, 12:21 PM
Is this the same beach those Luthor barrels were spotted? Would be cool to see Lex able to throw hands this time round. Make him that extra added threat.
TheVisionary25 - 6/8/2024, 12:39 PM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - I have wanted Warsuit Lex for so long

I feel like if there’s any filmmaker who could give that , it would be Gunn.

User Comment Image
Se4M4NSt4ine - 6/8/2024, 3:49 PM
@TheVisionary25 - same man, I want a more Iron Man look to him like that comic there, rather than the Hulkbuster clunky style he wears in modern adaptions,
TheVisionary25 - 6/8/2024, 4:26 PM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - agree.
HashTagSwagg - 6/8/2024, 12:24 PM
Gunns action has never really been the highlights of his films, I just hope he hired a good fight choreographer and not his wife again.
NoobNoob - 6/8/2024, 1:06 PM
@HashTagSwagg - he has improved

HashTagSwagg - 6/8/2024, 2:56 PM
@NoobNoob - This might have done 10 something for me 12 years ago but now that just seemed pretty run of the mill, characters aside. every action scene these days is just, play old popular song over while the actors dance around the camera. Slow motion action needs to die, there are times when it's can work but again, it's in everything these days.
grouch - 6/8/2024, 3:32 PM
@NoobNoob - absolute try hard cringe and this shits been done a thousand times.
RegularPoochie - 6/8/2024, 11:09 PM
@grouch - oh, another crybaby
Forthas - 6/8/2024, 12:28 PM
Oh Great!!! More proof this film will be inferior to Man of Steel!
HermanM - 6/8/2024, 12:34 PM
@Forthas - people will forget that trash exists once this comes out
TheMetaMan - 6/8/2024, 12:35 PM
@Forthas - You a man of steel fan?
Knightbat05 - 6/8/2024, 12:35 PM
@Forthas - eh, it wont take much for this movie to be better than MOS lol. That movie was literally so dull and boring and I felt every minute pass by while watching it.
Origame - 6/8/2024, 12:36 PM
@Forthas - ...from stunt rehearsal.
RolandD - 6/8/2024, 3:33 PM
@TheMetaMan - You must be new here.
Forthas - 6/8/2024, 4:07 PM
@HermanM - I predict people will realize it is the greatest Superman film ever made.
Forthas - 6/8/2024, 4:09 PM
@TheMetaMan - Definitely! I love that film.
Forthas - 6/8/2024, 4:12 PM
@Origame - No from the bad suit, uninspired cast, convoluted story (from what we know), history of the director/writer and now the stunt choreography. That is why I called it "More" proof.
Forthas - 6/8/2024, 4:14 PM
@Knightbat05 - Given the guy directing the film, I will take a Superman film with Oscar caliber cast, epic score, tight story and excellent visuals annd special effects filled with action and heart over the upcoming Superman slapstick comedy film.
Origame - 6/8/2024, 4:20 PM
@Forthas - look, I'm focusing on the stunts because that's what's here. You're seeing a small piece of the stunts from a distance in rehearsal where you don't even know the context of it.

And considering stunt teams have a hard time getting recognition, I'd say we should be getting something more substantial before concluding it's bad.
TheMetaMan - 6/9/2024, 4:31 AM
@RolandD - If you consider two months me being new then yeah. I appreciate your sarcasm too. I always believed individuals with usernames like RolandD were dry asf. Guessed you proved me wrong there didn’t ya.
TheMetaMan - 6/9/2024, 4:35 AM
@Forthas - Great me too dude. A person of culture!!! Man of steel is legendary. Best DCEU film imo and arguably Synder’s best work as a filmmaker. I used to frown on all the hate the film attracts but eleven years on and I realised that people are still arguing over it which means it definitely made its mark. It’s not a forgettable film, polarising to the general audience yes but impactful nonetheless. MOS slaps and it slaps hard!!!
Forthas - 6/9/2024, 6:18 AM
@TheMetaMan - I think we are the majority. I beleive most people like or at least appreciate Man of Steel for the film it actually is but are quiet because they fear being bullied on online for thinking differently from what the Matrix tells them. Good to hear from a fellow free mind.

User Comment Image
HermanM - 6/8/2024, 12:34 PM
Going to be better than every snyderverse and CW entry. Just watch.
TheLight - 6/8/2024, 12:39 PM
If it's any guy in a hat, I assume it's David😂👍.
SethBullock - 6/8/2024, 12:41 PM
HermanM - 6/8/2024, 1:05 PM
@SethBullock - the collar needs to go but everything else is still better than Snyder and the CW
TheLight - 6/8/2024, 1:33 PM
@SethBullock - I second the notion.
TheMetaMan - 6/8/2024, 1:50 PM
@SethBullock - don’t you wanna wait to see it in motion first like see it in action in a trailer before condemning the suit?
TheVisionary25 - 6/8/2024, 12:43 PM

My first thought was Superman vs The Engineer who I think will have been created by Lex in this version but it looks like it’s 2 stuntmen who may be rehearsing the fight scene or even someone could just be teaching David and Maria the moves.

Either way, we’ll see but nice nonetheless since I have been wanting more Superman news so I’ll take any morsel lol.
STINGRAY - 6/8/2024, 12:50 PM
'Stunt Rehearsal Videos Feature Hand-To-Hand Combat - But Who's Doing The Fighting?'

James Gunn is smacking around Budgetary Bean-Counters sent over by the studio.
PaKent - 6/8/2024, 12:50 PM
Low budget stunt rehearsal in the middle of nowhere

In Gunn we trust
HulkisHoly - 6/8/2024, 8:47 PM
@PaKent -

Yall need to chill the hell out.

Cheese and crackers, y’all dramatic.
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