The DCEU is a bit of a mess right now and Henry Cavill's
Superman is just one of the casualties of poor planning by the studio. This week, the internet was abuzz with rumors that
Cavill will no longer be playing the Man of Steel in Warner Bros.' DC universe - a decision
reportedly made by the studio, though not yet confirmed by either side. For his part,
Cavill did have an entertaining response though.
For now, the Cavill/Superman drama remains a rumor, although that hasn't stopped us from weighing in on
the most likely candidates to take over the role. Of course, for many, there is only one man worthy of donning the
Superman shield: Nicolas Cage. Unfortunately, that will almost certainly not happen as Cage - who was once attached to play the Man of Steel in the unrealized Tim Burton-directed project "
Superman Lives" - has found contentment in the new direction of his career.
Speaking to Indiewire, Cage, who is coming off a starring role in the indie action horror film
Mandy, admitted that while he would still welcome the opportunity to play Superman, he's over being the one chasing the large studio projects.
“I’d love to, but they have to invite me,” he said.
“I’ve kind of gone in this other direction and I’m happy with this little world that I have. I think it’s been a mutually successful relationship.”
Cage, a serious fan of the character, added that he was a fan of Henry Cavill's performance in the role in Zack Snyder's
Man of Steel and
Batman v Superman. Specifically, Cage
"liked the anger he brought to the role."
Cage also believes that the character has plenty of unexplored potential.
“There’s certainly a character there that has aspects that have not yet been seen before,” he continued.
“All the feelings of alienness. How am I going to fit into society? Maybe if I become a hero, everyone will love me, even though I’m a freak. All that stuff really wasn’t tapped into with the character. He’s quite vulnerable. I don’t know who should do it, but best of luck to them.”
It's unclear what the future holds for the iconic superhero, but Cage believes more important than finding the right actor to play the character is finding the right filmmaker. “
You have to have a filmmaker that can create worlds,” Cage said.
“I can only think of maybe two right now.”
Cage's first potential candidate would be
Mandy director Panos Cosmatos.
“The other one would be the original guy I had, Tim Burton," he admitted.
Should Cavill and Warner Bros. part ways, who would you like to see fill the role of
Superman? And who do you think would make a good director?