Aaron Muñoz's PR team has announced that he, along with Raymond James, have joined the case of AMC's hit TV show
The Walking Dead. Muñoz will be playing Tony who along with James' character are two new survivors that enter the world of Rick and the gang and may not have the best of intentions. Muñoz(left) and James(right) were featured in the newest clip from when the shows return, titled
Nebraska which you can see below.
Muñoz has appeared in the film Cadillac Records as the man who fired Chuck Berry. No Word on the name of James' character or how long each actor will be involved with the show. Executive Producer Robert Kirkman did offer this up about the characters though,
"I don't want to reveal too much but I would say that it would be fairly unusual for those two people to be out there alone…Anyone who's familiar with the comic book series knows that while the zombies are threatening and terrifying and do represent a tremendous amount of danger for our characters, nothing compares to the danger that humans hold for each other." Make sure you check CBM daily for any updates regarding The Walking Dead which will return February 12, 2012 on AMC.