BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React
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BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React

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tmp3 - 5/20/2020, 6:03 AM
Honestly, I know that CW's denying it, but I think she left due to safety reasons. A production assistant got paralyzed on set and she suffered a huge injury too... doesn't seem like the safest environment, especially with all the stunt work.
CWBNGAJEEPGUY85 - 5/20/2020, 6:07 AM
I had no idea that Michelle Pfeiffer was fired from her role as Catwoman!
TexasAvenger - 5/20/2020, 6:08 AM
The devil works hard but Josh Wilding works harder. Especially when there's a list article to be made.
tmp3 - 5/20/2020, 6:13 AM
Andrew Garfield was such a wasted opportunity, man. Hell of an actor, why'd they have to shackle him with the worst scripts
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