BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React
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BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React

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Forthas - 6/5/2019, 8:39 AM
More of WB's devaluing of Batman!
tmp3 - 6/5/2019, 8:39 AM
Now that Swamp Thing debuted, the only upcoming DCTV show premiering this year that sounds interesting is Lindelof's Watchmen. Could be the new GOAT if it's even half as good as Leftovers season 2/3.
Kman - 6/5/2019, 8:43 AM
@tmp3 - have you seen any Swamp Thing yet? Thoughts?
GhostDog - 6/5/2019, 8:39 AM
The dislike to like ratio of that trailer...

tmp3 - 6/5/2019, 8:46 AM
@BlackBeltJones - I still don't know why DC keeps licensing out its IP to the [frick]ing CW. They have the DCU now, which has had 2 solid shows under its belt with Swamp Thing now. HBO is about to launch a DC show this fall starring two Oscar winning actors and from an amazing show-runner... and then you have Batwoman. Starring the chick from the Meg, and written by a focus group of 13 year olds.
GhostDog - 6/5/2019, 8:54 AM
@tmp3 - "I still don't know why DC keeps licensing out its IP to the [frick]ing CW."

tmp3 - 6/5/2019, 8:59 AM
@BlackBeltJones - The absolute dumbest thing is that they have better alternatives. HBO is the most selective network when it comes to green-lighting shows, and outside of maybe GoT season 8, their quality control is incredible. I hated Titans, but Doom Patrol and Swampy show so much promise for the shows the DCU could produce.
The CW is stale, cheap looking and just damages the IP. The viewership and syndication numbers aren't anything ground-breaking, but I guess it's cheap enough that profit margins are high. The fact that an Alfred Pennyworth prequel show looks more expensive than the flash, green arrow and batwoman shows combined is a galaxy brain take from DCTV.
NinnesMBC - 6/5/2019, 8:42 AM
Was not expecting a BTS of any kind this this soon specially not even from a pilot. Thought it was going to be instead the usual and literally concept art like his previous work.

The suit looks good. Would not mind to see his art sheets of the proto suit Kate wears from this and the real one she will use next.
NinnesMBC - 6/5/2019, 8:57 AM
I like how the cape comes around the shoulders, different than the capes of Superman and Valor's suit and closer to Martian Manhunter and Supergirl's design.
MexCowboyNation - 6/5/2019, 8:58 AM
The acting is so bad from the lead. Should have kept her English accent to help cover up the acting.
SpideyPuffsMJ - 6/5/2019, 9:00 AM
What if this show just straight up fails? It doesn't seem like it has as much support or faith behind it as the other Arrowverse shows.
Twenty23Three - 6/5/2019, 9:01 AM
For a suit that will never be worn and is just a visual it looks fine. I mean at least it’s not some homemade child’s costume being used in the final shot of your entire show (cough Gotham cough)
Theiveslikeus - 6/5/2019, 9:04 AM
Let the triggering of incels commence!
SpideyPuffsMJ - 6/5/2019, 9:07 AM
@Theiveslikeus - You don't have to be an incel to think this show looks like it was written by 9 year-olds.
NinnesMBC - 6/5/2019, 9:11 AM
@SpideyPuffsMJ - That belongs to Riverdale.
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