BLACK LIGHTNING Series Finale Recap; Cress Williams Teases Appearance In THE FLASH Season 8

BLACK LIGHTNING Series Finale Recap; Cress Williams Teases Appearance In THE FLASH Season 8

BLACK LIGHTNING Releases An Electrifying First Trailer For Its Final Season
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BLACK LIGHTNING Releases An Electrifying First Trailer For Its Final Season

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VicSage - 1/30/2018, 1:13 AM
No idea why they don't want this connected to the Arrowverse. These crossovers have been epic. Would have been great to see Black Lightning join them.
dracula - 1/30/2018, 1:16 AM
@VicSage - Well it might be connect it, and if it isnt they will eventually connect it, they said that for at least the first year they want the show to stand on its own
Kumkani - 1/30/2018, 1:18 AM
Can't wait to see Jill Scott in this. I haven't watched the second episode yet but I quite liked the pilot. Don't really like suit, even though I'm glad they didn't shy away from it
SuperCat - 1/30/2018, 4:40 AM
Still angry about Lala.

Bokis - 1/30/2018, 5:06 AM
Haven't seen the show yeat, is it any good?
Asturgis - 1/30/2018, 5:24 AM
Reason N°1 to watch this show by far…

NinnesMBC - 1/30/2018, 6:47 AM
Nice pics specially to see Tobis, Gambi and Henderson get their own.

It's also nice that Netflix is actually uploading episodes.

The door for crossovers is currently ajar but yes in the meanwhile it will stand alone so that the world, stories and characters develop. Unless it goes to just become a "Lightningverse" as Salim Akil teased.

Can't wait for tonight's episode.
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