INHUMANS: 6 Things The Premiere Did Wrong And Why It Will Be Remembered As The Worst Superhero TV Show Ever
Inhumans premiered on ABC this past Friday and after taking an in-depth look at the first two episodes, we've singled out six things the show has already done wrong and why it's destined to be a failure...
Marvel's Inhumans premiered to little fanfare this past Friday and it's fair to say that the show is a complete and utter disaster. I'm far from a hardcore fan of this group of characters but the potential to do something great with Black Bolt and company on the big or small screen has always been there. Unfortunately, Marvel has now botched that with an uninspired, poorly made, joke of a TV series.
For all that talk of a big budget and feature film level effects, Inhumans has almost no redeeming qualities and is a chore to sit through. It's boring, unexciting, and a total disaster from start to finish.
So, what specifically went wrong in those first two episodes and how is it we can already confidently state that Inhumans is on track to be remembered as the worst superhero TV show of all-time? Well, you'll find an in-depth look at that here and whether you've seen it or not, you need to keep reading...
6. The Heroes Are The Villains And The Villains Are The Heroes

When Marvel figured out the story for Inhumans, did no one in the room pipe up and point out that the heroes are the villains and the villains are the heroes? Black Bolt (who murdered his own parents in a fit of rage) and his royal family have spent years sending those who don't get powers from the Terrigen Mist to go and work down in the mines like slaves and all Maximus wants to do is end that and make it so that the Inhumans can live on Earth as opposed to the overpopulated Attilan.
Sure, he doesn't go about it in the most diplomatic way but when everyone treats him so badly, can you really blame him for shaving Medusa's head or trying to wrest control of the city for himself? As the two-hour premiere ends, we're treated to an inspirational speech from the "villain" which will almost certainly make you route for him over the sad sack royal family who are moping around on Earth doing nothing that makes you care about them or want them to succeed in any way. This truly is bad writing at its finest.
5. The Inhumans Never Should Have Come To Earth

If Marvel didn't have a lot of money to spend on Inhumans, they should have just set the action solely on Atillan as bringing these characters to Earth is just a terrible decision in every way. We don't even get to enjoy the usually entertaining fish out of water concept because it turns out they've been keeping an eye on Earth and watching the news on their surprisingly basic looking alien technology.
A subplot is thrown in about some oddball analyst interested in learning more about these visitors from the Moon but we're given no reason to care about her and it's hard not to wonder why we didn't get some sort of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tie-in here seeing as this is so clearly set in the Marvel TV Universe as opposed to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (viewing them as one and the same at this point would just be daft due to the sheer difference in quality). As Inhumans wraps up, it's clear we have six more hours of these chumps wandering around in Hawaii to look forward to and there's really no reason to want to watch that when all is said and done.
4. A Low Budget = Crappy Costumes, Sets, And Actors

I realise Ike Perlmutter is notoriously stingy but it looks like Marvel spent the budget of one two-minute scene in Game of Thrones on the entire two hours of this snoozefest. The sets are ridiculously bland while the CGI Atillan is basically just a concrete jungle of uninspired buildings and boring architecture. Throwing in a few fancy ornaments does nothing to help the throne room look like anything other than a set put together by a group of students making a short for YouTube and the costumes are equally as shocking.
We know that low-budget superhero adaptations can work (just look at Kick-Ass and DREDD) but Inhumans looks cheap, tacky, and no real effort has been made with anything here, including the quality of the cast. The weapons are your standard SyFy plasticky looking toys which no one will remember and the fact that Maximus shaves Medusa's head with a regular pair of clippers you'd find in your local barbershop is nothing short of embarrassing. Don't even get me started on the latter's wig. Well, actually...
3. Cutting Corners And A Laughably Weak Story

It's already clear that the plot of Inhumans will be incredibly weak as it's just a standard tale of a coup which will ultimately go wrong when the royal family returns to Attilan and learn from their past mistakes. There's nothing original or exciting about it but the fact that it's been written that way solely to save money is just infuriating. Lockjaw is quickly imprisoned so Marvel won't have to spend money on animating him again for a few weeks and Medusa's hair is shaved off as soon as possible to ensure that doesn't drain the budget either.
In a handful of scenes it looks passable but then it's blatantly an ill-fitting wig or CGI which has seemingly come from 15 years in the past. In the comics, the world of the Inhumans is colourful, vibrant, and exciting but this lot are stuck in drab, grey surroundings and their adventures have been toned down so that we're left with a cheaply made episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which takes a great group of characters and makes them just like any other D-List character wasted there (see: Deathlok).
2. Not Even The Action Scenes Redeem The Series
Say what you will about Iron Fist but when the action scenes did come (and they were few and far between), they were pretty good. Alas, Inhumans doesn't even have that going for it. None of the fight scenes here are particularly good and Medusa's fight with Auran is poorly shot and not even remotely exciting, ending only when Medusa stabs her repeatedly like some sort of escaped mental patient (and she looks like one with the shaved head).
Black Bolt's fight with the police is equally as drab as he woodenly pushes them away and inadvertently unleashes his sonic scream after being hit in the stomach. Not once does Inhumans present us with the idea that the king of Atillan could wipe out a city block with a whisper but everyone seems to have been depowered so that's not overly surprising. Plus, with no one's powers properly explained or addressed, you'll probably find it hard to remember who is who beyond how poorly dressed they are or how terrible the performances in the series are.
1. The Tone And Characters Are All Wrong

The premiere of Inhumans is almost feature length but we somehow get to spend little to no time with any of the characters. An attempt is made to flesh out the pasts of Black Bolt, Maximus, and Medusa with brief flashbacks and hints of a one-time romance between the latter two but it's impossible to care about anyone who we cross paths with in the show as none of them are particularly likeable or compelling in any way.
They're just there doing stuff and while an attempt is made with Black Bolt to add some humour to proceedings in a clothes store and police station, it falls flat and often comes across as unrealistic and stupid. The only flash of brilliance Inhumans has is when we see Karnak plotting out a battle with some of those loyal to Maximus which ends in his demise only for us to then realise he's worked out another way for it to go down. Of course, by the time he reaches Earth, he's lost his powers because of a bump to the head. Seriously, who paid to see this crap in IMAX theaters?
What did you guys think of Inhumans? Are these complaints valid or does the series deserve another chance? Let us know your thoughts on that in the comments section down below.