We haven't seen Wanda Maximoff (alive, at least) since Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, when the powerful former Avenger found some redemption for her villainous deeds by destroying every copy of the Darkhold and bringing a mountain down on top of herself.
A lot of fans were of the opinion that this "heel turn" didn't really feel earned, and that the character's switch to a full-on villain between the events of WandaVision and the Doctor Strange sequel didn't make complete sense. This is certainly debatable (Wanda's actions in the Disney+ series were highly questionable, after all), but Elizabeth Olsen has shared similar sentiments herself.
In a recent interview, the actress was asked about potentially reprising the role in the MCU, and responded with the following.
“It's a character I love going back to when there's a way to use her well and I think I've been lucky when I started I was used well... and they kind of didn't know what to do with me for a second there! If there's a good way to use her, I'm always happy to come back.”
Since then, rumors have persisted that Wanda will have a major role in Avengers: Doomsday and beyond, and there has also been talk of a solo Scarlet Witch movie (though still nothing official). Rumors aside, we'd be very surprised if we didn't see Maximoff in the MCU again, and Olsen has now hinted at her return - while stopping short of confirmation - during an interview with Collider.
"It’s really unusual," said Olsen when asked how it feels to play a character for so long in live-action and animation. "It’s something that’s been incredible. I assume it’s how people feel when they get to do a TV show for a long time. To be able to return to a character and continue to move them forward has been so much fun for me, especially because they gave me something like WandaVision to really blow it all up. And from there, Doctor Strange was such a wild and crazy turn. I do feel very lucky that I’ve been able to play a character for over 10 years of my life, and I’d love to keep doing more. But the animation thing, I feel like it’s a parallel world. I don’t really know how it intersects with what we do. But I’ve really enjoyed getting to play her over 10 years, and I continue to feel lucky that I have the opportunities I did, creatively."
Wanda's body did show up in Agatha All Along, but only as part of a magical construct to keep Harkness trapped. "Ghost Agatha" joined Billy Maximoff on his quest to locate his brother Tommy in the finale, so we assume a family reunion is on the cards at some stage.