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SCARLET WITCH Rumored To Be Closing In On A Director; HAWKEYE Season 2 Reportedly Features Familiar Setting

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VISION Is Being Resurrected For A NEW Disney+ Series From STAR TREK: PICARD EP; Paul Bettany Will Return

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Twenty23Three - 1/14/2021, 2:18 AM
‘Trust in Marvel, we got ya’ emm, would that be the same Marvel that just saved the world with a lucky rat and time travel/ universe jumping nonsense? Cos I’m gonna stay a little skeptical if you don’t mind haha. Should still be a fun show
bobevanz - 1/14/2021, 2:38 AM
@Twenty23Three - hehehe so funny
SnideCut - 1/14/2021, 3:05 AM
@Twenty23Three - No, the same Marvel that built up characters and made people care for them, making them household names over the course of 23 films that culminated in a final film that was emotionally resonant while also serving as a beautiful sendoff to characters that people had literally grown up with. That Marvel.

Also, Troll harder dude.
Twenty23Three - 1/14/2021, 3:50 AM
@SnideCut - I sometimes forget people get upset if you have any criticism of Marvel. My bad. Carry on
rebellion - 1/14/2021, 3:51 AM
@SnideCut - oh, grow up. He has every right to criticise certain aspects of the film. Doesnt mean it wasnt enjoyable overall. Not everyone is gonna act like endgame is citizen kane. Its not trolling.
CorndogBurglar - 1/14/2021, 4:33 AM
@Twenty23Three - Meh. Every franchise is allowed to have some mistakes. And when a franchise has as many films as Marvel, its going to happen. I personally left End Game feeling disappointed. But the MCU has had so many wins and done so many things right that its hard for me not to still expect greatness from them with every project.

When the time comes that I start feeling dizappointed more often than not, then I will start to question them and feel skeptical. But I'll admit, I'ce never been a fan of multiverse stuff or time travel. Sometimes its okay, but usually its just sloppy. At least time travel stories.

So we'll see what happens. But I can tell you that I'm still 100% on board with Marvel and I trust them to make quality movies and shows. We'll jist have to see what this new era brings.
SnideCut - 1/14/2021, 4:56 AM
@rebellion - well then surely I have every right to respond to his criticism with my own opinion. Its trolling when you boil down a 3hr film into a) A plot convenience but one that's relatively minor and not so unbelievable and b) a plot element that has literally been explained well in the movie.
Twenty23Three - 1/14/2021, 5:02 AM
@rebellion - some people can’t take lighthearted digs at things they like sadly
Twenty23Three - 1/14/2021, 5:04 AM
@CorndogBurglar - oh yeah definitely, my comment was very tongue in cheek. I’m definitely interested so see how Marvel move into this kind of storytelling and if their mysteries have a good payoff. I just find the idea of, it’s Marvel, as a promise of quality funny
CorndogBurglar - 1/14/2021, 5:22 AM
@Twenty23Three - Well yeah. I mean, you can kind of expect Marvel to be quality. But people take it to the next level and just can't seem to understand that nothing is perfect, and everything is open for scrutiny. Its almost like they take any criticism aimed at the MCU as a personal attack agsinst them lol.

Its all good lol. Like what you like. They just need to understand that not everyone is going to feel the same.
Matador - 1/14/2021, 5:46 AM
@rebellion - Well it's no Justice league that's a Masterpiece ala Leonardo Da Vinci levels

JamesPunn - 1/14/2021, 8:25 AM
@Twenty23Three - I think I love the rat. It would be different if it happened right after they killed Thanos, but I think it's fun that it took five years to happen and that the rest of world was stagnant and depressed in the meantime.
rebellion - 1/14/2021, 9:30 AM
@Matador - yes, pointing out flaws in endgame means that person is a snyder fanboy. got it.
Twenty23Three - 1/14/2021, 11:01 AM
@JamesPunn - I don’t necessarily dislike the rat. I think if they’d done Ant Man disappeared and returning via the rat in another film I’d be fine with it. Just to have it be a big factor in getting the ball rolling after Infinity War just felt a let down to me. Then again after Infinity War a large amount of Endgame was a letdown for me haha
Matador - 1/14/2021, 12:28 PM
@rebellion - Personally I was joking and second we all have nitpicks

Like Gandalf why didn't he just put the ring in a little bag called a big bird drop this [frick]in ring in a volcano. Then go back to the party.

Inception a lot of hard work to convince a dude to do what they wanted why not just paid him off?

Qui Gon on Tattoine he needed a part why not sold him some shit to the too the wing Italian that he had on that ship barter/trade. This way he would have left Anakin ass on a desert planet. No Darth Vader no Empire no blown up planets.

Just saying
dracula - 1/14/2021, 2:25 AM
Wonder if he is really back or if its part of the illusion, maybe wanda letting him go will be part of what breaks it
Doomsday8888 - 1/14/2021, 2:27 AM
"Chaos magic...i ain't gotta explain shit."

-Wanda Maximoff
RokoVII - 1/14/2021, 2:29 AM
Its part of Wandas illusion, hes not literally brought back to life.
Wandas gone craaaazyyyy

Matador - 1/14/2021, 5:48 AM
@RokoVII - beyond crazy

JFerguson - 1/14/2021, 2:38 AM
“Everybody, stop working so hard to figure it out.”

Wth did you just say to me android?
bobevanz - 1/14/2021, 2:39 AM
Mephisto at it again!
GhostDog - 1/14/2021, 4:21 AM
He’s an illusion
dragon316 - 1/14/2021, 4:33 AM
Yeah right that’s same as telling fans stop with racist fan casting that will never happen
FearTheLiving - 1/14/2021, 5:25 AM
@dragon316 - Is there a group of people trying to make KKK members the next Wolverine? Cause other than that I don't know how fan castings can be racist.
Whaley87 - 1/14/2021, 10:16 AM
@FearTheLiving - He doesn't know how to string a sentence together coherently.
MrDandy - 1/14/2021, 6:21 AM
Tony Stark is behind it all!!!!
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