This September, the 2006 series Heroes is being resurrected for a 13 episode run, titled Heroes Reborn. The first promo for the mini-series was aired during this year's Superbowl, showed a mysterious hooded woman where a red-tinged aurora was occuring in front of a solar eclipse. And in a new promo released earlier today, titled "Live in the Balance", we find out just who that woman is.
The woman is revealed to be Malina, who is portrayed by actress Danika Yarosh in the upcoming event series, who states "its happening faster than we thought. I don't think I can control it much longer". The clip is than filled with scenes of old and new characters, talks of the powers being "unnatural", and the government hunting down all the "evolved beings" on Earth. You can check out the clip below:
What do you guys think of the new promo? Are you excited for the return of
Heroes, or would you have rathered it stayed cancelled? Be sure to let me know in the comments below, and make sure to share and hit that like button!
Heroes Reborn airs September 24 on the
The saga behind the 2006 breakout series "Heroes" will continue this fall as creator Tim Kring returns to the fold and develops new layers to his original superhero concept. This highly anticipated 13-episode event series will reconnect with the basic elements of the show’s first season, where ordinary people were waking up to the fact that they had extraordinary abilities.