Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI One Of His Favorite Things From Disney Era

Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI "One Of His Favorite Things" From Disney Era

OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: He [Was] Drinking Too Much...
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OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: "He [Was] Drinking Too Much..."

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Battabing - 1/18/2020, 6:30 AM
Word was there was drama behind the scenes with McGregor.
I bet it's Jar Jar. He ruins everything.
GalGadot - 1/18/2020, 6:40 AM
@Battabing - Must have enjoyed the script till he got to Jar Jar.

L0RDbuckethead - 1/18/2020, 11:34 AM
@Battabing - He's probably figuring out how to shoehorn his mistress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) into the series.
Battabing - 1/18/2020, 12:37 PM
@L0RDbuckethead -
Mary Elizabeth, no.
Hayden Christensen on the other hand....🤔
Gmoney84 - 1/18/2020, 6:57 AM
Seriously, if this show doesn’t happen I’m done.
TheManWithoutFear - 1/18/2020, 7:11 AM
"show has not been cancelled" is a very funny headline to someone who doesn't follow twitter rumblings or even have a twitter account.

Tomorrows headline: "movies will continue to be a thing"
PantherKing - 1/18/2020, 7:17 AM
I can’t people still believe this after that whole Hawkeye debacle last week. If it’s not from Disney, it’s not official.
Twenty23Three - 1/18/2020, 7:29 AM
I was excited about this but after the Mandolorian being mediocre at best I’m slightly concerned
bkmeijer2 - 1/18/2020, 7:48 AM
That would be the worst mistake Disney could make. And I'm pointing towards Disney, because I refuse to believe McGregor is the reason they might pull the plug
BritishMonkey - 1/18/2020, 8:45 AM
.... This was a thing?
I'm glad this site didn't go reporting it anyway.
Amuro - 1/18/2020, 9:27 AM
"A lot of fans out there already believe that Lucasfilm is in desperate need of new leadership"

Damn right, it is ! It's not too late, Dave Filoni can still save Star Wars or whatever can still be saved from Star wars.
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