Are STAR WARS Fans Accidentally Review-Bombing A 2008 Movie Called ACOLYTES?

Are STAR WARS "Fans" Accidentally Review-Bombing A 2008 Movie Called ACOLYTES?

THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Says We Will Learn More About Mae And Osha's Conception - SPOILERS
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THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Says We Will Learn More About Mae And Osha's Conception - SPOILERS

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tmp3 - 1/30/2020, 9:11 AM
Blade Runner-esque
theFUZZ008 - 1/30/2020, 9:13 AM
Disney and J.J. suck at Star Wars.

CapnMurphy2021 - 1/30/2020, 9:59 AM
@theFUZZ008 - Lucas is even worse... by far
Rastarapha - 1/30/2020, 10:45 AM
@CapnMurphy2021 - If only
Franshu - 1/30/2020, 11:15 AM
@CapnMurphy2021 - Not really, no.
ShimmyShimmyYA - 1/30/2020, 11:57 AM
@Rastarapha - but he is
theFUZZ008 - 1/30/2020, 12:38 PM
@CapnMurphy2021 -
CapnMurphy2021 - 1/30/2020, 2:14 PM
@Franshu - opinions and all... but he didn’t write anything good regarding Star Wars... I guess the overall idea is ok... but that’s about it. I think he had more interesting/fresh/creative ideas with the Indiana Jones character than he did with the pretty much (if we are being honest in any capacity) mediocre Star Wars stories.
But to each their own. 👌🏻🤸‍♂️
SerKurtWagner - 1/30/2020, 2:36 PM
@CapnMurphy2021 - Lucas, the man who INVENTED Star Wars, is "bad at Star Wars"? Seriously? Lucas is a weak writer. He's a brilliant creative and LITERALLY NO ONE has a better understanding of the world than the man who created it. He needs people to craft his vision into good movies, but even his worse stories are better than Abrams' mess.
CapnMurphy2021 - 1/30/2020, 7:08 PM
@SerKurtWagner - like I said... think what you want... it’s your right! I disagree with your logic tho... as I don’t believe that creator is always the best at telling the story. Look at most comic book characters,., a ton of writers tell stories of the character far better than the creators.

I also acknowledged that the man was talented... even though I don’t think Star Wars is all that impressive...
I also think the all caps stuff is pretty funny 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️
DarthGoodGuy - 1/30/2020, 9:25 AM
I remember Lucas talking about this back in the day. Lucas and Ron Moore, of Battlestar Galactica fame, were working on this together and completed some 50 scripts that are now just sitting on a shelf somewhere. The problem they grappled with was they didn’t want to sacrifice the special effects the scripts required but couldn’t justify the necessary price per episode for a tv show.

This wasn’t a Disney [frick] up it’s just that straight to streaming hadn’t happened yet and the price couldn’t work with the economic realities of television at the time.

Damn shame though...
Rastarapha - 1/30/2020, 9:29 AM
This > the sequels
Deklipz - 1/30/2020, 9:44 AM
@Rastarapha - no, this was low budget crap using day-pay extras and it’s easy to see why test footage was all that was made for it.
Mrsinister - 1/30/2020, 9:29 AM
I imagine this could work now with budget concerns. It's a lot less expensive now a days. I'd love to see more. Has anyone seen the anime Tie Fighter? so good
GreedoSarducci - 1/30/2020, 7:21 PM
@Mrsinister - yeah, that TIE anime is great.
clornelas - 1/30/2020, 9:31 AM
[frick] you and your Next button
AnimatedTdot - 1/30/2020, 2:37 PM
@clornelas - haha
Omegacron - 1/30/2020, 9:33 AM
Nice legs.

Also, what do you call two stormtroopers in a gunshop? TARGETS.
Deklipz - 1/30/2020, 9:42 AM
It didn’t “leak” online. It’s been up for a literal decade.
Chewtoy - 1/30/2020, 9:44 AM
Man, that is a hard thing to judge. The look of it was decent and FX heavy, yet pretty different from what we’ve usually seen in Star Wars. The scene itself was pretty bad, with horrible acting, but it was presumably filmed only as test footage, so the repetitive, dragged-out nature of it all that killed any tension wasn’t indicative of actual quality.

Even with everything that they packed into that scene, it became very clear they had one tiny bit of city dressed out for filming, which cut down on the expansive feel I think they were going for. In a shorter sequence, it would have been less noticeable, but you quickly see how expensive this would have been to do.
ThorArms - 1/30/2020, 9:45 AM
People think this looks good?? Looks like it belongs on cw
KnifeWasTooSlow - 1/30/2020, 6:15 PM
@ThorArms - It's a tech demo, demonstrating that while shooting in green screen you could already see the rendered VFX.
GhostDog - 1/30/2020, 9:48 AM
Very 90s cyberpunk
MarvelousMarty - 1/30/2020, 9:53 AM
Better then Rise of Skywalker.
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