Jessica Biels only other foray into the world of Comicbook movies was in "Blade Trinity", which is widely considered to be a bit of a let down. But would she consider returning to the genre?
“If Wonder Woman had the right script and it was really powerful and emotional and interesting, I would be into that kind of thing,” Biel told MTV News while she was promoting her upcoming 1920s comedy of manners, “Easy Virtue.”
Biel was actually rumored to be playing the role back when Joss Whedon had the reigns in 2007. And then again when the since debunked "Justice League" movie was doing the rounds.
So, the opportunity is there for Biel to give the role a second shot. The question, she said, is how strong is the script?
“I feel that sometimes the character development gets thrown to the wayside in those movies, and I’m really interested in that kind of thing,” she said. “So if both the elements could be there—the physicality and a real developed character, whether it’s a Wonder Woman thing or a Justice League thing—I’m open to it.”
When asked about a possible return to the "Blade" universe..
“I would always consider anything,” Biel said. “I had a really good time in that world. That was fun for me. I like that kind of physicality and playing a tough person who has awesome skills—like ninja skills—that’s pretty cool.”