Hello everyone I'm Bradley Hardwood.
Over the past while we have been treated to amazing set photos and official pictures for The Wolverine. It's taking all the action and excitement from the mainstream setting and it's moving over to Japan. I believe this truly will be the first international comic book film based on a popular on going character as such Wolverine. It does add so much more of an appeal now. The only concern I have so far is, will it be understood by all audiences everywhere.
Not many comic book films work in a similar context. For example you had the film Watchmen which was a "loose" adaptation of the Alan Moore graphic novel. It was more so in terms received by fans of the novel more than to a mainstream audience. I will also say Marvel has been doing a great job of keeping that balance between fresh and new. Adding elements from the comics that work while giving a new experience for someone that has not been introduced to that specific character. However in The Wolverine it seems to be giving a much more direct take on the version the fans have always wanted as it looks from taking the darker tone. Mainly many movie enthusiasts know Hugh Jackman's own portrayal but not the one from the comics as he original was.
The Wolverine is taking many cues from the Chris Claremont & Frank Miller story while also relying heavily on Japanese culture and settings. As such James Mangold has used many old samurai westernised films for inspirations to the story. Generally some international films are able to make that impact to be successful while making the viewing experience accessible to an unknown audience or might I say a wider spread globally. Academy Award winners such as Life of Pi was one that made that impact. In general difference we are talking about The Wolverine as the first of it's kind in the comic book genre and Fox has taken the bold move to do so. On by the translation to this new setting, it should be determined based on the character's own rate. I truly think James Mangold is going to something spectacular with this film and all hopes it will do well. It already had international appeal to begin with which is a good start for things to come. The Wolverine may be the game changer of all comic book films once proven to be to all audiences everywhere.
In general what I'm asking is do you think this a movie that will cater only to fans or will it be something for everyone to like? Please post your comments and opinions below on the topic. Thank you for reading.