Judging by this film, it'll be the last time Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine, and it should be. In my opinion the actor has given his best performances in what turn out to be sub-par movies. In Wolverine, his gives his best, buy far. The fight scenes are high energy and well choreographed, and his emotional commitment to the role never seems to falter. Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth delivers a great performance as well as Danny Huston as Stryker.
The first half of the film is very promising, and though it delivers on the action, the plot gets lost at the very end and cannot seem to find itself. Personally, I don't care how accurate they are to the comic, but this film obviously doesn't do justice to the other mutant characters, who are not only underdeveloped, but seem to disappear from the narrative as soon as they're introduced.
Overall, it's something to watch for the visuals and doesn't stimulated much beyond that. The pace keeps the interest, but not a whole lot to think about after viewing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, just a moderate prelude to the summer movie season.