The Bob's Burgers Movie is an animated, big-screen, musical comedy-mystery-adventure based on the long-running Emmy-winning series. The story begins when a ruptured water main creates an enormous sinkhole right in front of Bob's Burgers, blocking the entrance indefinitely and ruining the Belcher family's plans for a successful summer.
While Bob and Linda struggle to keep the business afloat, the kids try to solve a mystery that could save their family's restaurant. As the dangers mount, these underdogs help each other find hope and fight to get back behind the counter, where they belong.
The movie arrives in cinemas on Friday, May 27, and this week, we had the pleasure of speaking with stars H. Jon Benjamin, John Roberts, and Larry Murphy about their respective roles as Bob, Linda, and Teddy. Each of their characters goes through a lot in this hilarious, heart-warming adventure, and we had a blast learning more about that during this brief conversation.
In this interview, we hear from the actors about Bob being pushed to the limit, Linda's new "Sexy Burger" costume, and the fact Teddy actually has a great idea to help save the day...for once! It's clear they all have a great understanding of what makes these characters tick, and if you have a burger costume handy, you may also want to take it to the cinema with you this weekend...
Jon, we initially find Bob at a low ebb here, but it's understandable when so much of what he and the business are going through reflects what's happening in the real world. As fun as this film is, what did it mean to you to explore a more serious side to him here?
Jon: I actually think Bob is the most serious character. Maybe Tina a little bit, but considering his role in the family, I think Bob is the most serious character in the show. I do think Bob was challenged more or at least more concerned by the problems the family face than he's ever been. That was interesting to explore a Bob who seems like he might be giving up, but that propels the family to step up and help him even more. That part was interesting, but on the whole, Bob is a pretty laconic guy and that's my sweet spot [Laughs].
On a lighter note, John, how did you feel about the debut of Linda's "Sexy Burger" costume"= and how she seems to just come alive while wearing that?
John: Linda is good at thinking on her feet, causing controversy, and getting people to talk. She just whips this thing up to generate some kind of excitement for the burgers. It's a polka-dot bikini that Gene usually wears, but they share in this family. They use what they have and all their tools. She's good at thinking on her feet. Loren wore it to the premiere which was shocking. He has really nice legs and really pulled it off. He looks great in spandex. I love when people get dressed up in the costumes for Halloween or even when they go watch the movie. It's a Rocky Horror vibe. Go freak everyone out in the theatre and dress up.
Larry: [Laughs] We had a lot of fans dress up for the premiere. That was great to see too. It was like Comic-Con.
Jon: You realise that Bob's Burgers did a really good job providing these very simple character accoutrements that define each character. Bob's moustache, Linda's glasses, Tina's glasses, and Louisa's hat. And Gene's burger costume!
Larry, Teddy comes up with a great idea here to save Bob's Burgers; what do you love most about his schemes and the fact, in this film, what he comes up with works surprisingly well?
Larry: He's a good cheerleader to the Belchers. And a support. Sometimes, his enthusiasm definitely out meters his abilities. I like that idea. It mirrors the show in that way. When you invite him in, you're getting all of his help and everything else that comes with that...which is awful!
The Bob's Burgers Movie arrives exclusively in cinemas on May 27!