SUPERHERO TOONIVERSE: I thought one of the most intriguing moments of episode two was the one in which Superboy meets Superman. You always expect Superman to say and do the right thing, but he simply can’t and basically flies off. THAT was intriguing.
GREG WEISMAN: As with everything, we’re trying always to go for the most realistic response to things that we can find. It extends to everything from costuming to character and the tech that we use. Obviously we’re in a superhero universe and there’s science fiction, there’s magic and all sorts of stuff running around in there, but we’re still trying to do as realistic a take on fantasy and science fiction that we can manage within the context of rethinking and rebooting the DC universe for a new audience.
BRANDON VIETTI: That scene between Superboy and Superman is a good example of a situation we try to create for a lot of our characters. We put them in situations where they have to confront truths they deny themselves or didn’t know about, and put them in uncomfortable situations so we can explore how they may react not only in terms of themselves, but as a team. That element of secrets and lies we have through the entire series was really important to us.
GREG WEISMAN: It’s a major subplot for the whole season, actually.
SUPERHERO TOONIVERSE: Tonight’s episode, “Schooled,” deals somewhat with the whole Superboy/Superman issue, doesn’t it?
GREG WEISMAN: Yes, this episode puts the focus more on Superboy. We follow up on what we were just talking about – Superman’s in this episode and we see how that relationship is progressing. Also, this is the episode where Black Canary begins to train the team, so we see Superboy’s response to trying to figure out does a guy with super strength need martial arts skills? And/or what happens when a guy with super strength comes up against someone who’s got even more super strength? That’s a big aspect of this particular show.
BRANDON VIETTI: We push even further with Superboy. It runs even deeper than that. Having just gotten out of his cloning chamber, he still has a lot to learn, even socially. That’s something else that we explore in this episode, pushing Superboy by putting him in uncomfortable social situations and forcing hi m to deal with them.