BATTLE: Goku and Vegeta vs Superman and Captain Marvel

BATTLE: Goku and Vegeta vs Superman and Captain Marvel

The Super Saiyan Warriors vs. The Super Duo of DC. Who Will Win?

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - Feb 26, 2011 07:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Dragon Ball Z

"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 165 lbs.

Great Ape
Like all Saiyans, Goku can transform into a Great Ape (Oozaru) when he sees the full moon while he possesses his tail, though every time it wasn't at will. Because this tail was removed permanently in the main series by Kami when restoring the moon, this transformation was never taken by Goku again until GT (in which it is shown very briefly before the full transition into Golden Great Ape), making it his least used Saiyan transformation.

False Super Saiyan
During the fourth Dragon Ball Z movie, Lord Slug, Goku achieved this form in an attempt to defeat Lord Slug. Through rage of being beat down, Goku unleashed a huge amount of aura and became a false-like Super Saiyan, which gave him more speed and strength for a few seconds enough to thrash Lord Slug. In this form, he looks similar to his Kaio-ken form, but he becomes bulkier, except his eyes are whited out like Broly's, and his hair stands up and gains a red tint.

Super Saiyan
Goku uses his new power to defeat Frieza, the antagonist of the series at the time. Frieza had destroyed the Saiyans out of his fear of their growing power, and the idea of a possible "Super Saiyan". As a result of defeating Frieza, Goku avenges the Saiyan race, and the death of his best friend Krillin, but it is Trunks who kills the tyrant for good in the main timeline (Goku did the honors in Trunks' own time, in which the time traveler obviously never appeared to warn the Z fighters of their impending doom).

Ascended Super Saiyan
After having witnessed Vegeta and Trunks emerging from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Room of Spirit and Time), Goku concludes that surpassing the normal Super Saiyan form may be more possible than initially suspected, and enters the room to train himself and Gohan. After teaching Gohan to become a Super Saiyan, Goku is able to achieve this form alongside the further extreme of the form known as Ultra Super Saiyan. However, although this new powerup would not take as much of a heavy hit on his speed as the successor would, he decides that staying transformed like this demands far too much ki to be spent, and so decides that the regular Super Saiyan form is the best suited for combat, and makes a plan for him and Gohan to master it before they leave the chamber. As a result, after under 20 hours spent in the room (Vegeta and Trunks had spent a whole day each, and would spend another prior to the Cell Games), he and Gohan emerge as Full Power Super Saiyans. As a result of this and the new discovery of the most powerful Super Saiyan state at the time, Super Saiyan 2, this form is never used by Goku again, and Vegeta and Trunks soon follow.

Ultra Super Saiyan
Like the Ascended Super Saiyan form, Goku achieves this form in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber while training with Gohan. Although apparently stronger than Cell in this state, Goku told Gohan he could not defeat him because Cell was much faster, because "all the power in the world would do no good if you can't even hit the guy." Instead of persevering harder to simply increase power output, Goku decides that simply mastering the Super Saiyan form to suppress its downsides and make it a natural state is the best way to fight and gain power. This form is never used after its inital unlocking along with Ascended Super Saiyan, as a result.

Full-Power Super Saiyan
After realizing the weaknesses inherent to the higher grades of Super Saiyan, Goku concluded that mastery over the basic Super Saiyan form would be more advantageous and went on to improve his endurance in that form, thus achieving this state.

Super Saiyan 2
Although it is unknown when exactly Goku achieved this state of Super Saiyan, it is assumed Goku achieved this transformation in the Other World as he could put unlimited energy into his transformation. It was first seen when fighting Majin Vegeta's own Super Saiyan 2 form in their epic battle during the Buu saga. Goku later transforms into this state before showing the Super Saiyan 3 transformation to Majin Buu and Babidi, and again in an anime filler where he begins to fight Kid Buu.

In Dragon Ball GT, Goku can be seen briefly transforming into a Super Saiyan 2 while deflecting an attack by General Rilldo, and before he transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 during his second fight with Super Baby Vegeta. He also uses the form during the movies Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn and Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon.

When Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 he has some noticable changes, such as his hair growing a little bit longer and becoming even spiker to the point where his hair splits into individual spikes making his hair more defined than his other previous Super Saiyan forms, along with disappearing hair strands surrounding the forehead which are exclusive to this form, like his son Gohan (but in a different way; for reference, see the picture). He also gains electricity in his aura surrounding his body, and his aura grows markedly larger and more vibrant in both the anime and manga.

Super Saiyan 3
Goku achieved this level in Other World as he could put unlimited energy into his transformation. Goku is first seen using this transformation against Majin Buu during the Majin Buu Saga. Once in this form, Goku was able to easily overpower Majin Buu in his first form and stood up to Kid Buu for fair amount of time. However, the transformation is extremely draining in terms of energy, as it cut Goku's time left on Earth from hours to a stated thirty minutes after performing the transformation for a short time. When attempting to gather enough ki to defeat Kid Buu during their final battle, he was unable to sustain it as he had not taken into account the strain overcoming his living body, and soon reverted back to his base state. Altogether, these heavy disadvantages make it impractical to use the transformation out of the afterlife.

Golden Great Ape
Goku achieved this form in Dragon Ball GT after Elder Kai helped Goku to grow back his tail which allowed him to once again transform into a Great Ape. When he looked at the earth in the Baby Saga, its sufficient substitute Blutz waves allowed him to take this form, a combination of the Super Saiyan state and the classic Great Ape transformation. Upon regaining control, he later transformed into Super Saiyan 4, his strongest form yet.

Super Saiyan 4
This form is achieved by Goku after achieving the Golden Great Ape state and being calmed by Pan. The overwhelming power of this transformation is apparently great enough to overcome Goku's transformation into a child by Red Shenron. The spell is only dispersed during the transformation, however. In addition to him being turned back into an adult temporarily, Goku's overall appearance changes yet again. His tail is easily visible, the hair is longer than when in his normal state (not nearly as long as a Super Saiyan 3, though), his eyes become lined (much like Vegeta's did when he was a Majin in the Majin Buu Saga), his eye color is now golden yellow, and red fur covers almost all of his body from head to toe. His clothes change from his childhood garb, leaving him only dressed below the waist (excluding his armbands). As a Super Saiyan 4, Goku is able to easily surpass all but the most powerful enemies in the final parts of Dragon Ball GT. But at the end of the last episode of Dragon Ball GT, his tail disappears again, and it is unknown if he could ever transform to this state from then on. Other than the fusion with Vegeta (SS4 Gogeta), this is Goku's most powerful transformation.

Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy wave.

Invisible Eye Blast - Goku has the ability to shoot an invisible blast of ki out of his eyes. He uses this twice in the anime (once in the manga). The first (and only time in the manga) was when he used it to dig a hole in the Namekian ground to bury Vegeta's corpse in, after he was killed by Frieza. The second was during the battle against Omega Shenron, when Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta used it to knock Omega several feet back. It is likely that this move is rather weak, as even as a Super Saiyan 4, after fusing with Vegeta, it did nothing but stagger Omega, justifying why he did not use it in any other battles.

Destructo Disk - The user holds their hand into the air, conducting ki in the form of a razor-sharp disc, which is then hurled over and around the body to cut the target.

Kamehameha - Goku's signature energy attack, even though it was invented by Master Roshi. Goku first learned this technique after witnessing Roshi use it to extinguish the fire on Fire Mountain. Goku has also invented numerous variations of technique, such as the Super Kamehameha, Instant Kamehameha and 10x Kamehameha.

Super Energy Wave Volley - Goku releases a rapid barrage of energy blasts at his opponents, causing a massive accumulation of damage.

Solar Flare - The user spreads and places their fingers on their foreheads, discharging a blinding flash of light.

Spirit Bomb - Goku's most powerful technique and arguably the strongest technique in the entire series. Goku conducts the spirit energy of all nearby living organisms, forming a ball of power and size depending of the amount of harnessed ki energy. Its power was used against many powerful opponents such as Vegeta, Frieza, Dr. Wheelo, Turles, Kid Buu and Omega Shenron. It was also absorbed for increased strength in Super Android 13!.

Flight - The user uses their ki to give them the ability to levitate.

Instant Transmission - Also called Instantaneous Transmission the user places their index and middle finger on their forehead then dematerializes his body to travel as a mass of light, sensing a location that they teleport to.

Kaioken - Goku forms a red ki aura around his body, enhancing his strength and speed, the highest level of this attack used is x20. Goku doesn't use it much after becoming Super Saiyan, so it is unknown if he can currently increase it more. However, Goku has combined Kaio-ken with his Super Saiyan transformation on one occasion. This was done in his fight against Pikkon.

Dragon Fist – Goku delivers a punch that causes an explosion, summoning an enormous golden dragon to either wrap around the enemy and disintegrate with him, or devour them. This technique was first used in Wrath of the Dragon, and is the only one of Goku's abilities that he invented entirely on his own.

Super Dragon Fist - The Super Dragon Fist is the enhanced version of the Dragon Fist, an attack that was developed by Goku as a Super Saiyan 3. Goku, as a Super Saiyan, attempted to gather energy for a Spirit Bomb, but couldn't fully control it. Instead, he absorbs the massive amount of energy into his body, and is covered from head to toe in a blue aura with lightning surrounding him. He then proceeds to throw a punch at the opponent, and takes the form of a giant, golden dragon, which devours the unlucky target and inflicts a massive amount of damage.

Fusion Dance – The two users, when sharing the same power level, perform a simultaneous and parallel dance, ending with the contact of the users' index fingers, fusing them for half an hour. Should the dance fail, the users take on a disfigured form with low physical and ki abilities. Goku performs this technique three times with Vegeta. Twice in the Fusion Reborn and in Dragon Ball GT while in their normal and Super Saiyan 4 forms.

Telepathy – A technique that Goku taught to himself. First shown in "Goku's New Power", somewhere along the trip to Namek, Goku taught himself how to read the minds of others, by placing his palm on their head.

Energy Barrier – Goku used this technique in The Tree of Might.

Ki Sense – Goku can sense the Ki of others.

Meteor Impact -is a rush attack used by Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form. First, Goku says, "Let's get this started." and double kicks the opponent up into the air. Then, he teleports up in the air behind the opponent to double axe-handle punch and hook kick them down to the ground. Finally, Goku bends down and puts his hand over the opponent's face to blast them with a one-handed Kamehameha, inflicting a great deal of damage.Goku used this attack during the final battle against Kid Buu on the Supreme Kai Planet. After being thrown down into a cliff by Kid Buu, Goku retaliated with a powerful barrage of energy blasts. Though Kid Buu struggled at first, he gathered enough strength to reflect the energy blasts back down at Goku. However, Goku dodged at the last second, and attacked Kid Buu with the Meteor Impact rush, knocking and blasting the Majin deep into the ground.


"The sleeper has awakened. I am the prince of all Saiyans once again!"

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 155 lbs.

Great Ape
This is Vegeta's least used transformation. He was only seen within this form twice in the series. The first time Vegeta transformed into this huge ape like monster, he used a power ball resembling similar effects of the moon. The second time when he transformed, was in GT when Bulma used the Blutz Wave Generator that she created for him, because he was missing his tail. His size is paramount, his ears are keen enough to hear a pin drop from a mile away. His eyes are big and red. He has sharp teeth, and a large "U" shaped mouth. Unlike Goku and Gohan, Vegeta retains his rationality when transformed (It is never shown how he obtained this ability, but it is assumed it is due to his training, or because of the fact that he is of the royal bloodline) . He is much more powerful than his normal form when transformed, and easily crushed Goku, who exclaimed that not even a Kaio-ken x 5 would work on him. Vegeta claimed that the power of the Great Ape form is ten times that of the Saiyan's base form. If this math can be applied to the power levels reported by scouters, his power level in this form would be around 180,000, which is the same as Goku's when he fought the Ginyu Force on Namek. However, it is to be noted that Vegeta took a fair dip in power after losing the beam struggle against Goku who used the four-fold Kaio-ken, and then took another drop when generating the "Power Ball" necessary to induce his transformation, as stated by Goku; this should place his power used in the form at around the low 100 thousands mark, if not the high 10s of thousands.

Super Saiyan
This is Vegeta's Super Saiyan form. Though it was only a Saiyan Legend, Vegeta was fascinated with this transformation and obsessed over obtaining it so that he could avenge his race by having the power to defeat Frieza. Goku achieved the state prior to Vegeta however as did Future Trunks (Though chronologically, Vegeta actually achieved it first, as Future Trunks achieved the form long after Vegeta had been killed and in the special when Gohan was. Furthermore, in the manga version of The History of Trunks, Vegeta was clearly seen as a Super Saiyan in 1 panel, proving that he had managed to attain the transformation some time after Goku's death.) which only fueled his desire to unlock the potential hidden within him. Vegeta first showed off the Super Saiyan state while he was fighting Android 19, ripping off the Android's arm's and thereby rendering it unable to keep absorbing his energy, after which he reduced it to a lifeless head with the Big Bang Attack. In this form, his power greatly increases from his regular level. His hair turns blond, the irises of his eyes become green, and he acquires a golden aura just as Goku had done before him. He gains a slight muscle increase as well. Vegeta mastered this level when he was training to surpass Goku, during the seven year period of peace between the Cell and Buu arcs, thus resulting in becoming much more powerful than when he first became a Super Saiyan or when he ascended to Super Saiyan 2nd Grade, able to remain in the transformation for multiple days without the normal exhaustion overcoming him. This is shown when he maintains the form auralessly as though it were his natural state during both his training with Trunks in the gravity chamber, and before his fight with Goku against Kid Buu. After reverting back to base form to calmly watch the battle that ensued between Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Kid Buu, Vegeta displayed the ability to immediately transform to Super Saiyan 2 without accessing this stage first to distract Buu while Goku regathers his power (previously, this had only been done by Goku at the time, although both he and Gotenks displayed the ability to instantly transform two or more levels when both ascended straight to Super Saiyan 3 from the first Super Saiyan form). He used this form to battle Baby Gohan and Baby Goten. He also used this form to battle Super 17 and Omega Shenron, but is badly beaten both times and nearly killed by Omega Shenron's Dragon Thunder technique.

Ascended Super Saiyan
This form wields much greater power than his Super Saiyan level. At this level, Vegeta personally calls himself "Super Vegeta." He has the same basic golden features of his Super Saiyan level, only now his muscles are much larger. His hair also is bigger and slightly sharper, and he looks and acts more dominant. Due to Vegeta's muscle mass increase, he is much stronger than in his Super Saiyan form, and his speed and agility are unencumbered, unlike the 3rd Stage Ascended Saiyan, which significantly decreases speed (but greatly increases in strength). Vegeta went through this transformation when he was training to fight Cell and he fought, as well as Perfect Cell (where he is outmatched, and knocked out with his face to the ground after a hard hit to the spine, reverting him to base form). It is suggested by Tien that this form had a power equal to Perfect Cell's, and by Piccolo that Vegeta only lost against Cell because he fought sloppily as when Vegeta used the Final Flash attack, he destroyed a large portion of his body, but he had to redirect the majority of the power of his blast upwards to avoid destroying the planet, and it assumed that Cell escaped the brunt of the attack. Had Cell taken the brunt, he might have actually been destroyed. However it was soon realized that Cell was really holding back. #16 also notes that although Cell had grown much stronger after absorbing #18, he was still ahead in every way, though Vegeta is able tell that Cell was holding back his power, and this is proven when Cell doesn't use anything close to his full power to defeat Vegeta with ease.

Super Saiyan 2
This is Vegeta's strongest form in Dragon Ball Z. This form turns as strong as Majin Vegeta when he returns to Earth by King Yemma. It is sometimes debated when he first achieved this form. In the manga, there are quite a few hints he achieved it before he became Majin Vegeta, with practically none to the contrary, as Vegeta only states Goku to be stronger than Gohan once he, too transforms into Super Saiyan 2, holding complete confidence in his superiority over Gohan prior to becoming Majin Vegeta, and transforms into this state on his own free will from Super Saiyan 1, long after he became Majin Vegeta.

Vegeta first uses this form when he fights against Goku while as Majin Vegeta. He also uses this form when fighting Super Buu before the Vegito fusion, albeit only in the anime. He also fights Kid Buu so Goku can gather enough energy in his Super Saiyan 3 form to defeat Kid Buu, during which he is easily beaten and reverted back to base as Goku fails to charge up his full power due to energy depletion. It was also used in the movies Fusion Reborn and the final movie, dubbed "Wrath of the Dragon," and in both instances he is again reverted back to base form, against Hirudegarn knocked down in particular after defending a group of people inside a building that he was thrown into. Strangely enough, in all three of those instances, including when fighting Kid Buu, lightning is removed from his transformation despite the bolts constantly surrounding his body in the original manga, causing some confusion over whether he actually used this form in the anime or not, as the bolts only appear for about a few seconds when he fires a barrage of ki blasts to stall for time, possibly due to budget issues (even Super Saiyan 3 Goku has no lightning for this particular scene). He used this form to battle Baby Gohan and Baby Goten. He also used this form to battle Super 17 and Omega Shenron, but is badly beaten both times and nearly killed by Omega Shenron's Dragon Thunder technique.

Both the Daizenshuu and the new Super Exciting Guide character profiles state that Vegeta was awakened to his Super Saiyan 2 form by means of extensive training in between the Cell and Buu arcs, which assures that Vegeta did indeed achieve this transformation through training. When Vegeta transforms to a Super Saiyan 2 he receives some noticeable changes, such as his hair growing a little bit longer, spiker and becoming more defined than his other previous Super Saiyan forms. He also gains electricity in his aura surrounding his body in this form.

Golden Great Ape
After Goku tries to destroy Omega Shenron by self-destruction, Vegeta comes to his aid and tells him that he has a plan to reach Super Saiyan 4. Bulma shoots at Vegeta the same blutz waves as she used against Baby, which allows Vegeta to grow his tail back and become a Great Ape and later a Golden Great Ape. After Vegeta becomes fully conscious of himself, he transforms into a Super Saiyan 4.

Super Saiyan 4
Bulma used the blutz wave amplifier as a substitute for the moon and used it on Vegeta. These waves ran through Vegeta's veins, forcing his tail to grow back, which is necessary for a Saiyan to transform into a Great Ape. With his tail back, like Goku, he was able to transform into a Great Ape. His enormous power allowed him to then transform into a Golden Great Ape, and then, upon gaining control of himself, he advanced by 2 levels (similar to Gotenks with his Super Saiyan 3 transformation, only that he transformed without any assistance, and could have taken the Super Saiyan 2 transformation if he wanted) and transformed into a Super Saiyan 4. Vegeta's features are quite different from his previous forms. His hair style changes, becoming longer and more wild. His hair becomes dark brown, and extends to his shoulders, his eyes are aqua-colored, and he has red fur on the upper part of his body. Other than certain forms of fusion with Goku, (SS4 Gogeta) this is his most powerful transformation.

Atomic Blast (Rush) – A rush attack that Vegeta used during his battle with Semi-Perfect Cell.

Bang Beam – A favorite move of Vegeta during the Namek Saga, Vegeta points his index finger like a child pretending to shoot a gun and then fires a small but deadly red bolt of energy out of his finger.

Big Bang Attack – Vegeta discharges a medium-sized ball of ki in his hand. On impact, this technique causes a violent explosion. In the later Budokai video game series, Vegeta can throw a small ball of ki into the Big Bang Attack, causing a more powerful and massive explosion.

Big Bang Cannon – A beam version of the Big Bang Attack used through out the Frieza Saga.

Brave Punisher – A rush attack used by Vegeta as an Ascended Super Saiyan, in his fight against Broly. This attack was named in Raging Blast.

Big Bang Storm – A rapid-fired version of the Big Bang Cannon that Vegeta uses in his fight against Frieza in his Final Form.

Cosmic Cannon – Vegeta creates a superheated, blazing sphere, surrounding his own hand. He then throws it like a grenade and it burns any opponent whom it comes in contact with. Vegeta uses it against Goku in the Vegeta Saga, but it was later replaced by his Big Bang Attack.

Destructo Disk – A razor sharp disk of energy. Vegeta uses a very similar variation of this attack to cut off Great Ape Gohan's tail.

Dirty Fireworks – Vegeta punches the enemy's stomach, stunning them before being punched into the air before exploding at the command of Vegeta pointing his index and middle fingers. Vegeta first used this technique to kill a Saibaman who was holding back in a battle. He uses this move to kill Cui.

Double Galick Cannon – Vegeta uses this technique to kill Pui Pui. It involves him putting both his hands on his opponents chest followed by a huge energy blast at point blank range which completely obliterates them.

Energy Rings – Vegeta shoots out strong rings made of pure ki to bind his opponents by the limbs for further assaults. He used this attack in his Majin form during his battle against Super Saiyan 2 Goku.

Finger Blitz Barrage – Vegeta fires several finger beams at his opponent. He used this to vaporize a Meta-Cooler in The Return of Cooler. It is also used by Baby Vegeta in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Final Burst Cannon – Vegeta uses this technique as his final attack against Frieza after all his other attacks fail. It is done in a slightly familiar way as the Final Flash and the beam itself is purple like the Galick Gun.

Final Crash – A technique very similar to Final Flash used against Recoome.

Final Explosion – Vegeta detonates his body in an attempt to kill Majin Buu, resulting in a devastating, golden-yellow explosion that leaves Vegeta a fragile, stone like corpse. This technique appears in Vegeta's Majin form only.

Final Flash – Vegeta conducts ki in both of his hands that places next to each other, combining the ki that discharges in the form of a devastating stream of energy. He used this against Perfect Cell, though the Android regenerated.

Final Galick Cannon – Vegeta delivers several rapid attacks before punching the enemy's stomach and discharging a beam of potent purple ki through the enemy. Vegeta uses this technique to kill Zarbon.

Final Shine Attack – Vegeta fires a massive green ki wave from his hand that is more powerful than his Final Flash. He used this attack in an attempt to destroy Super Android 17, to no effect. In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, this is Vegeta's ultimate attack in his Super Saiyan 4 form.

Finger Galick Gun – A variation of the Galick Gun that is fired by the index and middle fingers. Vegeta used this technique to destroy Arlia.

Galaxy Breaker – Vegeta charges up and fires a powerful white energy blast from his chest at his opponent. Vegeta uses the attack to kill Nappa in the Vegeta Saga in Dragon Ball Z: The Legend.

Galick Impact – A rush attack used by Vegeta in his fight with Semi-Perfect Cell. This attack was named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast and is used by Vegeta in his Super Saiyan 3 form as one of his Super Attacks. It is also slightly changed from when he used it in the anime.

Galick Gun – Vegeta bends to the side while holding the back of his hands parallel to each other, conducting purple ki that discharges a concentrated, powerful beam.

Genocide Breaker – A rush attack that Vegeta used to kill Jeice on Planet Namek. This technique is named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast.

Hellzone Grenade – Vegeta fires several energy spheres around the opponent and and controls them to be fired at the opponent. He used this attack against Super Buu w/ Gohan, though the Majin used an Energy Shield to block the attack.

Infinite Break – A rush attack used by Vegeta as a Super Saiyan 2, in his fight with Kid Buu. This move was named in Raging Blast.

Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.

Maximum Flasher – A powerful energy beam that Vegeta fires with one hand. He used this technique against Super Perfect Cell after he killed Trunks.

Meteor Burst – Majin Vegeta fires a powerful blast of yellow ki at his opponents.

Power Ball – A ball of Blutz ray, which simulates the effects of a full moon to allow a Saiyan with a tail to become a Great Ape.

Photon Bomber – A powerful energy blast used against Dr. Gero. This technique was named in Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku.

Shining Rage Attack – Vegeta charges at his opponent with a fierceful strike. This attack made its debut in Burst Limit as one of Vegeta's specials in his Super form. It later made its return in Infinite World as one of GT Vegeta's specials. The longer the attack is charged the more damage it inflicts.

Spirit Breaking Cannon – A rush attack used by Vegeta in his Ascended Super Saiyan form. The moves he does in this attack are taken from his fight with Semi-Perfect Cell. This attack became a Counter Super in Raging Blast.

Super Big Bang Attack – A more powerful version of the Big Bang Attack that Vegeta uses in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit.

Super Big Bang Cannon – A more powerful version of the Big Bang Cannon that Vegeta uses throughout the Frieza Saga.

Super Energy Wave Volley – Vegeta releases a rapid barrage of energy blasts at his opponents, causing a massive accumulation of damage.

Super Explosive Wave – Vegeta releases a gigantic wave of energy from his body, causing a huge amount of destruction. He first uses this in his fight against Goku in the Saiyan Saga.

Afterimage – The user moves at ultrahigh speeds, leaving an afterimage where he was previously located.

Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.

Telepathy – Vegeta can speak with his targets mentally.

Telekinesis – He used this to hurl a bunch of rocks to kill the king of Arlia and again to lift a rock in an attempt to strike Frieza when Vegeta was losing their fight.

Energy Barrier – In Wrath of the Dragon, Vegeta created a barrier in a fashion similar to Final Flash to protect a building full of civilians that he crashed into from being destroyed by Hirudegarn.

Fusion Dance – The two users, when sharing the same power level, perform a simultaneous and parallel dance, ending with the contact of the users' index fingers, fusing them for half an hour. Should the dance fail, the users take on a disfigured form with low physical and ki abilities. Goku performs this technique three times with Vegeta. Twice in the Fusion Reborn and in Dragon Ball GT while in their normal and Super Saiyan 4 forms.

If they happen to do fusion dance as Gogeta for both Goku and Vegeta......

"I am neither Goku nor Vegeta, I am the one who will destroy you!"

Super Saiyan
This form is seen during Fusion Reborn. Immediately after the successful fusion of Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta is at Super Saiyan as both halves (Goku and Vegeta) had previously mastered the transformation. Even though Janemba easily took care of Goku at Super Saiyan 3 and Vegeta at Super Saiyan 2, he was unable to even hurt Gogeta at all (a full force punch from Janemba to Gogeta's face didn't do anything). In a matter of seconds, Gogeta was able to destroy Janemba without any problem whatsoever. Even while at this lowest-level stage, he is still many times stronger than Goku at Super Saiyan 3, and Vegeta at Super Saiyan 2.

Super Saiyan 4
This stage is seen in Dragon Ball GT, where Goku and Vegeta both faced off against Omega Shenron. With the Fusion Dance, they successfully created the powerful Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Unlike Vegeta and Goku's Super Saiyan 4 forms, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta has brown fur and fiery crimson hair, instead of the opposite, and he is the only Super Saiyan that features blue eyes (without a strong green hint) as well. He is also the only character in the series with glitter in his energy aura. Compared to his more serious form, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is somewhat more playful and cocky (almost akin to Vegito's attitude), toying with the evil Omega Shenron instead of easily defeating him, possibly because the power was going to his head, though Vegeta states that Goku was in fact responsible for this behavior (however, it could be possible that Vegeta was merely shifting the blame onto Goku). It could be implied that Gogeta's personality may be based on a combination of Goku's youthfulness and Vegeta's arrogance, though this is only speculation. It is also implied he was only doing this so Omega Shenron would use his Minus Energy Power Ball attack, which Gogeta could use to fully cure the planet of Omega Shenron's evil energy. This is likely, as Gogeta immediately tries to destroy Omega Shenron afterward. His speed in this form is the greatest seen in the series, being so swift, not even the viewer is able to see his movements. As an example, he was able to knock Omega Shenron away with what appeared to be a single, unseeable blow, but was later revealed to be three, almost simultaneous strikes. When Gogeta said he would slow down in his attacks so he could "count em' this time", those same strikes appear as simple twitches, if anything. Along with his unbelievable speed, Gogeta also harbors an extraordinary amount of power and energy. As a Super Saiyan 4, Gogeta is seemingly invincible due to the massive power level gap between him and all other warriors in the series. His only weakness is his inability to stay fused for longer than 10 minutes due to the abnormally huge amount of power he possesses, which ultimately led to him de-fusing before he could deliver the final strike to Omega Shenron. This is similar to the way Gotenks defuses back into Goten and Trunks or falls out of his Super Saiyan 3 form before he can finish his foes off.

Big Bang Attack
One of Vegeta's ultimate attacks. Though capable of using it, it's often fired in unison with Goku's ultimate attack, the Super Kamehameha to form the Big Bang Kamehameha.

Big Bang Kamehameha
Gogeta's ultimate attack, the Big Bang Kamehameha is a combination of the Super Kamehameha and Big Bang Attack used by Gogeta as his most powerful technique in his Super Saiyan 4 form. Gogeta puts both of his hands in front of him, palms open and hands turned up at a 90 degree angle. Then, he fuses together the huge energy of the Super Kamehameha and the Big Bang Attack into a large whitish-blue energy sphere with medium excess energy in the form of small waves radiating off of it. From this energy sphere emits an extremely powerful, shockwave-like beam that damages the target severely, if not killing them outright.

Gogeta used this attack during his battle against Omega Shenron, the product of Syn Shenron's absorption of the seven Dragon Balls. After turning Omega Shenron's Negative Karma Ball into a positive blue energy sphere, Gogeta fired the Big Bang Kamehameha at the Shadow Dragon, seemingly killing him. However, Omega survived, but the attack was so great, it caused Omega Shenron to regurgitate all of the Dragon Balls, reverting him back to Syn Shenron. Gogeta tried to use the Big Bang Kamehameha again to finish off Syn Shenron, but because of the tremendous power he possessed, Gogeta defused ten minutes later back into Goku and Vegeta before he could launch the finishing blow.

Bluff Kamehameha
Gogeta takes the Kamehameha stance, but fires confetti and streamers all over his opponent. Used to humiliate Omega Shenron.

Invisible Eye Blast
The ability to shoot an invisible blast of ki out of his eyes.

Soul Punisher
The Soul Punisher is a rush attack used by Gogeta and is his classic finishing move. Gogeta attacks the opponent with a powerful and quick barrage of punches in their stomach. Then, he flies past the stunned opponent and turns around to knee them twice in the back of their head before backflip kicking them away. Next, he lands on the ground and raises his hand to charges a rainbow energy sphere. Finally, Gogeta turns around and throws the energy sphere, which has a delayed effect, but finally disintegrates the opponent from the inside, inflicting a huge amount of damage.

Gogeta used this attack to defeat Janemba in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. While Pikkon was fighting Janemba, only to be defeated by the monster, Goku and Vegeta successfully used the Fusion Dance to merge into Gogeta. As Janemba powered up and prepared to fight, Gogeta attacked and destroyed Janemba with the Soul Punisher rush, removing all of Janemba's evil energy and restoring the young ogre Saike back to his former self.

Super Kamehameha
One of Goku's ultimate attacks. Though capable of using it, it's often fired in unison with Vegeta's ultimate attack, the Big Bang Attack to form the Big Bang Kamehameha.

Ki Blast Cannon
A technique used by many characters of Dragon Ball; a clear energy blast fired from the palm. Gogeta is one of the characters who can follow the technique up with a series of Vanishing Attacks.

Ki Blast Volley
Also called Super Energy Wave Volley, this technique is one used where the user fires a continuous barrage of Ki Blasts, though stronger than normal.

Wild Sense
A teleportation technique in which the user warps right away from an attack and then counterattacks by sending the attacker straight to the ground.

100x Big Bang Kamehameha
The 100x Big Bang Kamehameha is the full-powered version of the Big Bang Kamehameha used by Gogeta in his Super Saiyan 4 form. Gogeta puts his hands in front of him like the normal Big Bang Kamehameha, but charges it with much more power. Then, he fires a huge streaming blue energy wave against the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage.

Ultimate Impact
The Ultimate Impact is a rush attack used by Gogeta in his Super Saiyan 4 form. First, Gogeta charges at the opponent and kicks them into their stomach and says, "here goes!" before bicycle kicking them up into the air. Then, he flies up to the opponent and attacks them with a powerful barrage of punches and kicks at a very rapid rate. He then appears behind the opponent saying, "its over." Next, he turns around to elbow the opponent in their face and spin kick them away. Finally, Gogeta teleports above the opponent and hook kicks them down into the ground, inflicting a massive amount of damage.

Gogeta used part of this attack during his battle against Omega Shenron. Omega had just blasted Gogeta with a countless number of energy bullets. After the smoke cleared, Gogeta had looked like he had just taken a serious amount of damage. But then, Gogeta got up and said that Omega Shenron's attack "took care of a crick in his neck that was bothering him for a while." Gogeta then turned his back to the dragon and said, "Hey dragon, I hope this isn't too much to ask, but can you do my backside now?" Gogeta thhen laughed a little afterwards. Omega Shenron, furious at Gogeta's cockiness, charged in to attack the fused Saiyan fighter. However, Gogeta countered with the Ultimate Impact rush's elbow and spin kick attacks, stunning Omega Shenron and kicking him into a nearby building.


"Maybe you don't know me so well after all. I never give up!"

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 225 lbs (102 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Kryptonian Physiology: Superman's cellular structure is more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than human tissue. Strangely enough, he does not seem to possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability without his cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his strength seems on par for a human of his height and weight who engages in regular physical activity. As an alien he possesses several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood but are believed to be part of and perhaps even the source of his biomatrix force field and reclamation aura. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of Superman's electromagnetic capabilities such as flight and heat vision. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of Superman's electromagnetic capabilities such as flight and heat vision. It also supplements his physical strength by a factor of 12,000 times or so.

Solar Energy Absorption: Technically, this is the main source of Superman's powers. Because Superman's powers are greatly due to exposure to Earth's yellow sun, his powers have been affected by extreme absorptions of solar power, whether voluntary or involuntary. However, Superman has used this to his advantage in battle in many instances, and to his detriment at certain times.

Superhuman Strength: The exact magnitude of Superman's strength is unknown. This is because Superman's strength, like his other powers, has fluctuated over time but his strength should effortlessly range into the multi-megaton level at the very least. While the exact magnitude of Superman's strength is unknown, it is generally accepted that his strength easily surpasses the capacity to lift 1,000,000 tons, but how much more is not known exactly. Arguably the strongest being on the planet and one of the strongest beings in the Universe, Superman has feats of strength currently, such as being seen lifting an enormous pyramid and flying it to Mars without any strain and they can weigh millions and millions of tons depending on the size, he is so strong that he is capable of ripping off the arm of the likes of Darkseid and physically defeating him in combat, he is so strong he has been able to move the planet Earth away from the Sun while a powerful Cosmic Entity named Starbreaker was pushing it into the Sun, he is so strong he possesses the strength necessary shatter entire worlds. Superman has been chained to the endless wheels of the Mageddon machinery and his strength was used to move the gears of a weapon whose size dwarfed the entire Earth/Moon system itself. He can become "supercharged" and exceed his "normal" power levels as evident when his power absorption ability ran amok which needed the Parasite to drain off his excessive power levels.

Invulnerability: Superman's body is nigh-invulnerable. This ability's levels have changed over time. He has taken a blast equivalent to a million nuclear war heads point blank and remained conscious. Currently he is even more durable than in the past. He has entered the Sun and emerged completely unharmed, he has even traveled through Krypton's Red Sun and survived physically unharmed, even though Red Solar Radiation depowers and weakens him. He has been seen to skirt the photosphere of the sun (100,000,000 degrees F). Superman has even been shown withstanding Darkseid's Omega Beams, a feat that was previously considered impossible. Superman was able to survive the nuclear destruction of the entire moon in the year 2995 when he was stuck in the future. The moon had been lined with sufficient nuclear devices to disintegrate it in one shot and Superman was in the center and survived without being hurt at all. Superman has withstood 3 particle beams, each powered by the core of a planet, fired at him. One of these planet-powered beams was a plasma beam capable of leveling a huge city a few times over entirely with a single blast. Most likely his greatest feat of durability recently, is that he was recently able to withstand the destructive power of a Sun exploding and going Nova (A result of Brainiac’s technology.) at point blank range to the planet he was on (Which was eradicated by the force of the explosion with the rest of the surrounding system.) and survived without any visible physical damage although the explosion did knock him out. In addition, his immune system protects him from all toxins and diseases. The most common explanations for his invulnerability are Superman having a super-dense molecular structure and/or a supercharged bio electric "aura" which acts as an invisible "force field" around his body within a few millimeters from his skin, and presumably within his body as well. The proximity of this field to his skin means that loose clothes, for example, may be burned off of him, while cloth that is close to his body is protected by the "aura;" This phenomenon is sometimes cited as Superman's reason for wearing a skin-tight bodysuit. It is sometimes implied that he can unconsciously extend this field to an undetermined extent to protect a greater area, allowing him to carry huge objects within the Earth's atmosphere and without gravity or inertia tearing them apart around his human-sized hands.

Longevity: Superman can live almost indefinitely.

Superhuman Stamina: Superman has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an undefined period. Theoretically, most incarnations of the character has unlimited stamina as his enhanced nourishment is produced from the solar energy his cells process. Superman like other Kryptonians does not get tired and does not need to eat or sleep and can be sustained on Solar energy alone. He can also hold his breath for an undefined duration.

Flight: Under one Earth gravity Superman is capable of flying at faster than light speeds. He tends to fly at speeds of Mach 10 in the atmosphere. His control of his flight is perfect and he can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying backwards and even lifting great weights while flying. Superman can fly at speeds many times faster than light.Superman has the ability to fly in outer space. He has been seen to fly to the moon in minutes so we can assume that he can fly faster than that outside of atmospheric interference.

Superhuman Speed: Superman is capable of enhanced reflex action and the ability to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. While not nearly as fast as the Flash (Wally West), Superman can move at speeds much faster than light and is one of the fastest beings in the Universe. Superman can match most other speedsters in their ability to perform super fast movements, reactions, and processes. He can use this power to disarm opponents with or without heightened reflexes, catch bullets or shrapnel or cross vast distances in seconds. Superman can also run at incredible speeds and even keep up with most speedsters; he was seen running steadily alongside the flash at a speed of 2000 miles per second (mach 9350). He has been seen flying from the Moon to the Earth in less than 2 minutes. Superman is so fast that he is even able to vibrate through blows akin to what the Flash can do as seen in his fight with Doomsday.

Superhuman Hearing: The ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. The only Earth creature who can detect sounds at the frequency he can is a blue whale (0.01-200,000 Hz). He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency. He can hear every single heartbeat, as well as the blood pumping through everyone's veins, hear every foot step, every cell phone signal as it lances through the air and more. He can identify a person by their heartbeat, or pick out a single voice in an entire world.

Super Smell: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odours across the entire planet without any problem.

Super Scream: In one instance, Superman was shown to have the ability to project a "super scream" from his vocal cords. He used this ability to cancel out the impending threat of an already exploding nuclear detonation.

Self-Sufficiency: Doesn't need to eat and sleep so long as he's under the effects of yellow sun radiation. His body stores the energy necessary to negate eating and sleeping for an indefinite period.

Healing Factor: In the extreme event that Superman is harmed, either by an alien matching his own strength or other occurrence, he has been shown to have the ability to heal almost instantaneously from any wound, assuming that the process is not impeded from some outside factor i.e. Kryptonite. This "healing factor" is supplemented by his stores of solar energy and also seems to be an unconscious ability, as Superman does not seem to have the ability to control when he heals and when he doesn't. Much like a human has no control over their immune system.

Super Breath: The ability to create hurricane force winds by blowing, and to chill his breath in order to freeze a target (this latter ability has also been called "freeze breath" and "arctic breath"). Superman can also breathe in large amounts of air, an ability used when dealing with and disposing things like clouds of poison gas.

Heat Vision: The ability to fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it with the conscious act of activating this power. Visually, the power is typically depicted as two beams of red light firing from his eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing Superman to work undetected. His heat vision is so powerful that they are able to power up the giant ion planet moving engines with his heat vision alone, annihilate an entire army of Doomsday clones in one blast, and has even been stated to rival the heat of a Star. The area of effect can be consciously determined by Superman, down to the microscopic level. Recent stories imply the precision is so exact it can bypass a target's outer shell (not causing damage to a person's skull for surgical purposes).

Super Vision: He also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities. He is able to see the entire spectrum. STAR Laboratories has not been able to complete define how Superman has been able to utilize his powerful senses, part of the mechanism is physical, part of it is believed to be psionic in nature. Abilities include:

* Electro-magnetic Spectrum Vision: Superman can see into all of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods. Superman can see the aura that every living thing generates.

* Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.

* Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.

* X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Opponents sometimes used lead-lined constructs in an attempt to hide things from Superman. He can see things behind a wall as if the wall were not there, or can "peel back" layer after layer of matter in his mind. Kal-El is able to focus his vision past layers of matter, literally seeing "through" them -- possibly perceiving x-rays, cosmic rays or other forms of energy invisible to normal human vision which pass through Earth's atmosphere (and solid objects) after emission from stars. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.

Master Combatant: He has been trained by both Wildcat (in Boxing), and Mongul in the fighting arts. Superman has fought and learned from Wonder Woman. He has also learned more advanced martial arts techniques from Batman.

Genius-Level Intellect: Superman has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. His analytical powers are impressive — he is able to use his senses to read information directly from machines (and, with careful usage of his heat vision, he can even reprogram machines). Recently after he regained his powers in the "One Year Later" arc, his brain's intelligence has increased and it operates with much greater speed, procession, and analytical prowess, to the point he can recall things in such detail that he knows the ballistic of every shot by Bloodshot before, the vector and mass of each and every one of Riot's bodiesc, he can see into one of the most advanced Kryptonian Sun Stone Battle Ship and watch energy patterns shift and change, trace command signals at light speed down branching, maze-like pathways whilst, at the same time, finding one small knot of circuitry.

Indomitable Will: Superman has shown to have a powerful Force of Will, completely free of evil or temptation. Having been raised by a kindly Kansas farmer and his wife, Superman was taught to protect life and help others. He is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad.

Torquasm Vo: Torquasm Vo is a Kryptonian discipline that Superman uses sometimes. It is basically a means of focusing ones mental discipline to help fight adverse effects such as mental domination. It can be used to manipulate someone's mind. Superman used that ability during his fight against the Eradicator. It was used to create an illusion to let Superman enter inside the Eradicator.

Torquasm Rao: Allows him to tap into his instincts and separate himself from his body.


"Brother, you are messing with the wrong god-power-wielding dude!"

Captain Marvel
Gender: Male

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 250 lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Power of Shazam: In order to access the powers of Captain Marvel, Batson must invoke the name of the Wizard Shazam, thereby summoning the spells and energies of those extra-dimensional beings once known as "the gods on Earth". Batson also has ties to the Quintessence.

Batson must invoke the spell in order to call upon these powers. In a burst of supernatural thunder and lightning, Captain Marvel wields the mighty powers of the immortals!

Batson was able to share his power with others who are worthy. His sister became Mary Marvel and Freddy Freeman became Captain Marvel Jr. In this state, each person is in possession of a fragment of the power of "Captain Marvel". By calling upon Shazam again, each member of the Marvels can once again return to their former identities. This allows one of their numbers, such as Billy or Mary, to have the full power of the spell. The spell can be shared with others of noble intent and purity, such as Superman, who once switched identities with Captain Marvel. Bolstered by the Stamina of Atlas, the invulnerability of Achilles, and the power of Zeus, Marvel is often depicted with strength on par with Superman.

Captain Marvel possesses the following superhuman and magical powers:

S for the Wisdom of Solomon: Captain Marvel has instant access to a vast amount of knowledge. The wisdom of Solomon is sometimes known as the Wisdom of the Ancients. Captain Marvel has superhuman clairvoyance and awareness. He is provided with counsel and advice in times of need. Captain Marvel has knowledge of all languages, ancient and modern warfare, and can hypnotize or enchant people with his power. The power of wisdom lends him knowledge far beyond mortal comprehension.

* Superhuman Knowledge: Captain Marvel has exceptional photographic recall and mental acuity allowing him to read and decipher hieroglyphics, recall everything he has ever learned and solve long mathematical equations. Instantaneously he can make intuitive guesses based on limited data; to the point his guesses are almost always correct; also he has a great understanding of divine phenomenon in the mortal world.

* Clairvoyance: Captain Marvel possesses an uncanny awareness of his circumstances that allows him to turn disadvantages into advantages.

* Hypnosis: Through sheer power and magic he can hypnotize people for length of time (undetermined). Only those of great willpower can overcome this ability.

* Omni-lingual: He can speak every language known to humans as well as ancient or dead languages and is able to understand aliens.

H for the Strength of Hercules: In his role as Earth's Mightiest Mortal, Batson has incredible super strength. He has stalemated Superman in an arm wrestling contest, and has managed to match the strength of an Eclipso possesed Superman when he wasn't holding back at all (although Eclipso did't know how to use Superman's power at it full extent and also Marvel showed more strain, indicating that Superman is fractionally stronger), and has rendered Superman unconscious (however he had the advantage of catching Superman by surprise). Captain Marvel has moved and destroyed massive objects. He has fought warriors such as Wonder Woman and Superman although both of them have defeated him. Captain Marvel refrains from such power displays as physically moving planets, although, given his abilities against Superman and Wonder Woman, such feats would be within his abilities.

* Superhuman Strength: Give him the ability to lift and/or press volumes of mass far in excess to that normally possible for a human being functioning in Earth gravity.

A for the Stamina of Atlas: The Titan known as Atlas had limitless endurance. Atlas cradled the Earth for time immemorial. He can overcome tremendous physical resistance. This superhuman ability lends to his ability to stay as Captain Marvel for elongated periods of time, survive in space and fight seemingly endless battles such as his fight with the Spectre or Black Adam.

* Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe as Captain Marvel.

* Superhuman Stamina: His incredible metabolism endows him with practically infinite endurance and inexhaustible stamina.

Z for the Power of Zeus: Zeus was Olympus's high father and the god of magical lightning bolts. Zeus' power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transform Captain Marvel, also enhances Captain Marvel's other physical and magical abilities. This power reinforces his physical invulnerability and resistance against magic spells and attacks. Captain Marvel can use the magical lightning as a weapon. He can summon Zeus's lighting bolts to strike his opponents. Zeus's lightning may be used to create mythic apparatus, restore damage done to Marvel, and act as a power source for magical spells. He knocked Superman unconscious with the speed of Mercury and with his fists wrapped in lighting bolts.

* Magical Resistance: This boosts his Invulnerability and Endurance powers to god-like levels. Making him only affected by the most potent of spells and abilities.

* Physical Enhancement: His muscles, height increase, weight, mass and all physical properties that differ from Billy Batson's are a magical enhancement.

* Inter-dimensional Travel: This can only be used to travel to the Rock of Eternity.

* Spell Source: He is the focal point and immediate source of Mary Marvel and Freddy Freeman's powers. Just as Shazam is the source of Billy Batson's powers.

* Sorcery: Captain Marvel is a creature of pure and ancient magic. This allows for his ability to resist and cast magic spells, Zeus's Lighting being the most notable.

* Advanced Healing: If he is injured in battle he may call on the magical lightning to heal himself and mend wounds. If wounded, his divine and supernatural energies enable him to recover at other worldly speed.

A for the Courage of Achilles: Captain Marvel has heroic levels of inner strength from which to draw. He has the courage of the Greek Hero Achilles which in battle and while in the Captain Marvel form allows him to wield great bravery and spirit. Captain Marvel is blessed with an innate and harmonious good will. A divine cheerfulness that is characterized by his trademark grin. It gives him a perseverance that pushes him to always confront a challenge with a knowing optimism.

* Invulnerability: Captain Marvel is virtually invulnerable, and resistant to all types of physical injuries. His resilience to damage is on par with beings such as Superman, but without the weaknesses.

* Optimism: With the Courage of Achilles combined with the Wisdom of Solomon and the boyish personality of Billy Batson this creates a certain kind of optimism of which Captain Marvel is supremely known for. Able to smile down most opponents and using his powers in special ways other than fighting, Captain Marvel will forever remain the staple "boy scout".

M for the Speed of Mercury: By channeling Mercury's speed, Captain Marvel can easily fly and move at speeds far exceeding Mach 10 (2 miles a second) while in earth's atmosphere. This is far from his limit as the Speed of Mercury allows him to move at speeds faster than light. Just like Black Adam, his reflexes and speed enhance the impact of his uncharted physical strength. Thanks to the power of Mercury, Marvel flies as swiftly as the messenger god of Greek and Roman myth.

* Superhuman Speed: He can move at incredible speeds making him at least fast enough to race the Flash on foot. Captain Marvel can move fast enough to render himself invisible and seemingly vanish and disappear at will. Even Superman himself (who is one of the fastest beings on Earth) admitted Captain Marvel as faster than him, and even considered him fast enough to catch an unstoppable Flash.

* Flight: Captain Marvel can also mystically fly through the atmosphere. This enables him to soar effortlessly sub-orbital levels and travel across the planet in blinding speed. He can travel through space, but has sometimes uses devices to ease communication during interstellar travel.
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whoa123 - 2/26/2011, 7:54 PM
Nobody can beat the Saiyans, haha!
SageMode - 2/27/2011, 1:42 AM
Super Saiyan 4 is canon. Even though the story wasn't done by Akira Toriyama.
Denn1s - 2/27/2011, 5:23 AM
goku is the most powerful being in the uniberse. goodbye everyone else. goku reigns supreme...dbgt and ssj4 IS canon. toriyama was the supervisor of the series.
wedontdie - 2/27/2011, 9:19 AM
going super sayiyan shouldn't count! why don't superman and shazam just get mxyzptlk and just get rid of them. good luck trying to find the dragonballs to try to bring goku and vegeta back when they won't exist anymore! the sayiyans don't have superhuman strength they just use regular human strength with steroids. who needs the spirit bomb when u can use the the sun as your bomb. now thats true power.

@intruder batman killled himself from getting to tired trying to beat up superman and superman didn't even have a scratch on him. superman would have flicked batman once and would have put batman into a 30 year coma if he wanted to but luckly for batman, superman doesn't kill or hurt his friends like that.
SageMode - 2/27/2011, 2:09 PM
@wedontdie: Saiyan actually do have superhuman strength.......
From Dragonball.wikia.....
Saiyans naturally possess exceptional strength -far greater than that of other humans and alien races -and are quintessentially built for fighting. They are capable of easily lifting hundreds of times their own weight (Goku, before receiving Master Roshi's training, was able to lift Bulma's car in the first episode of Dragon Ball at the mere age of twelve). The naturally high gravity of Planet Vegeta develops their strength further making them incredibly strong at young ages. Even weaker Saiyans are capable of conquering most planets alone. Through tough training, Saiyans are able to reach new levels of power, and the more intense training and fights they go through, the stronger they become.

And Goku was able to push apart an entire mountain without effort......and he hasn't shown an upperlimit.
CoolioVids - 3/2/2011, 9:45 AM
YamiYusei1 - 5/7/2011, 11:27 PM
Totally Goku and Vegeta. Don't even need Super Saiyan. It would be quite a long and epic battle though, and I'd love to see it.
TheEmperor - 10/11/2011, 7:34 AM
LizardKing71, good to know you speak Bizarro. Goku and Vegeta would just do what they always do. Start the match at half power (Super Saiyan 2) to build up the DC confidence, then hit Super Saiyan 4 and easily execute them. Only a DC "Superman wins it all even depowered" fanboy could try to call it differently. Being that you have a DC Character for an avatar, point proven.

Had Krypton not already been wiped out, Vegeta would have gotten to it eventually...
TheEmperor - 10/11/2011, 7:38 AM
Big Bang Kamehameha. No more needs to be said.
KeaneSpark - 11/1/2012, 3:42 PM
HAHA they would just fusion into GOGETA SSJ 4 and make a bigbangkamehameha x 100 and blow the entire world they were figthing on!!!!!!
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