ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future

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Menks123 - 3/31/2017, 9:56 AM
That's disappointing. Hopefully he shows up somewhere leading up to IW, he will elevate any movie he is in.
MosquitoFarmer - 3/31/2017, 9:59 AM
This is why rumors cannot be inherently trusted.

KWilly - 3/31/2017, 9:59 AM
Dang, that's too bad.

scapegoatjones - 3/31/2017, 11:02 AM
@KWilly - oh this gif. this gif I want.
SimplyAz - 3/31/2017, 9:59 AM
Starring Superman and Haweye, looking forward to this Mission Impossible, a series that hasn't let me down, I even like number 2.

SimplyAz - 3/31/2017, 10:02 AM
Remember after seeing MOS as a family and my sister not liking the fact that Superman shaved his beard/stubble prior to donning the suit. She likes facial hair on men.
Termin8er - 3/31/2017, 10:16 AM
@SimplyAz - Twas a pretty weak and scraggly beard though. Affleck's beard in the Aquaman scenes in the first trailer is a real beard.
JoeMomma29 - 3/31/2017, 10:00 AM
Man no love for Hawkeye.....I really did not like his character a whole lot in the MCU......but after AOU I really liked how they showed him and his family was great.
WruceBayne - 3/31/2017, 10:02 AM
@JoeMomma29 - I wonder if Marvel Cinematic Universe has the balls to kill his family like they did in the comics?
JoeMomma29 - 3/31/2017, 10:03 AM
@WruceBayne - NOPE!!!!! And not because of who is running Marvel Studios.....but because of Disney. Sorry but Disney will not go that far.....and yes they call all the shots at the end of the day.

write33 - 3/31/2017, 10:04 AM
@WruceBayne - at the risk of being horribly cruel, I thought that right away after kill them off and send a despondent Hawkeye out, ending up in a building in NY and kicking off the MCU version of the Matt Fraction run! now THAT would be a great Netflix show.
WruceBayne - 3/31/2017, 10:00 AM
It's been a whole lot of news coming out as inaccurate lately
sKeemAn - 3/31/2017, 10:00 AM
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