While I was watching the trailer for AoU the umteenth time, something began to bother me about Ultron's entrance. It wasn't his voice, or his scrapped Iron Man look. It was the fact they already knew his name, I believe it was Bruce Banner who yells out in surprise "Ultron!" And Ultron responds back in a cool sarcastic demeanor and quips, "In the flesh!".
Meaning they've named him Ultron on purpose and Ultron is self-aware and knows its own name.
More on that in a moment, but first lets look at the recently revealed promo art that tells us more about Ultron's drastically changed origins:

So Ultron will now apparently start out "as a simple computer program hidden among the ruins of the Chitauri invasion" , most likely the technology left in the dead alien bodies at the end of the first Avengers film. Tony Stark is said to be responsible for its "development into a sophisticated artificial intelligence."
The previous descriptions of the movie were that Tony "jumpstarted a dormant peacekeeping program"
With S.H.I.E.L.D. destroyed and the Avengers needing a hiatus from stopping threats, Tony Stark attempts to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program with Ultron, a self-aware, self-teaching, artificial intelligence.
Now originally I was thinking maybe he revives his father's (Howard Stark) and Hank Pym's old work from the SSR - Pre SHIELD days. That way we get a new twist on the original canon and why it would make sense now to put Ant-Man as the closing chapter of PHASE 2. Regardless it looks like they're sticking with a new origin that involves connections to the larger MCU with the Chitauri and featuring their staple character Iron Man as the creator of Ultron.
Now let's look at Vision's new origins:

In the comics, Ultron is the creator of Vision using the brain patterns of Wonderman. Since we don't have Wonderman, most theorized the Ultron would create Vision from J.A.R.V.I.S. to spite Stark . This idea sat well with everyone as it would be an accepted evolution of J.A.R.V.I.S and even just the thought of Paul Bettany being Vision was already welcomed by the fans.
Turns out we got our wish with Paul Bettany becoming the Vision, but his origins seem way different than what we expected.
Vision is described as having been "programmed by the combined geniuses of Tony Stark & Bruce Banner" and given the "the ability to fly, project intense energy beams and change the density of his form."
So back to Tony and Bruce, the Science Bros. It looks like they create Ultron pretty early on in the film and he goes rogue. Whether that's because of the Chitauri A.I. or Tony Stark's brain patterns, we're not quite sure yet. What we can speculate on is whether J.A.R.V.I.S. is still an integral part of both Ultron's/Vision's creation. And I think it still is very much an evolution of J.A.R.V.I.S.

Now let's break that down. J.A.R.V.I.S. is actually an acronym for :
The theory I'm going for is nothing new, it's that Ultron is an evolution of a Rogue J.A.R.V.I.S. but now that we have more information due to the profiles, I think that Tony:
finds the Chitauri A.I
finds out that it was controlling the Chitauri independent of a user/controller
he then meddles with it and combines it with J.A.R.V.I.S. to develop an earthbound interface
he supes up J.A.R.V.I.S. to be independent and assess direct threats to humans on the fly
gives it a body and christens it U.L.T.R.O.N
Although, I think it's rather
ULT. R.O.N. Let's take a look at the acronym TRON. according to wiki:
TRON is an open real-time operating system kernel design, and is an acronym for "The Real-time Operating system Nucleus". The project was started by Prof. Dr. Ken Sakamura of the University of Tokyo in 1984. The project's goal is to create an ideal computer architecture and network, to provide for all of society's needs.[1]
This sounds like something Tony would end up using, a network to provide for all of society's needs. But being the egocentric genius he is, Tony would make THE Real -time Operating system Nucleus, or rather the ULTimate version of a TRON.

Taking a step further and going back to the description of Ultron: he will spend the film trying to upgrade "to an ultimate, unstoppable form" and that it will also have "the ability to enter and corrupt any computer network."
So he would end up being the ULTimate Real - time Operating Network.
Now that part is important, as he can infect any network, and he seems to be controlling his Iron Legion or Ultron Drones all at once. What's more important is how that relates to Vision or rather V.I.S.I.O.N.
Ultron still creates Vision to spite Stark. He creates and liberates one drone from his network to show Stark, he too can create life, independent of Human interference and Human Imperfections.
What I think happens is Bruce and Tony end up capturing this free-minded naive drone, and reformat him with a clean J.A.R.V.I.S. boot. Then they give him: a new slick body that can go intangible to pass through Ultron's Vibranium Hull, laser powers, and flight. This makes Vision like an ultra-powered yet innocent child, unknowing but learning. Then, seeing his "father's", Ultron, destruction against Human life, makes him rebel and save the Avengers and Humanity against the unruly A.I.
So V.I.S.I.O.N, being a more direct offshoot evolution of J.A.R.V.I.S. would be:
a Very Intelligent System (taken from JARVIS) Independent of Operating Network (the freedom given by ULTRON from ULTRON himself)
So what do you guys think? Is this a bunch of ULTIMATE RANDOMLY ORGANIZED NON-SENSE?
Or is this really Ultron and Vision's incarnation on the big screen? Sound off below! And don't forget to give a thumbs up if you enjoyed the read.