AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Character Promo Banners Reveal New Details On Cap, Black Widow, Thanos And More

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Character Promo Banners Reveal New Details On Cap, Black Widow, Thanos And More

Another batch of Avengers: Infinity War promo art has been shared online, and while not every character image is new, we do get some intriguing new details about them via the accompanying breakdowns...

By MarkCassidy - Mar 04, 2018 04:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Avengers: Infinity War
While we await that highly anticipated final trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, we have some more promo art in the form of the following character posters.

The banners spotlight Captain America, Thanos, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, and Iron Spider.

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We have seen a few of these poses in previously released artwork, but some of the accompanying breakdowns do give us a better idea of what to expect from these latest incarnations of Earth's Mightiest Heroes and The Mad Titan in the film.

To view the images all at once, simply click on the VIEW LIST (ONE PAGE) button below!

Captain America

Chris Evans' Steve Rogers will be a very different man when we catch up with him in Infinity War, as this description confirms.

Though Rogers may not officially adopt the Nomad moniker in the movie, it seems clear that he has been operating as a vigilante between the events of Civil War and this latest adventure.

What will ultimately prompt Captain America to rejoin his old teammates to put a stop to Thanos and his forces?



Speaking of Josh Brolin's Mad Titan, we get a new look at the villain here along with some details that give us a better insight into his plan.

Thanos mentions "balancing the universe" during his voice-over in the first trailer, and we now have confirmation that he'll be "consumed with saving the universe from itself" in Infinity War.

The big question is, will he be taking on this apocalyptic mission in an attempt to impress a certain lady?



The God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth), once again pictured without the eye-patch he picked up towards the end of Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor will most likely be spending a decent chunk of Infinity War with The Guardians of The Galaxy, as he sets out to acquire a powerful new weapon with the help of Groot and Rocket.

Will his Stormbreaker be enough to challenge the might of Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet?



Fans have been a bit disappointed that The Hulk hasn't been featured as much as some of the other heroes in the promotion for Infinity War, but we have another look at the big fella here.

Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) was reluctant to transform in Thor: Ragnarok in case he wound up stuck as The Green Goliath for good, but it sounds like he's is going to have to fully embrace the power of "the other guy" if he has any chance of stopping The Mad Titan.


Black Widow

Another look at Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson) sporting an upgraded outfit, weapon, and hairdo.

Like Captain America, it seems the Black Widow went rogue after everything that occurred in Civil War and will only reemerge to aid The Avengers in the battle against Thanos.

Will Nat find time to rekindle the romance with Banner that was teased in Age of Ultron while saving the world?


Iron Spider

Finally, we have Tom Holland's Peter Parker/Spider-Man sporting his new Iron Spider costume. No sign of those extra appendages here, though.

Despite the name being used for marketing purposes, we're still not sure if Parker will actually be referred to as Iron Spider in Infinity War or not. Whatever mantle he settles on, Spidey will be very glad to have Tony Stark's upgrades at his disposal once the invasion gets underway.

Just these six for now, but hopefully we'll have some more characters to share very soon. Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters worldwide on April 27.

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Nebula - 3/4/2018, 4:05 PM
interoBang - 3/4/2018, 4:07 PM
@Nebula - YAS KWEEN!
MyCoolYoung - 3/4/2018, 4:09 PM
@Nebula - this official?
Nebula - 3/4/2018, 4:12 PM
@MyCoolYoung - No, I think it's just a really amazing edit.
interoBang - 3/4/2018, 4:07 PM
I cannot believe this movie is almost upon us!
Pathogen - 3/4/2018, 4:13 PM
@interoBang - Don't get tooooo excited. Containing Infinity War in one movie is worse than how they contained Civil Skirmish into one movie....it lost its gravitas and importance
JustAChillDude - 3/4/2018, 4:24 PM
@Pathogen - Civil Skirmish...dude just shut the f.uck up
Deonox - 3/4/2018, 4:47 PM
@Pathogen - Civil War was fantastic. With plenty of great action beats. Black Panther vs Bucky, Cap, & Falcon. Then Bucky vs Cap, Tony, T'Challa, Widow, & Agent 13. Team Cap vs Iron Man was a 17 minute superhero fest, and then finally Cap, and Bucky vs Tony at the end was horrific to watch
Solarkalel85 - 3/4/2018, 4:48 PM
@Pathogen - i get what your saying but they had one movie to tell it and they did a good job. imo they should dedicate a whole phase to big story lines.like phase 3 civil war,each movie showing how the civil war is affecting everyone.like in the comics. I could actually see that happening in a few years the ways things are going
Gamerbot64 - 3/4/2018, 5:25 PM
@Pathogen - GG m8. You ain't wrong
Chaos200 - 3/4/2018, 6:43 PM
@Solarkalel85 - As much as i love the movie, Civil War should've been it's own trilogy of Avengers films that came after Thanos.
Ragnarocknroll - 3/5/2018, 12:06 AM
@Pathogen - No it didn't, Civil War was a comic-book movie masterpiece.
SisterSunday52 - 3/5/2018, 12:46 AM
@Ragnarocknroll - "Civil War was a comic-book movie masterpiece."

XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's a good one. It doesn't even come close to being in the top five Marvel movies, let alone being a Comic Book Movie masterpiece.
Solarkalel85 - 3/5/2018, 1:04 AM
@Chaos200 - ah yeah it probably should have been.pity
SisterSunday52 - 3/5/2018, 1:11 AM
@Pathogen - You are spot on. You may have insulted their great Allah, but you speak the truth. Trying to put Civil War in one film, while crossing it with another film (the Fugitive with Bucky) made it one of the most disappointing Comic Book Movies I have seen in years. Even more so, when the Russos improved on the source material with The Winter Soldier. Now it has been confirmed that they watered down Thanos and Infinity War by turning him into Superboy Prime and the film into Infinite Crisis. I was looking forward to seeing Thanos cause Hell on the Marvel heroes for the love of his Lady Death. With one sentence, they have confirmed I'm not getting that. For all of those idiots who say Superboy Prime Thanos is better, consider the Son of Sam with the powers of a God and tell me, with a straight face, that's cheesy.
Chaos200 - 3/5/2018, 11:37 AM
@SisterSunday52 - Where did you see confirmation that they will nerf Thanos and make him "superboy prime"? What was said?
Pathogen - 3/5/2018, 1:38 PM
@Deonox - Eh. If you're a kid with ADD, sure. It was fantastic. If you're someone who likes GOOD movies...fantastic, even, if I borrow your term, then the story should have been extended over a few movies, paced better, had more stakes, and the introduction to the pivotal fight scene not be introduced by like 6 or seven dudes running at each other on an airport runway. Because seriously...in the books, it was a war. EVERYone was involved. In the movie? C'mon. It was fun, popcorn schlock. But it didn't do the Civil War story any justice, and....and I say this maybe because I have a higher bar on what I'd call "fantastic"....but it was just a silly movie.
There are quite a few Marvel movies that are better than this, by far.
Hope that answers you, and whomever else responded
@Ragnarocknroll ...how old are you? just curious. It was fun, but masterpiece? You love AoS, don't you ;)

@Solarkalel85 It was ok. It wasn't made to impress, just to make money. Mission accomplished. 12 year olds super happy. But yes, had they extended it, and made it seem like someone would go down, it would have been better

@Gamerbot64 Thanks man. Some people on this site are just stoked about mediocrity

Pathogen - 3/5/2018, 1:46 PM
@SisterSunday52 - I don't get the reference "super boy thanos" but Marvel has shown that its willing to water down stories to cram them into one movie. They've done well with so many of their movies, but I can't imagine Infinity War, missing so many characters and subplots, will do well in a movie unless they surprise us and end up leaving it as cliffhangers for another Thanos flick. To build Thanos up so long to waste him in one movie? To do the same thing that they did in Civil War, and turned it into an Avengers 2 type mess? Someone at the helm is cashing out, checking out.
Gamerbot64 - 3/5/2018, 2:43 PM
@Pathogen - Its just kind of odd how much Civil War is hailed as a "masterpiece" when I really didn't get masterpiece from it. As much as people hate on other CBMs for being too stuffed with content. Civil war was pretty stuffed and not in a good way.
Deonox - 3/5/2018, 2:46 PM
@Pathogen - Having problems with the pacing is a valid criticism. And while i don't agree I can see how some fans were dissapointed the airport fight wasn't as serious as they wanted it to be. But comparing it to the comics isn't a valid complaint. The comics had DECADES to make that event possible. If we had dozens of superheroes show up, then we might as well watch a transformers movie with a bunch of underdeveloped characters where the audience can't get invested in or have any idea who's fighting. And how condescending are you? Calling people with ADD because they really enjoyed this movie. Do better, stop being so toxic
Pathogen - 3/5/2018, 7:43 PM
@Deonox - So you don't think story lines in movies like Age of Ultron and Civil War weren't underdeveloped? I agree that the Transformers movies are garbage...but these aren't THAT much better. I hated Age of Ultron, it was hokey, badly written, and a mess. I enjoyed Civil War as a throw away movie..it was fun for an hour or so, but doesn't warrant repeat viewing (unless you really need to get your geek on seeing Spidey join up, and Black Panther do his thing...the rest was just formulaic and didn't add any major impact to the Marvel film universe).

And I can be as condescending as I like, because as we all know on here, we're all right, all the time. Do better? Watch better movies. Hell, demand better movies.
My maxim: Make a good comic book movie by first making a good movie that just happens to have comic book characters.
Solarkalel85 - 3/6/2018, 5:53 AM
@Pathogen - ah i definitly agree with you.i think the inclusion of spiderman hyped it up something crazy too.the 3rd cap film shouldnt have been civil war.
Whaley87 - 3/6/2018, 7:40 AM
@SisterSunday52 - You can't be taken seriously at all though, especially when you claim BVS to be some type of cinematic art.
Ragnarocknroll - 3/6/2018, 9:57 PM
@Pathogen - The story was well told, the pacing was fine and the stakes were plenty apparent. You standing on a high horse and claiming it to be 'schlock' does nothing to undermine just how great a film it was (as evidenced by both critical and commercial reception).
Yes it was a masterpiece. My age is no business of yours and no, I do not watch AoS as I simply do not have the time.

What I can infer from your comment however is that you're a pedantic, arrogant, miserable child who can't stand that other people can feel differently about something that he has opinions on. There's a remedy for that - it's called 'deal with it'. You need to try it.
Pathogen - 3/7/2018, 6:41 AM
@Ragnarocknroll - You can feel differently, but don't get your panties in a twist when I call you out on your sophomoric tastes. The fact that you cracked open your dusty thesaurus to try and give your retort more weight makes me chuckle.

Listen, it all boils down to this:

Its ok if you have guilty pleasures...indulge them! Mine is cheesy 80's movies. But I'd never call them cinematic masterpieces, or assign qualities to them that they so obviously don't have. Be honest with yourself.
Ragnarocknroll - 3/8/2018, 4:28 AM
@Pathogen - What amuses me is your criticism of my vocabulary that only reflects and confirms your lack of one.

Civil War is not a guilty pleasure to me, nor would it be to most people who enjoyed it. A movie deemed to be a guilty pleasure does not get rave critical reviews and earn a billion dollars at the box-office.

I found enough in the film to deem it a masterpiece and your arrogant and downright moronic attitude does nothing for me to have any sort of second thoughts regarding the same. If anything, all it does is give me further assurance in my belief when a total douche like you disagrees so vehemently.
Pathogen - 3/8/2018, 9:16 PM
@Ragnarocknroll - Listen, kid. I get it. You're still in the adolescent frame of mind where you think pulling some vocab words verse someone quick-typing gives you some superior argumentative power. I thought so too, when I was 17 and scored a perfect on my SAT verbals. While hung over.

I'm old as balls now compared to many of you on here, and I have every right to assert my dismay over the lack of recognition that the general movie going population has for falling into a formulaic, bubble gum routine with many movies. To put it in terms you'll understand, this movie is the Taylor Swift of comic book movies. Its the same thing you've seen before, all flash and pizzaz, with no real depth or quality.

And that's ok. Like I said, guilty pleasure. You can know something is garbage and still love it. Just admit it. The more you "vehemently" defend it, the dumber you appear.
Ragnarocknroll - 3/9/2018, 9:44 PM
@Pathogen - Man, you're a waste of my time. You're blocked. Don't bother replying.
MyCoolYoung - 3/4/2018, 4:09 PM
Next month. Thought It would never come
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