Batman fans rejoice! Rocksteady has just announced that all the DLC for the month of November for season pass holders is to be released all at once. It includes the long awaited Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Batman and Batmobile skin. You will finally be able to feel what it's like to be Ben Affleck's Batman and get the oppurtunity to drive around in the newest Batmobile. The same will also be done for December's DLC!
November's Season Pass update will release on November 24! Get ready for the 2016 Movie Batsuit and Batmobile, plus Arkham Episodes starring Catwoman and Robin, new race tracks and new AR challenges.

2016 Batman v Superman Batmobile Pack
2016 Batman v Superman Batman Skin
2016 Batman v Superman Batmobile
Wayne Tech Pack
Track #1: Proving Ground
Track #2: Waynetech Loop
Arkham Episode: Catwoman’s Revenge
Includes 1 story mission and 2 AR challenge maps
Arkham Episode: A Flip of a Coin, starring Robin
Includes 1 story mission and 2 AR challenge maps
Arkham Episodes AR Challenge Update including maps from GCPD Lockdown
Robin and Batmobile Skins Pack
Robin Themed Batmobile Skin
Original Tim Drake Robin Skin
Riddler Themed Batmobile Skin
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #4
AR Challenge: Clockwork
AR Challenge: Credit Crunch
AR Challenge: High Flyers
AR Challenge: Quarantine
AR Challenge: Wild Cat
AR Challenge: Divine Intervention
Free Update Character Selection in AR Invisible Predator Challenges
It was also recently announced that the skins for the Arkham Knight and the original Harley Quinn outfit seen in Batgirl's prequel story mission DLC, "A Matter of Family".
There was recently a Twitter poll from the game's director, Sefton Hill, asking fans which skin they would prefer. Although the Arkham Knight won, he announced that Rocksteady would be releasing both anyway.
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