In an interview with Total Film Roven said: "People need to separate the actors from the role"
When asked if things would have been done any differently had the filmmakers known that Heath Ledger would be unable to reprise the role he said:
"The character was never tied to the actor. “On a personal level, Heath was a friend of mine, we had worked together before The Dark Knight, but I still think that The Dark Knight is its own thing, and we have to separate them.”
Roven also claimed that Christopher Nolan and David Goyer are “talking and thinking” about the next film.
So who could possibly out do Ledgers performance? Should anyone even try? I think provided they find the right actor then it would be great to see Mr J back on the screen. I dont envy the job facing the person they do pick, but at the same time remember the fanboy backlash when Ledger was announced? Everyone thought "how could this guy top Nicholson"..Granted the time frame was a little more in Ledgers favor!
I think Johhny Depp could pull it off..even though i know alot of fans want him for the Riddler. But i honestly think that if they want to allow an actor to bring in a performance thats not weighed down by the baggage of his past roles, and truly move out of the shadow of Heath Ledgers mighty take on The Joker then they need to look for an unknown or less well known talent.
What do you think?