Dax Ginn, marketing game manager at Rocksteady also hinted that there will be missions similar to the Scarecrow missions from Arkham Asylum.
“Did you like the scarecrow stuff?” he replies. “Well we did too. Aren’t you glad that you didn’t know about the Scarecrow levels before you played Arkham Asylum? If they had been part of the marketing campaign they wouldn’t have had that kind of impact, so I’m just going to leave it there.”
According to Ginn the biggest difference in Arkham City compared to Arkham Asylum is the more open setting.
” Anything that is open to the sky is open to player right from the off,” he explains. “Nobody tells Batman where to go so it was important for us to give that freedom right at the start. The interiors are gated and will open as a result of narrative progression.”
He was also asked ifRocksteady would consider doing a game for Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise.
“He [Christopher Nolan] is a pretty amazing guy and that would be a brilliant lunchtime meeting to have, discussing how that might work. But what we find with the comic book license is that we get creative freedom to push the characters in pretty much any direction we like; we’re not bound to a single narrative. I’m not saying we’ll never make a game based on a movie, but as of right now and from a creative perspective, it’s not something we want to be doing.”
Batman: Arkham City is due out later this Fall