Many of you are speculating of cameos and packed villains and MORE movies and such and I say why?I t doesn't hurt to dream and all, but the way I see it, this WILL end the Batman franchise for good and I know that Nolan will leave it in a great finish.Honestly?that is the way to go because I think Batman's career is gold with Nolan's films and Should probably stay that way.
Nolan has a way of making his movies so simple and realistic that they actually shine better than the rest of the flicks in competition.That is why they have been so great because of the simple fact that he simply does not try to over do his Batman's with costume perversions and cheesy one-liners.
People need to come to see that with Nolan, there will be no more Joker, no superman, and especially, no more flicks(well...maybe with a hint of possibility but the chances are slim.)Nolan is smart enough to know when to end something great. Take the famous quote of Harvey from the Dark Knight:"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
To a lot of geeky hearts out there(including myself)Nolan's films are the hero.Why do you guys want it to live long enough, to see his films slowly become another CBM villain? Just think about it for a second.If we demand more and more movies they will begin to suck and get so old that we won't want to even discuss this anymore. Take the "Harry Potter" movies for example, I know that they are from books and all have to be made but still I'm so tired of those Potter movies I could scream. That is also the same for all those Romero "Dead" movies and anything else with a large amount of sequels. They were great at first but slowly declined to just being there. That's what could happen if we just demand demand demand.
The Batman Beyond thing isn't happening.The Dark Knight Returns thing isn't either. They are great ideas but We have to accept this.The more simplicity with this newest Batman, the better. No Joker cameos, no superman and nothing that would take away from the realistic world of Nolan.I say just leave it where it is and give other heroes the spotlight for a while after this movie takes its toll.Because it's a helluva lot better off dying as an excellent franchise, than a drug-out and beaten down one.