Whether through their ignorance or apathy, it is happening.
As our disbelieving eyes pass it on to our questioning minds, crushed hearts and knotted up guts, characters and stories we've cherished are being twisted, warped and shoehorned into a pseudo-universe of monumental missed opportunity.
It has become clear that the stewards of the DC characters' current cinematic interpretation are doing a relatively poor job of translating the heart, soul, spirit, and motivations of Superman (and many other characters) that have endured as a beloved core aspect of the comics.
The most egregious application of the poor job is their reinterpretation of the motives of Jonathan Kent.
The heart, soul and belief system that allowed a super powered alien to become a hero and a symbol of hope for other characters and readers alike was fostered by the guidance and wisdom of Pa Kent. Clark was taught that the time would come for him to wield his power in wise ways to benefit mankind.
The change in Jonathan Kent's motives to that of a man passing on his fear of mankind's reactions to his adopted son are what lead up to a 33 year old man-child causing massive distruction and heartache in his wake as he still seeks to find his way.
This interpretation is the polar opposite, in nearly every way, of the traits and motives that have made these characters beloved. Kevin Costner and Henry Cavil are near perfect castings for these two wonderful comic book characters and it's a shame we will never get to see them achieve the characters' full potential.
No matter what they do moving forward, the core of what they are trying to build upon is tainted.
You can't polish a turd.