As far as I can tell, some people are dissatisfied with the TV spot of Captain America because of lack of action.I know the trailer seemed that way and they probably made it that way on purpose too.The first trailers of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were lacking some action(I thought)and I thought to myself, I'm not so sure about these movies.
Well clearly I WAS sure later on!The trailer was only hints of course, as was not to give away the REAL action.The amount of action mixed with the amount of story seemed the greatest of all.That is how those movies became great.They were story based action movies, and as contradictory as that seems, it's true.
When I left the theater,(from watching both Batman films from Nolan)I felt like I had just watched a Godfather flick instead of some action flick that ran through the audience like water,Because the story was so detailed and great.
The action was flawless and realistic.
When I watched the trailer to the Batman films I thought...huh.well I hope that works.Guess what?It clearly and obviously DID.The point is, is that I felt the same towards the Captain America trailer.I loved it but at the same time I thought, well where was the action part?That is where I remember that it was just 30+ seconds.
This movie WILL be great and I feel that some fun and history will be made along with it.I feel that instead of a water quick action film that we feel was wasted,we will get us a great detailed movie worth THREE popcorn buckets.(pun intended). I can't help but feel that every time I watch this trailer...something within me is satisfied, for knowing the fact that if they can shove a good amount of story within a 37 second trailer with a hint of action, this movie will be gold.
I think that all the trailers with all action and no plot showing are over-rated, because every time I actually watch the real movie, I keep thinking that the trailer itself was so much better.Trailers are supposed to leave you wanting MORE.Not making you feel that you would rather watch the trailer than the actual movie itself.This Captain America movie trailer doesn't beef it up.It lays it down for you and tells you how it is.Nolan's Bat-film trailers pulled the same stunt and look where that went.
I may be the only one that feels this...but it was just something to think and write about.
Good Day peeps!