Is Captain America the biggest April’s Fools joke in the history of Hollywood?

Is Captain America the biggest April’s Fools joke in the history of Hollywood?

It was brought to my attention that certain CW Easter eggs could be saying that we are all in the dark about who the real Captain America actually is!

Editorial Opinion
By Shaman - Mar 31, 2010 10:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America
Source: Read: Jensen Ackles: The living embodiment of Captain America!

Most of us comic book fans couldn’t care less about what the CW, a Warner Bros. company, has to say about Marvel’s most anticipated comic book film. But that is only if we disregard the fans’ most popular choice of actors to play the good Captain, who is actually the CW’s golden boy; Jensen Ackles (Supernatural).

On the 25th of March, The CW aired the 15th episode of the 5th season of Supernatural(Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) which was filled to the brim with Captain America Easter eggs, and all of them pointing to Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles). These hints went from subtle to alarming in a variety of scenes featuring Jensen. Some of these scenes displayed American flags as well as a picture of Mount Rushmore seen behind Jensen. The carved initials “C.A” on a Bronco appeared right next to Jensen’s head. A scene even featured Jensen eating a whole slew of “American” apple pie with him having an ear to ear grin! And last but not least, Jensen is seen entering a closet and opening the light to show a motorcycle helmet painted in good ol’ read, white and blue fashion! Kinda like the old live action Captain America, saving the day on his iron steed with his plastic see-through shield, wouldn’t you say?

Now I know most of you are slapping your legs, clinching your bladders while gasping for air between laughs, all in the name of hysteria, but after your abdominal pains make you stop laughing and your tears dry away, you might notice that it’s not as funny if we add up all the news we’ve had since we heard they were looking at contenders for the role. Granted a lot of them were rumours and fan casts but certain statements add up pretty nicely with these Easter eggs. On the 7th of February 2010, reported that at a Wolfman press conference “Joe Johnston had said that his Captain America would be played by a newcomer and that he would be surrounded by name actors”. On the 8th of February 2010, reported that Jensen Ackles was part of the top three choices for the role of Captain America. One of those three choices was actually seen at the premier of Johnston’s Wolfman, so I’m thinking that those choices were legit. On the 24th of February 2010, reported that the chosen actor for Cap would be signing a nine picture deal with Marvel. The only time we ever heard that Jensen was out of the running, was on casting rumour articles about John Krazinsky saying that Jensen had schedule conflicts preventing him from being cast. There were no official statements from Marvel, The CW OR Jensen himself confirming those conflicts and the last word we ever got from a Marvel spokesperson was on the 26th of February as reported that “no one has been cast as Cap yet”. This must mean that Jensen is either still in the running or is actually cast as Cap until officially confirmed otherwise.

On the 25th of March 2010, a fellow CBMer that goes by the name of WalkingPhoenix wrote an editorial about everyone “jumping the gun” about the news of Chris Evans landing the role of Cap. His point was that Marvel or Evans did not officially confirm the news yet. All that we have had are twitter messages from Jon Favreau and Stan Lee welcoming the new Captain but not specifically using Evans’ name as a reference. And the only news on Evans’ part was an article posted on saying that he was seen in a Hollywood hotspot celebrating his big Captain America “get”. There were still no comments from his part to confirm. On March 22nd 2010, The Hollywood Reporter stated that Chris Evans had accepted the role but had no information on the details of his contract. And then on March 24th 2010, reported that Evans had signed only a 3 picture deal with an “appearance” in The Avengers. It’s not quite the same deal as what had been reported offered by Marvel. And it’s also been a long while since we have had any Hawkeye news regarding Jeremy Renner. He seemed eager to relay information in the last articles about the role so it’s also a possibility that he is no longer considered for Clint Barton. And since Evans and Marvel have already been in “cahoots” in the past, also judging by Evans’ always present sense of humour, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest that they are trying to fool everybody in regards to Captain America’s casting. Evans would be a decent Cap but in my opinion, he’d be a way better Hawkeye. Could it be that all this time, Chris Evans is actually Hawkeye and that Jensen Ackles is actually Captain America?

So what do you all think? Is this an April Fools joke by the CW, an April Fools joke by Marvel or an April Fools joke by me? Confirm or debunk below ;)

“Thanks” go to Xavier Frost of the band “ForeverFrost” for bringing these Easter eggs to my attention, as well as to BmanHall, Telavision and InstigatorGirl for information and confirmations. Sorry, there are no screen shots accompanying this article.

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LEEE777 - 3/31/2010, 10:39 AM
ARMIE HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

; D
Shaman - 3/31/2010, 10:39 AM
If any of you have them, feel free to post up screen shots of the Supernatural episode in question ;)
LEEE777 - 3/31/2010, 10:41 AM
I actually wouldn't mind EVANS as HAWKEYE, though ACKLES is a perfect HAWKEYE!!

Great article though @ SHAMAN @ You got passion dude!

Still can't see EVANS as CAP myself either ... all i'd see is JOHNNY [frick]ING STORM! : P
StephenStrange - 3/31/2010, 10:41 AM
lol Ackles is NOT the fan's most popular choice to play Cap. Just Supernatural fan's. Like the author of this article.

StephenStrange - 3/31/2010, 10:43 AM
Nice April fools gag, Shaman. rofl
lc - 3/31/2010, 10:46 AM
JoshWilding - 3/31/2010, 10:46 AM
This is a fun article and even though I'm happy with Chris Evans I'd still be pleased to see Jensen Ackles play Captain America...however, this is really clutching at straws! None of these things are big enough easter eggs to make me think that he might still be in the running especially when Chris Hemsworth, Jon Favreau and a few other people involved with Marvel have commented on Chris Evans playing Captain America! (something that never happenned with the pile of other rumoured candidates!)
ecksmanfan - 3/31/2010, 10:46 AM
Interesting stuff. I didn't notice any of those things while watching though, I may have to go back and watch. Wait, I did notice how strangely happy he was to be eating apple pie. However, I think it's a stretch. I wouldn't mind seeing Ackles as Cap though, I think he'd be as good, if not better than Evans. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things roll out.
MarkCassidy - 3/31/2010, 10:46 AM
My Goodness. Shaman I have to say, I applaud your tenacity! Really, thats some damn relentless campaigning. But I think any reference in Supernatural was probably just a bit of fun poking. Chris Evans has been confirmed, just not officially announced by Marvel as Cap. Their reasons are their own but c'mon, we have Chris Hemsworth talking about how great he thinks he'll be now! Is he in on the joke too?
Shaman - 3/31/2010, 10:46 AM
LEEE- Well diddo to your passion as well LOL ;P Thanks bud!

DarthMulder- Well, i know internet polls are debatable but until another one proves otherwise, i'll stick to my guns about my statement LOL ;P

Joshw- Touché ;)

ecksmanfan- By all means, please do and come back to confirm ;)

Ror- Yes, i guess i am a bit tenacious LOL Thanks man! If CW was just fun poking, they're heartless bastards LOL
CorndogBurglar - 3/31/2010, 10:47 AM
@ shaman

i'm glad you posted this man, lol. i scoured the internet last night for ANYTHING that mentioned those Cap easter eggs in Supernatural, but i couldn't find a SINGLE thing. is it possible that people are looking at things that aren't really there?? i read some fan saying that the apple pie he was eating was made by another member in the show from a few episodes ago or something? (forgive me, i don't watch supernatural, so if i sound like i don't know what i'm talking about, its because i don't, lol)

and the american flags in the background, that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

i don't know, i haven't seen the episodes, so its unfair for me to pass judgement.

but i WILL say this, if WalkingPhoenix turns out to be correct, i'll definately give him a HUGE apology. but i think this is BS in all honesty. every news source on the net is reporting Evans as Cap, and even tv shows too :)
Codeseven - 3/31/2010, 10:48 AM
i def hope chris evans got the role and ackles didn't. i didn't have that big of a prob with him as cap until all the supernatural fans boys wouldn't stop jerking ackles off.
LEEE777 - 3/31/2010, 10:49 AM
SHAMAN @ Heh heh kudos! ; )
Shaman - 3/31/2010, 10:52 AM
CDB- LOL It most certainly can be all BS, on either side LOL I like this, it's fun LOL And i haven't watched it myself so i can't say who the character in question was that made the pies. Someone said it was a character's dead wife (probably as a ghost) cooked up a shitload of pies. Dean's character has always been food crazy (like myself) so that could also not mean anything. Who knows for sure? MOUAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Marvel knows LOL ;P

Multi- Is Apple Pie REALLY Canadian??? I thought it was but then... the brits are saying it's theirs LOL

Tela- Cool, come back to us with cold hard facts ;)
supermarioworldE - 3/31/2010, 10:53 AM
I would have no problems with Ackles as Cap, but it seems very unlikely that he's been cast. I doubt that marvel would put the time and effort into all this Chris Evans stuff, just for it to be an april fools day hoax.

Shaman - 3/31/2010, 10:55 AM
supermarioworldE- That's what i thought at first too... but if Evans is actually on board for three films as Hawkeye, they don't really have to work that hard at it ;)
zemus - 3/31/2010, 10:55 AM

I no longer feel alone in the world!

You guys are crushing hard on some of these doods. But sorry, Evans as the part, end of story.
1chris2 - 3/31/2010, 10:57 AM
i say leo dacaprio is captain america and they are waiting to say it. lol.
JoshWilding - 3/31/2010, 10:57 AM
I didnt actually notice any of these easter eggs either but I wouldnt be suprised if they filmed this episode while there was a lot of buzz around him playing Cap and they were indeed put there for eagle eyed viewers! Still, it's probably not going to happen so fingers crossed that there's another CBM role for him out there...dont say Hawkeye LEE! That's for Jeremy Renner, lol!
Trebuchet - 3/31/2010, 10:58 AM
Sounds like a load of crap to me.
yowsaman - 3/31/2010, 11:00 AM
nice article.

i think we all will know at the end of april who actually captain america is. right at the end of the credits from Iron man II!!

HelaGood - 3/31/2010, 11:03 AM
i think SHAMAN's article is an April Fool's joke... ;)
thegreek - 3/31/2010, 11:08 AM
Tela - That is great observation.... One rumor makes it fact... Again no one has confirmed who is CAP ... Even though i have no prob with either of them to play CAP...

We have to wait for the confirmation.
LEEE777 - 3/31/2010, 11:08 AM
This is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End of! ; D
CorndogBurglar - 3/31/2010, 11:09 AM
@ yowsaman

the only way i think we'll see Cap at the end of Iron Man 2 is if Fury shows him to stark, still frozen in a block of ice (without being able to see his face)...which would be awesome!
Ven0m - 3/31/2010, 11:11 AM
April Fools is tomorrow...
Shaman - 3/31/2010, 11:12 AM
Tela- Very true ;)

Tea- LMFOA!!! NAWICE!!! You photobuckted that, sweet!!! I love it :)) Thanks!

Hela- Weren't you one of those who asked me to write this??? LOL ;P

CDB & Yowsa- I could go for that ;)
Talontd - 3/31/2010, 11:14 AM

WTF! How in the hell could I have missed ALL of those easter eggs!!! I will be slo-mo'ing the entire episode tonight!

Don't forget, till there is an official announcement, there is always that .1% chance! LOL.
HelaGood - 3/31/2010, 11:15 AM
@Shaman LMAO! yes i was... my bad, sorry, still a bit early for me yet... need more coffee....
Unmasked - 3/31/2010, 11:20 AM
You know I'm starting to except the fact that Evans is CAP. After hearing about all these movies, not to mention the Avengers movie, I'm just ready to see the damn thing. I just feel that Marvel is dragging a bit. Maybe the ball will really start to roll after Iron Man comes out.

You've Been UNMASKED!
biggcess - 3/31/2010, 11:21 AM
I'm with Shaman, sorta.

I think Cap hasn't been cast and this is their way, Marvel and Everyone involved in the shared universe, to get back at all of the online media for "Jumping the Gun" on story's, internet leaks and all the stuff we fans do to get info on our favourite franchises before they want us to have it.

The messed up thing is they will confirm who cap is tomorrow morning and NO ONE is going to believe it. Ergo, pulling off one of the BIGGEST April fools jokes on the net.

I disagree with Shaman in regards to Jensen being cast as the evidence in the article really means nothing. Not saying that I'm not cool with Jensen getting the role, just saying i'm no convinced with the displayed points.

my $0.02

Ranger14 - 3/31/2010, 11:22 AM

I don't see Ackles as an unknown, so I don't buy that as a reason for him to be getting the part. He has done a number of TV series and is pretty recognizable.

I am fine with Evans or Ackles, but it's funny how even Hemsworth said he was excited for Evans to be playing the part. If anyone has inside info on it, it would be Hemsworth.

Lee@ Give it up. If Marvel doesn't have an issue with Evans playing multiple comic book hero roles, why should you?
Ryden - 3/31/2010, 11:29 AM
@Shaman- Jesus man why can't you accept that Ackles IS NOT Captain America! Chris Evans is Cap end of, he;s been confirmed, Marvel wouldn't screw around and say "oh yeah we were just joking we're actually going with some stiff actor from a lack-luster CW show becuase a lot of fans will get pissed off if we don't choose him, they OBVIOUSLY know better than us because we're only professional casting directors and they're comic book movie fans with thier own ideas..yep"

Sorry to sound snidy but NO. Evans is Cap, nuff said.
ChristopherM - 3/31/2010, 11:30 AM
contrast - 3/31/2010, 11:31 AM
Interesting...but the same thing could be said about Nathan Fillion. In the series "Castle", episode title "tick, tick, tick", a suspect actually CALLS Fillion's character "Captain America" with no real reason behind it...

NOTE, although I think Fillion is a great actor, I don't think he is right for Captain America, I was just making a point. Personally, I'd love to see him as Wonder Man.
Spock - 3/31/2010, 11:32 AM
I find that odd that WB would have aired a show with all of those similarties. It all could be a big cowincedence. But I will just wait till I hear other wise. NIce post Shaman!
Wadey09 - 3/31/2010, 11:33 AM
guess we'll find out tomorrow then!
spectre1983 - 3/31/2010, 11:33 AM
Well I'm all for Ackles as Cap. Nevertheless at this moment in time, I'm a complete skeptic. When I get an official announcement from Marvel on who's playing Cap then I'll believe it. Until then, he has not been cast!
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