In an interview with The List, the writer was quizzed about how work on the various adaptations of his creations is going and revealed one very interesting piece of information.
We already know that offers have been made by studios for
Superior (the story of a young boy with multiple sclerosis who suddenly finds himself with Superman-like powers) and that Mark Millar has talked to
Kick-Ass helmer Matthew Vaughn about directing. Well, looks like work on the movie is much further along than we thought:
"I'm doing this thing, Superior, they won’t be announcing the director until January..."
Let the speculation commence! With an announcement set to happen next month, a studio has obviously accquired the rights and it surely wont be too long until pre-production starts on the movie if a director has signed on. Here are a few more interesting updates regaring Millar's other movie adaptations as well:
"Jane Goldman’s just waiting for me to finish Kick-Ass 2 so she can start on the screenplay."
"Nemesis is out with a screenwriter just now."
(On Miracle Park)"About halfway through. We’re shooting everything in Scotland and the very, very basic idea is a superhero movie done in the style of Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity. I’ve come up with ways of doing superpowers with no budget, no special effects, that I think are quite interesting."
"I was talking to Robert Rodriguez recently, saying ‘We should work together."
To read the entire interview, follow the link below, and be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!