Now the great detective himself is manning the bat mobile,and the thundercats are manning there battle tank. Now imagine both have unlimited ammo,and unlimited power. Heres the set up. Batsy gets teleported to to THundera, while riding in his bat mobile. And The Thundercats see him. "That looks like a new peice of technology." Lion O says. "Lets wait and see if whoevers manning it is hostile or not." Panthero says. "I say we storm it and ask questions later!" Tygra yells. "Lets just do what Panthero said, but we'll watch from the tank so that if it attacks we have its armor and weapons to protect ourselves." Lion O says. "Lets just listen to them Tygra,it seems smart enough." Cheetara says to an annoyed Tygra. "Fine." Tygra growls. They head into there thunder tank. "Where, am I?" Batman wonders aloud. "An uncharted universe." The automated batmobile voice replies. "Hmmmmmm..." He mumbles. Meanwhile back at the tank. "You always undermine my authority!" Tygra yells. "YOUR authority?!Im the lord of the thundercats,so far havent led us wrong,and Panthero who also seconed my vote is our General!" Lion O Yells. "He's right Tygra!" Panthero yells. Then Tygra shoves Lion O into the missle launcher lever. Cuasing four missle to fire in old bats position. He dodges them and the battle is on!

Vehicle abilities:Auto pilot,a VAST array of gadgets,nearly indestructable armor,and the ability to convert into a batpod.
Driver skills:Batman,his driving skills are elite,his thinking and combat fighting are elite,and more than knows how to fight against other vehicles.
Vehicle abilities:Higly advanced thudera military issue weapons and armor,ability to drive on ANY terrain type except totaly murky water,and a laser shooter of MASS power.
Driver skills:The Thunder cats all each bring different skills,Panthero knows more military strategy and is more familiar with the tank,Lion O knows more about the technology,Tygra knows a little more maneuvers than the others,and Cheetara has the quickest reaction time. Plus all of there heads together against one opponet are MORE than a deadly combitnation.
Vote for who you think wins in the comment section.