We open on to a dark gloomy foggy city setting. shadows race by into an alley way whispers and screams are heard, a cop races down with his flash light the flash light starts to flicker and then dies we cut to the alley opening all the street lamps and store lights flicker and turn off.
the next scene will open up with our favorite hero floating and meditating. we see visions showing his past and training with the supreme sorcerer when suddenly he is interrupted. a boy named Dylan sits asking him what he is seeing. this is were we learn doctor strange has lost his memory of how he became who he was and has been on a quest to find it ever since.
the basic villain for this film would be more of a puppet to a much bigger villain for the trilogy
the story goes on with a stalker in the city who is murdering people threw they're fears and nightmares without knowing it. strange has to Search the streets, alleys, and sewers. once he finds the man he has to invade his mind which will be kind of a maze filled with mythical creatures he has to fight.
i still haven't figured out how to end it but im working on it until then feel free to suggest endings
The cast
Doctor strange - Edward Norton
Ive never found the fan favorite johnny Depp as a good pick for strange i was looking for some one who is not used constantly so i picked Edward he was good as hulk he should be good as strange.

now for the films villain
Nightmare - Keanu Reeves
this is were i was stumped i wanted some one quiet and mysterious who could almost seem like they are not there. so who better then keanu
The trilogy villain
Dormammu - Christian bale
i picked christian for two reason's he is a good actor and crazy. Dormammu is like a missing link to strange's past.
The director - Guillermo del Toro
Who else could direct such a odd film he has always been able to amaze fans and critics with his odd designs and shooting skills and i believe he could pull off the mystical frighting world of strange