I know what you're thinking. 1. "Who is this?" 2. "I do this." 3. "How old are these pictures." 4. "This guys an idiot?" 5. "Who is this?" amongst a number of other brute cognitive comments. Well... you shall see the future, at last! It's coming. Tomorrow. But in the mean time, here are some pictures, you find old. Or interesting. Enjoy.
Frost Giant boot? Besides other mysterious Brutes? Hmm...
Devilish Brutes? or Giants?
Frost Giant Boots? Or Just Giant Brute Boots?
Iron Man riding alongside feverish brutes!? Or giants? CALL LOKI and LEVI.
Enhanced Brutes!
Leviathan? Loki and Levi 2012
Loki drove the Levi to Levi but the Levi(athon) was DESTROYED! Brute!
Iron Man and the Gapping Hole! To DCU!!!!!!!!!! I see Superman!!!!
Until next time... Loki&Levi 2012. NAMOR!!!