FAN CAST: Captain Canuck The Movie By LEEE777

FAN CAST: Captain Canuck The Movie By LEEE777

Since there have been three different Captain Canucks, this movie will feature all three through the years. Many know who Captain America is, even Captain Britain, but how many know of this Canadian gem of a character. This is a casting for the patriotic Superhero Captain Canuck...

By LEEE777 - Mar 07, 2010 06:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Wikipedia

Captain Canuck is a superhero, one of comic books' most popular Canadian-owned heroes. Created by writer Ron Leishman and artist/co-writer Richard Comely, the original Captain Canuck first appeared in Captain Canuck #1 (July 1975).

Three characters have worn the maple leafed costume of Captain Canuck. Described as a cross between Captain America and Flash Gordon, the first Captain Canuck patrols Canada in the (then) futuristic world of 1993, where "Canada had become the most powerful country in the world." He was the costumed agent of the CISO (Canadian International Security Agency).

Like most independent comics, Captain Canuck's adventures have been published sporadically. However, he has built-up a strong cult following among both Canadian and American collectors.

Captain Canuck is sometimes confused with Marvel Comics's Guardian, leader of Alpha Flight, created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in 1978. Both characters have very similar costumes, and both are Canadian.

Many thanks to Wikipedia, link below.

Right on will the casting and the movie will go through the years and all the Canucks will have a part and their superhero lives will be told:

Brendan Fraser as Captain Canuck I (Tom Evans):

Canuck's first appearance was in 1975, published by Comely Comix of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The story followed Tom Evans, a Canadian secret agent who gained superhuman strength from contact with extraterrestrials. This first version of the Canadian superhero ran for three issues before going on hiatus in 1976. In 1979, it came back, with Comely being backed by CKR Productions, and publishing 11 more issues, plus a summer special, concluding in 1981; it was drawn mostly by George Freeman, taking over from Comely, who was pushed out of CKR about midway through the run. In 2004, the completed issue #15 was finally published in a limited edition by Comely.

Fraser has been rumored for comic book roles before like Superman etc, but i think he's much more suited for a superhero role like this. He can play serious and i like him as an actor, he has that feel to the first Captain Canuck (Tom Evans), plus him being a big name and Canadian too helps even more. Cannot see anyone else in the role but Brendan Fraser.

David James Elliot as Captain Canuck II (Darren Oak):

Since the original there have been two newer incarnations of the Canadian icon: Comely launched a second version in 1993, under the banner of Semple Comics. Set in the present, Captain Canuck: Reborn featured a new Captain Canuck, Darren Oak, who fought a global conspiracy. This title lasted only four issues (#0-3) and was drawn by Richard Comely, Leonard Kirk and Sandy Carruthers with inks by Eric Theriault. That incarnation continued as a newspaper comic strip for a short while.

David (also Canadian) best known for "JAG" would make a great Darren Oak and he has the superhero look you look in a hero, he could easily play the role of Captain Canuck II, be it a short part and he'd do justice to the comic book role.

Neal Bledsoe as Captain Canuck III (David Semple):

A third incarnation (sometimes called the "West Coast Captain Canuck"), edited by Comely but written and drawn by brothers Riel and Drue Langlois, appeared in 2004 under the banner of Comely Comics, entitled Captain Canuck: Unholy War. Yet another man, RCMP Constable David Semple, adopts the guise of Captain Canuck, to take on a biker gang called the Unholy Avengers. "Unholy War" was slated as a three-issue mini-series, the third and final installment being published in January 2005. However, the series came out with a fourth issue (under the 'Hot Hail Comics' banner) in August, 2007, which fully concluded the character.

Bledsoe born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Has appeared in many TV shows including Law & Order, CSI, Gossip Girl, Ugly Betty. I have only seen him (I think) only in Ugly Betty, was impressed with his acting ability and he was rumored here at as having a part if not the part of Captain America. Yeah i know, anyway i'd rather he play a part like David Semple (Captain Canuck III), the modern incarnation and present Captain Canuck. Somehow i think he could handle the superhero role and would be great for the part.

Tim Rozen as Johnny Canuck:

Johnny Canuck was a Canadian cartoon hero and superhero who was created as a political cartoon in 1869 and was later re-invented, most notably as a Second World War action hero.

Johnny Canuck was created as a lumberjack national personification of Canada. He first appeared in early political cartoons dating to 1869 where he was portrayed as a younger cousin of the United States' Uncle Sam and Britain's John Bull. Depicted as a wholesome, if simple-minded, fellow in the garb of a habitant, farmer, logger, rancher or soldier, he often resisted the bullying of John Bull or Uncle Sam. For thirty years, he was a staple of editorial cartoonists. Then, in the early twentieth century, he faded from view.

The character re-emerged during World War II in the February 1942 issue of Bell's Dime Comics No.1. Cartoonist Leo Bachle created the character as a teenager, apparently on a challenge from a Bell executive. Initially, Johnny Canuck had no superpowers.

Johnny Canuck's cartoon exploits helped Canada fight against Nazism. Like Captain America, he met Adolf Hitler and almost single-handedly ended the war.
The use of such stock figures diminished in popularity after World War II. However, in 1975, a new comic book character, Captain Canuck, emerged. Created by Richard Comely (who was unaware of the earlier Johnny Canuck character) Captain Canuck was a superhero rather than just a hero, he wore red tights, and bore a red maple leaf emblazoned on his forehead.

I thought it'll be nice and cool to include the Johnny Canuck World War II character in the movie, either flashbacks or full segments, maybe "Watchmen" type style and who better to play Johnny Canuck than Tim Rozen. Best known for "Instant Star" as Tommy Quincy also he was in "Screamers: The Hunting," which I've yet to see but loved the original. Anyway i like the actor, he is Canadian (which is a must) and he has that handsome World War II look about him, perfect for Johnny Canuck.

Liam Neeson as Adolf Hitler:

Adolf Hitler has been featured in many comics from many comic book companies from DC Comics featuring the character on a couple of occasions. The Unknown Soldier kills Hitler, impersonates him for a short time, then pretends his death was a suicide and Hitler comes back as a clone and has been featured in DC's Elseworlds and other titles too.

In the comic book The Savage Dragon by Erik Larsen (published by Image Comics), it is revealed that Hitler did not die in 1945, but after a fight against Hellboy in Romania in 1952. His body ruined, the brain is transplanted to the body of a large gorilla. Suffering amnesia and calling himself Brainiape, the chimera possesses great psionic powers and joins the Chicago, IL criminal organization known as the Vicious Circle, eventually becoming its leader.

Marvel Comics's villain Hate-Monger is revealed to be the consciousness of Hitler transferred to a cloned body by Nazi scientist Arnim Zola. Rather than committing suicide, he is confronted by the Human Torch and his sidekick Toro after Eva Braun commits suicide. The two heroes set Hitler ablaze as he attempts to set off a bomb. As he dies, he commands one of his loyal followers nearby to tell the world he had committed suicide.

From Hell by Alan Moore, The New Adventures of Hitler by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell are just some other appearances of Adolf, anyway Hitler will be featured in the World War II segments with Johnny Quick and who better to play him than a quality actor such as Liam Neeson. I do find Neeson does get type cast a lot in Hollywood with a lot of his roles, i think playing such a big character such as Adolf Hitler would be something the actor could really sink his teeth into and breath depth for the role, so yes to Liam.

Michael Ironside as Mr Gold:

The movie should employ Mr Gold as its main foe, Michael Ironside would be play the present day villain, Ironside is a heckuva versatile actor and could easily play the heavy baddie and be near perfect for that rough nasty character to take on the Canucks.

Lauren Holden as Heather:

Obviously, some characters are sufficiently ill-defined (like appearing in only a few issues at best). Laurie Holden would make an ideal Heather, she can be a partner or friend to say with the original Captain Canuck or with Captain Canuck II. Holden acted in many thing from The Majestic, Silent Hill etc and various X-Files and would bring that sex appeal to the superhero adaption.

LEEE777 - Captain Canuck is being developed as a feature film by Toronto based Sinking Ship Productions Inc. A release date could come by 2011. J.J. Johnson and Blair Powers are spearheading the effort to bring Captain Canuck to the big (and small) screen.

Hope you enjoyed the Canadian superhero casting.

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JoshWilding - 3/7/2010, 7:20 AM
Hadnt heard of the character before now but this is a great cast LEE! 34 casts're catching up, lol! :)
DDD - 3/7/2010, 7:54 AM
Leee@ I live up here in the Northwest of America
not far from the U.S.-Canadian border and I've
seen Captain Canuk in the comic stores around
here for years! Now all the comic book stores
are all about gone around here and the good
Captain I haven't seen for years!

But he was cool I thought and I used to read
him now and again!

This is cool Leee@!
Nice job! I like the use of red lettering for
This is a really unique and different fancast!
I love this kind of fancast!
DDD - 3/7/2010, 7:57 AM
I wish I knew how to add colors to my type!
Oh, well Black is my fave color anyway!
(Altho' it ain't really a color technically!)
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 8:09 AM
Thanx @ JOSH dude!!! ; )

DDD @ Cheers man appreciate that! Yeah i'm trying to do a lot of different type casts, instead of X-MEN or SPIDEY Reboot etc (though the one below me is pretty good). Not yet done any of that stuff, hell ain't even done a Spidey fan-cast in general lol. : D

Yeah i luv yours too, very different (THE SHADOW, DOC SAVAGE etc), i really liked Joshes latest too, because we havn't seen them before!! I like 'em too very refreshing.

Hey i can e-mail you how to do all the color thing if you want?

I wont be doing it on all of 'em, but thought CANUCK would look good all RED lol.

Hey thats so cool DDD, I've read a few too, luv CAP CANUCK, hard to get though! : (

Thanks again @ Guys!

longbowhunter - 3/7/2010, 9:49 AM
Damn, even Canadian superhero comics cost more in Canada. What a rip off!
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 10:04 AM
Talontd - 3/7/2010, 10:19 AM
I have absolutely no knowledge of the character, but great cast @LEE777!
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 10:24 AM
Talontd @ Cheers dude! ; )

Hey you should pick up an issue or two if you can, not a bad read!
SHHH - 3/7/2010, 11:27 AM
You know this is good!! But how did u do all the red?? U should do cap.america in red white and blue..You put in real effort in..not copying iv'e seen alot of it lately..not everyone..
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 12:15 PM
SHHH @ Cheers buddy! The colors, is hard to explain without it turning into colors, just like the link thing. I'll try and think away i can tell ya without it changing? Yeah might have a problem with CAP lol, the white writing wouldn't show up lol! : P

Heyyy ive done CAP anyways! : D

Cheers for your comment dude!!

Thanx @ OZY man!!!
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 12:25 PM
OZY @ Wheres your X-MEN 4 gone???
Ryden - 3/7/2010, 12:25 PM
Great fan-cast LEEE, I've seen that character before but never knew anything about him. Honestly I'd go to see this movie.
AxlKomix - 3/7/2010, 12:28 PM
Holy freakin' God! No, it's all good. This character is pretty obscure, but thanks to The Superhero Book i've actually heard of this. This would probably never be a huge American release, but I'm sure that the Canadians would love it.
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 12:38 PM
Cheers @ RYDEN buddy! Yeah, i would too, damn i'd love to see a comic book crossover with Marvel comics, to see CAP CANUCK duke it out with CAP AMERICA, hell or/and GUARDIAN from Alpha Flight too!!! Thanks again man!

AXL @ I think your right about that lol, Canada would LUV it!! Cheers for your comment dude!
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 1:21 PM
OZY @ Cool buddy, looking forward to it!!
lc - 3/7/2010, 3:06 PM
? is it all ye time of the month or what lmao too much red me thinks lol
Dmon - 3/7/2010, 3:25 PM
Great cast LEEE. But i think you meant Laurie Holden.
jallanr - 3/7/2010, 3:36 PM
wow leee, glad to see someone recognizing canadian supers. I have read quite a few of cap canucks books because, well, im canadian, and i absolutly luv your casting. i think brendan fraser is absolutly perfect. Iv never thought of neeson as hitler, thats a very interesting choice. All in all, i luv the casting.

woo hoo!!!
LEEE777 - 3/7/2010, 4:04 PM
ANIL @ ; )

And great part two man, read it earlier!!!

Lc @ Um eww.

TEA @ : D

Dmon @ Opps lol, cheers dude, thanks for ya comment man!

JALL @ Thanks man, and very cool, i'm glad i got a readers approval, ive read a few but they're hard to get!! Thanx dude, really appreciate it!!!

Hey, anyone know if there are TRADES out of CAPTAIN CANUCK, would like to know??
lc - 3/7/2010, 4:05 PM
oh ffs i never knew i was red oops lee what have u done to my lappy!!
jallanr - 3/7/2010, 8:14 PM
Leee, they have the entire first series (14 issues) out in trade paperback, but im not sure if it can be found outside of canada. i have seen a few copies around the local comic shops here!

woo hoo!
THEHAWK - 3/7/2010, 8:38 PM
Too...much red!

@LEEE. Are you a witch? You hexed CbM!
rockingrich1webb - 3/8/2010, 7:12 AM
@THEHAWK- dont worry he cant do it to everyone. REBEL!!!!!! lol
LEEE777 - 3/8/2010, 7:26 AM
JALL @ Kudos dude, i'll keep an eye out for it!!! Damn hopefully i can get some, thanks dude, appreciate it! ; )

HAWK @ Heh heh heh heh heh!!! ; D

Lc @ LOL!!! : D

ROCK @ YOU REBEL lool!!!! ; D
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