FAN CAST: TankGirl Casts The Fantastic Four (Plus Storyline "Fantastic Four: Dark Reign of Doom")

FAN CAST:  TankGirl Casts The Fantastic Four (Plus Storyline "Fantastic Four: Dark Reign of Doom")


By TANKGIRL - Feb 25, 2010 04:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

fantastic four:dark reign rise of doom

Latveria – 5 years from now....

Susan walked slowly to the balcony. She leaned over and peered down into the private courtyard behind the royal bedchambers. The Invisible Woman let out a sigh seeing young Werner Von Doom run past Helzeba, the "Chief Pride Servant" of the Von Doom family. Despite the moniker, the elderly woman was Werner's nanny. Sue became calm again when she could see that Werner was safe. Though she knew that among all places, Doom's child was safe here, she still needed to see with her own eyes each morning. The people of Latveria adored Doom, but there were still some resistant factions.

Sue crossed her arms over the balcony and let her mind ease. She watched the Werner scurry past Helzeba. He was playing "Tracker", a Latverian version of "Red Light, Green Light". His smile was as bright and warm as the morning sun over the Latverian sky. The child was too young to understand that this wasn't merely a game. It was a lesson in discipline, a trait all rulers required. Unlike other princes, Werner would need to display more discipline than usual. He was imbued with the latent mutant power, due to his mother. Luckily, it had yet to manifest itself.

"I can only imagine what his 'terrible twos' would be like if he had superpowers", Susan thought to herself. The heroine grinned widely when Werner noticed her from below. He waved frantically at her. The nanny nodded to Susan, and put her hand on the boys shoulder. The child gestured for Susan to come down and play. Normally, she would, however, there was much to be done this morning, and Sue motioned to her wrist and shook her head to signify she had no time. Werner let out a "psshaaww" and batted both hands at her. He resumed his game. Sue watched as Helzeba covered her eyes.

She could clearly sense that Werner enjoyed the game. Nothing made the Invisible Woman happier than to see him smile, yet she sighed and looked to the ground. Werner deserved to play amongst other young children, and to attend a normal school, alas, this was not the destiny of the heir to the House of Doom. She wished he could live the life of a normal boy, but knew this was impossible.

Sue waited as Werner sped past Helzeba and stopped before the nanny opened her eyes. Sue had no doubt that the child possessed his father's intelligence. He already was reading at an eighth grade level. The boy was so much like his father, nowhere more than his eyes. The unmistakable eyes of Doom. Sue had known those distinct eyes since she was much younger. Werner's eyes had the same fire his father displayed. The same thirst for knowledge. Sue hoped it would not be the same thirst for power. Even though he was named after his peaceful grandfather, Werner was truly the child of Victor Von Doom. There were times that Susan noted the same impatience and arrogance coming from young Werner. She hoped she could teach the boy to be a kinder ruler than his father. It would be a difficult task, but if anyone had the strength, it was the Invisible Woman.

The side of Sue's mouth went up in a wry smile. "Imagine what it will be like to raise a teenage Doom," she thought. Normal teenage boys were tough, but a teenager with an entire army behind him. She would have to do her best to raise him right.

As she looked one last time over the balcony, she watched as Werner changed roles with his nanny. He was in charge now. It was his turn to catch Helzeba running. Even the way he stood reminded her of Doom. He was truly his father's child.

Susan walked to her two-story closet to pick out a proper dress for today's ceremony; she went over the names of the diplomatic guests in her head. So many heads of state would be attending the event. Susan could still hardly believe how all of this came to be the way it was. Somewhere inside her, she had always known Doom would win. He had failed at his attempts for power repeatedly, but his persistence never faltered. It was only a matter of time before Doom would be the one standing tall. It could be no other way. Susan could not help but laugh, "If only I had accepted that fact from the beginning," she said aloud", I could have save everyone A LOT of trouble!" She went about selecting the proper attire. As she looked over formal dresses, she thought back to the day everything changed. She remembered it like it was yesterday...


Benjamin Grimm, the hero known as the Fantastic Four was the first to speak as the team exited the elevator in Norman Osborn's tower. "What is this all about strectcho?"

Reed Richards shook his head, "I have no idea myself Ben. All we can do is see what Osborn wants, and hopefully leave here without a fight." That would be easier said than done, as the Fantastic Four had come under fire more than once during Osborn's tumultuous reign as director of national security.

The four cosmically powered heroes entered the waiting area outside Norman's office. A young receptionist sat behind a desk. Johnny Storm instantly took the youthful raven-haired woman. "Hiya! We're here to talk to Norm!"

"He'll be right with you Mr. Storm", the receptionist answered, not looking up from her computer. "The others haven't arrived!"

"Others?" Susan asked, turning to her husband Reed. "I have a bad feeling about all this Reed."

"I think he means us Mrs. Storm." A familiar voice called from behind the group. Sue was perplexed when she saw General Thaddues "Thunderbolt" Ross, and several other high-ranking military men exit the elevator. Each held similar files in their hands. Sue couldn't make out the title on the file

Susan corrected him, "That's Mrs. Richards", she chuffed.

General Ross had a look of confusion on his own face, "You don't know why we're here do you?" He was looking directly at Sue.

"I can answer that!" Everyone turned to see Norman Osborn smiling evilly from his office. "Do come in!" His slick back hair was greasy as ever. Sue noted how Norman's eyes leered at her. She thought she caught him cracking a wide smile as she walked past into the office.

Sue walked next to Reed holding his hand tightly. Something in her stomach was churning. The office was as gaudy as one could make it. Glass windows lined the back of the office, and looked down upon the Manhattan streets. She noticed a skinny old man seated beside Osborn's large desk. "That's Fredrick Trotsky, the Latverian Ambassador," she whispered to Reed.

As if Reed Richards would not know the man when he laid eyes on him. He could feel Sue's unease. Whenever she tightened her grip around his arm, he knew she was ready to fight. "We have to see what this is about Susan", he answered.

The entire group settled around a table. Norman held a file under his arms similar to the ones held by the generals, "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you here".

"You got that right Gobbie!" Ben looked him over. Nothing was right about this man. After years of taking on villains, none was more crafty and dangerous than Norma Osborne. Those who truly knew the man where wise not to trust him.

"Now, now, Mr. Grimm, I assure you I'll make this short." He turned to Reed Richards. "It has come to my attention that your team is harboring a Latverian refugee that is illegally in this country." The entire Fantastic Four team gasped, save for Reed, who sat stoically looking at the file in Norman's hands.

"You can't be serious", Johnny laughed. "We don't harbor any Latverian refugees!" The idea was laughable. He motioned to Reed, "You can check the entire Baxter Building right Reed..." Johnny sat waiting for an answer that never came. "Right Reed?" he looked over to his leader.

Judging by the look on Reed's face, Susan knew he was going over many things in his head. "Do you know what he's talking about Reed?" The knots in Sue's stomach where turning. Something was not right here.

Reed nodded and looked down at the table. Sue watched as he gritted his teeth, "I believe I do. And I believe he's right." He had a look on his face that told Sue he knew more than he was letting on.

"You can't be serious," she pointed to Ben and Johnny, "I think we'd all know if we were harboring Latverian aliens." She couldn't grasp why Reed was agreeing to these charges. If anyone knew the ins and outs of the Baxter Building, it was Susan.

"On the contrary", Reed corrected her, "you ARE the alien Susan!"

Sue's jaw dropped even lower than before. "What the hell are you talking about?" She was shocked beyond belief at the statement. As she tried to grasp the scenario, the room became a complete mess of commotion as everyone was trying to sort out what was happening.

Norman flipped open the file and slid it across to Susan. It was her own personal file. She was shocked to see that it was marked, "Latverian Citizen: Susan Von Doom". She flipped through the documents. She gasped at the pictures of her "wedding" to Victor Von Doom several years back. Unbeknownst to most of the world, it was actually Reed who had been trapped in Doom's armor by a celestial. "This wasn't real. This was....."

"Excuse me Mrs. Rich...I mean Baroness Von Doom?" Norman smiled. It was almost common knowledge amongst the superhero community that the wedding was a sham, but the government had no such knowledge. "Are you saying this wedding was not real?"

"I most certainly..." but before she could finish Reed cut her off.

"It was all real. We simply forgot to report it following my supposed death." Reed continued his stare at Norman. It was clear from the look on his face that Reed was pondering all the consequences of his next few actions

It was at this point that Fredrick Trotsky stood up, "Then under the laws of Latveria you are still married to Victor Von Doom, and you will accompany me back to the Latverian embassy".

"Never", Sue stood up and got into a defensive stance. She was ready to fight. Her heart was racing and her mind was reeling. She would never agree to such madness.

Ben and Johnny followed suit, "It's definitely clobbering time!" Ben smashed his orange rocky hands together.

Norman took a step back, "Mr. Richards, contain your team!"

The Fantastic Four waited for Reed to join them. To their amazement, he stood up and nodded, "Can I have a moment with Mrs. Von Doom and the rest of my team." The words made Susan sick to her stomach.

"Of course Reed", Norman motioned for Fredrick to follow. The generals soon accompanied the pair outside the room.

"Reed", Sue stammered, "what the hell are you doing?" She crossed her arms and waited for an answer. She was livid. Mad at Norman for his deception, mad at Doom for his trickery, and possibly even madder at Reed for his acceptance of the circumstances.

"Sit down Susan", he tried to calm her, "we can't let them win". Reed's arm extended to reach the file. "I had feared this day would come. The consequences of our actions have finally caught up to us." Reed read over the file and began to explain to his team. Essentially, Reed had died several years back, thus effectively ending his marriage to Sue. The subsequent marriage to Doom was official under both Latverian and American law."

"So you're saying I'm still married to Doom!" Sue's heart was racing faster now. She felt sick.

"Under Latverian law, only your death would end the marriage Sue." Reed told her. "You effectively disavowed your American citizenship by returning to Latveria with me as the Baroness."

"What can we do stectho?" Ben asked his longtime friend.

Reed continued to thumb through the file. He shook his head, "right now we can do nothing". He looked over to Sue, "We simply can't afford other foreign relations fiasco. If the America government gets wind of what we did, we will all be going to jail...or worse."

"Can't you talk to Nick Fury, or Tony, or someone," Johnny protested.

Reed shrugged, "They're on the outs with the current administration, so to speak". He again turned to Sue, "We used up all our good will the last time we "invaded" Latveria". He was referring to one of the multitudes of times Doom was supposedly dead. Reed and his team had essentially taken over Latveria. Doom would later return and almost end up indirectly killing the Thing.

"So what are you saying Reed?" Sue asked. She wasn't really sure if she wanted an answer. The thought of what was going to happen scared her to death.

Reed sighed, "You have to go to the embassy Susan. Or we will all end up in jail. We cannot fight this. Not right now."

About an hour later, Susan was in the back seat of a limousine, in the middle of a diplomatic convoy returning to the Latverian embassy in New York City. She had fought with Reed for a long time, and finally agreed to accompany Mr. Trotsky back to the embassy. If she hadn't, General Ross assured her they would allow Norman any recourse he thought necessary.

Sue sat with her arms crossed in the back of the limo staring angrily at Trotsky. He pulled out a vile which contained a clear liquid. "Would you like something to drink your majesty?"

"Don't call me that!" Sue turned away and looked out the window. She couldn't believe she was no longer and American citizen. Reed had promised he would fix this fiasco. She was not sure if she was more mad at Doom or at Reed at this point.

When the caravan eventually pulled up to the embassy, several armed Doombots opened the door. A massive red carpet lined the walkway to the embassy. "Right this way your highness!" Trotsky bowed. Sue almost spat on his balding head. She seethed with anger. She slowly walked through the large gates. She heard them clank behind her.

A portly old woman with sandy grey hair greeted Sue at the front gate. A beaming smile cut across her face. "Welcome home your highness, my name is Helzeba, and I am the Chief Pride Servant of the House of Doom."

Sue shot her a mean look, "And what does that mean?"

"It means that I am the personal servant of the royal family." Helzeba wasn't ready to reveal her true place as royal nanny. Not until Sue was fully acclimated to the status of Baroness Von Doom.

Sue was a little worried, as Helzeba looked Sue over from head to foot, "See anything you like".

"Hmm?" Helzeba came back from her thought, "Oh....I was just....looking over your garb. It is hardly befitting a queen!" Sue was still wearing the Fantastic Four's signature blue outfit. She held out an arm, "If you would follow me to the royal bedchambers at the embassy we can get you properly fitted."

Sue shrugged, "Whatever, I'm not going to be here for very long!" She was sure Reed was already thinking of a plan. She just had to wait out a few days. Besides, Doom was nowhere to be found. Some suspected he might be dead. Sue did not want to wait for the truth.

As Susan walked ahead of Helzeba, the woman continued to scan Susan's form up and down. Like Doom's mother, Helzeba was a gypsy. She could sense things yet to come. Helzeba closed her eyes softly. "She will make a fine Queen. Lord Von Doom has chosen well!" Thought Helzeba.

fantastic four first issues rise of mole man:

The four core individuals traditionally associated with the Fantastic Four, who gained superpowers after exposure to cosmic rays during a scientific mission to outer space, are: Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards), a scientific genius and the leader of the group, who can stretch his body into incredible lengths and shapes; the Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Reed's wife, who can render herself and others invisible and project powerful force fields; the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Sue's younger brother, who can generate flames, surround himself with them and fly; and the monstrous Thing (Ben Grimm), their grumpy but benevolent friend, who possesses superhuman strength and endurance due to the nature of his stone-like flesh.

fantstic four and alien invasion

fantastic four and silver surfer and return of galagtus

Fantastic Four Roster:

Mr. Fantastic AKA Reed Richards - Leader of the Fantastic Four, Richards possesses a mastery of mechanical, aerospace and electrical engineering, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology. Richards gained the ability to stretch his body into any shape he desired when he was bombarded with cosmic radiation.

Invisible Girl AKA Sue Storm - Like the other founding members of the Fantastic Four, Sue received her powers after being exposed to a cosmic storm. Her primary power deals with light waves, allowing her to render herself invisible. She's also Reed's fiancée.

The Human Torch AKA Johnny Storm - Like the rest of the Fantastic Four, Johnny gained his powers on a spacecraft bombarded by cosmic rays. He can engulf his entire body in flames, is able to fly, and can generate streams and balls of fire. He's also Sue's younger brother.

The Thing AKA Benjamin "Ben" Grimm - When he was bombarded with cosmic radiation, it transformed Grimm's skin into a craggy covering of large, orange rocky plates. Thus it grants him superhuman strength (enabling him to lift up to 10 tons), stamina and resistance to physical injury. Grimm's also an exceptionally skilled pilot, due to his time spent as a test pilot in the United States Air Force.


mr fantstic billy crudup

invisble woman naomi watts

human torch ryan kwanten

the thing GCI voiced by Jeffrey Dean Morgan

franklin richards freddie freddie highmore

valeria richard elle faning

alica masters zoey deschanel


dr doom sean penn

mole man Eddie Marsan

namor jason behr

puppet master Brad Dourif

Diablo/Esteban Corazón de Ablo Nestor Carbonell

red ghost Lee Arenberg

galagtus javier berdam

super skrull eric bana


silver surfer Doug Jones Laurence Fishburne (voice)

Frankie Raye kate mara

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A.I. - Artificial Ironman: An all original WHAT IF...

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TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 4:16 AM
i really hope you like it

TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 4:17 AM
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 4:24 AM
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 4:32 AM
LEEE777 - 2/25/2010, 5:23 AM
What you mean this lol!

Its like looking a a mirror lol!

TANK @ Like your picks, damn its scary, starting to think the same, good stuff, dunno about NAMOR being in it (BEHR i like too) think he should have his own movie and MARVEL should get him back for a cameo in the INVADERS!

Can see you worked hard on this great work! Some interesting picks up there! And i like WATTS too, (thought you wanted her for WHITE QUEEN though?)

Great GALACTUS, but best for the SILVER SURFER movie!

Interesting you want the kids, so this cant be an origin story (which is good).

Very nicely done, good stuff, i will say one thing, ya knicked my FF avatar to put on your header at front that i used for my article lol, it kinda covers my casting now! ; D

Original DOC DOOM pick, got him as CLAYFACE (the human bit) quality actor!

LEEE777 - 2/25/2010, 5:25 AM
P.S. Love your RED GHOST pick!!
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 7:25 AM
LEEE777 thanx so i beat you up with my cast so what next byt my article can get enuff comment
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 7:27 AM
naomi watts was my white quenn but she is invisible woman
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 7:28 AM
LEEE777 sean penn is the best doom i like christopher waltz too
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 7:32 AM
LEEE777 humm did you rewrite my title
Ryden - 2/25/2010, 8:37 AM
@Tankgirl- Sean Penn would never play Doom in a million years, of course he'd do a good job but it just wouldn;t happen. He's too good for it I think.

The cast is pretty good though, the only one i'm not to sure of is your Galactus and Impossible Man. The rest is fine.
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 8:57 AM
Ryden thanx i think it's well happen
LEEE777 - 2/25/2010, 10:17 AM
Bk lol.

TANK @ How can i rewrite your title, i'm not an editor lol???

Damn its slow today in it, no one about??

By the way who do you want to play ben grimm in human form?

BLADE44 - 2/25/2010, 11:22 AM
Like the cast ,but why dont we leave Jim Carrey out of the LOOP.I remeber the Batman trash he was involved in...TOO MUCH COMIC RELIEF.
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 11:40 AM
LEEE777 yeh heavy day of couurse jeffrey going to play the thing

blade40 thanx he is good jim carry could pull that little guy
DDD - 2/25/2010, 12:30 PM
A lot of good work TANK GIRL@!

I like it!

Good cast!

I think Sean Penn is too short for Doom but he is
a damm good actor! One of my favorites!

I for one am not a Jim Carry hater!
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 1:05 PM
DDD thank you

sean penn is one of best dool me either i am not jim carrey hater
LEEE777 - 2/25/2010, 1:58 PM
Why we talking JIM CARREY, he can only voice IMPOSSIBLE MAN not act him????

; D
flames809 - 2/25/2010, 2:22 PM
great cast
TANKGIRL - 2/25/2010, 3:21 PM
Anil Rickly thanx i hope he will

flames809 thanx
AshleyWilliams - 2/25/2010, 4:57 PM
I love the cast!
I hate the Doom choice.That's Ralph Fiennes.
Namor's ok,I prefer Henry Cavill.
TANKGIRL - 2/26/2010, 3:45 AM

NightAvenger4 thanx
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