FAN FIC: Darkfire, an original hero

FAN FIC: Darkfire, an original hero

Here's a bio for a superhero I've come up with. There's even a sketch done by yours truly, not quite the Shaman grade of clear cut lines and detail but we can't all be that good! Let me know what you think.

By ThunderCougarFalconBird - Sep 26, 2009 04:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

DARKFIRE (c) 2009

Real Name :
Nathan Adams

Gender :

Height :

Weight :

Eyes :

Hair :

Occupation :
Former British Military assassin.

Place of birth :
Un-named military base hidden beneath the Scottish Highlands.

Known Relatives :

Powers :
Nathan was born into the British Military as an experiment to create the perfect assassin. As a result his strength, speed, endurance and reflexes have been significantly enhanced. He is able to dodge a bullet at almost point blank range, run a 2 minute mile and keep this speed for a seemingly endless time. His vision is just as good in the dark as it is during the day.

For reasons first unknown, Nathan’s resistance to heat, flame and radioactivity are so far off the scale he may actually be immune to all the effects these would usually inflict.

Nathan also possesses a low level healing factor that requires his consciousness to take effect. The speed of his healing depends on the severity of his wounds and how hard he is able to concentrate on the area. A typical gun shot wound can take 3 hours of deep concentration to heal. He has even been known to force his body to “drive out” a bullet as it heals.

Abilities :
Bred to be the perfect weapon, Nathan is familiar with all armament and military vehicles. He is able move silently and infiltrate the most restricted areas with no one even being aware of his presence.

What makes Nathan so dangerous is the mental conditioning he has been subject to since birth. He has studied every form of combat and has been taught using all forms of military training ever documented throughout history, a massive amount of knowledge the normal mind would not cope with. This means that not only can he match the skill of any foe he encounters he knows how their training has taught them to react to certain situations. This allows him to manipulate almost any event that arises in the field.

Weaponry :
Nathan prefers the “close and silent” approach when on missions. This is so he can control where, when and how a body falls. To help with this, all his effects are small, lightweight and allow freedom in his movement.

Nathan’s favoured weapons are two 6” retractable needle-like blades hidden in his forearm cuffs and two custom made trench spikes. These are lighter weight versions of a weapon designed for the close combat trench warfare during the First World War. The blades are 12” smooth edged knives designed for striking down, piercing the enemies helmet and skull with ease. The non-serrated edge allows the blades to be extracted just as easily. The hilts are based on knuckle dusters, making these weapons perfect for almost all close quarter encounters.

In addition, Nathan carries a short sword and silenced pistol to help him get out of any unforeseen complications.

Background Story :

Nathan had no parents. It wasn’t until much later in his life that he truly understood how literal that was.

When the British armed forces sought to create the perfect weapon, a war veteran named General Brooks came forward with a proposal most would turn away. However, the General had already started work on his project several years before hand and just needed a facility and crew to take it into it’s final stages. Partly due to the time and funding that could be saved but largely down to their short sightedness, the British Government agreed Brooks’ plan.

One year later a base hidden deep within the Scottish Highlands had been set up. General Brooks introduced an infant to the technical team explaining that this infant was to be their weapon. No-one knew where the child came from and those who asked too much disappeared just as mysteriously as the child appeared. Over the years the child, named Nathan by genetics expert Gemma Adams showed amazing progress in his training. His physical conditioning was far beyond what anyone expected and the rate of his academic learning was astounding. As he grew, he came to view Gemma as a mother figure and answered only to her or General Brooks. The General saw himself as a father to Nathan but Nathan only viewed him as his superior. The General had an influence over Nathan he could not explain and he hated the thought of being controlled.

By the time he was sixteen Nathan was sent out on his first mission, the assassination of a Korean War Lord. He impressed all who had worked with training him. He had managed to infiltrate the military compound, take out his target and return to the pick up location without notice and ahead of schedule.

Over the next 7 years Nathans missions came thick and fast as he continued to fulfil his duties without question. He gained a reputation with all guards at the Highland facility. None of them could understand how he was able to move undetected. They joked as they spoke of him “living in the shadows” and even “moving like the dark itself”.

It was one chance evening when Nathan overheard these guards that planted the seeds of change in Nathans life. They had spoken of his out-of-the-blue arrival and the disappearances of people who dug too deep into his life. Nathan began to wonder who his parents were, why General Brooks took him and who he really was. Sneaking out of his quarters, a task that came all too easily to him, Nathan began the search for any information that might shed light on his past. All he found was a series of dead ends and broken trails. He started to trust General Brooks less and less but still the General had an unexplainable hold over Nathan.

Two months later came the biggest night of Nathans life. General Brooks handed him his next assignment. It was what Brooks had Nathan trained for and a mission that was not backed by any Government. Nathans orders were to assassinate both the Russian and American presidents, planting evidence to suggest the others involvement. Realising this would lead to nuclear war Nathan refused. Infuriated, the General struck Nathan with a force he had never felt before. As he stood over a stunned Nathan he began to reveal why this was needed and in the process, who Nathan really was. The information tore through Nathan as he learned he was a product of fusing human DNA with an alien embryo. General Brooks revealed he himself was one of many undercover aliens paving the way for a full scale invasion and how a nuclear war would eradicate most of the human life on the planet while they themselves would remain unharmed. This would leave a minor clean up job for the incoming invaders. Horrified, Nathan fled the room in search of his one and only confidant, Gemma. As he raced toward her Lab the alarms sounded. He knew it was for his benefit as troops flooded out into the corridors to block his path. Even unarmed, it took little effort getting past the soldiers. Passing his own quarters he collected his personal weapons and made his way to Gemma with few obstructions. Once there he began to tell her all he had learned and begged her to escape with him. The surrounding offices suddenly burst into flame. As he realised his emotions had clouded his judgement and he had walked into a trap he saw Gemma fall to the ground lifeless as gunfire shattered her test equipment. Engulfed by the blaze Nathan carried Gemma’s body out of the building, emerging completely unharmed. With his clothing still covered in flame he headed back into the Highland facility looking for General Brooks only to find drones of soldiers swarming in to engage him. The man once billed as “the walking darkness” now walked cloaked in flame as he killed guard after guard to get to the Generals quarters. Once there he found the room deserted.

Four years on, Nathan has now taken the identity of Gemma Adams’ son to help him live and travel the world. He has now developed the oppressive feeling he felt when around General Brooks into a sixth sense to help him track down and kill all members of the alien race bent on destroying humanity. Remembering the names spoken by the guards during his training and escape at the Highland facility, Nathan now calls himself, Darkfire.

I'm wondering if I should start writing fully detailed episodes for this character. I'd like to know what do you guys think?

**All work on this character's name, background story and appearance is the work of Michael Godber.
(c) 2009
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LEEE777 - 9/26/2009, 4:51 PM
Howlett @ I really really like man!! This is some work plus all the info, kudos dude, this is fantastic, great to see original stuff on here!!!

Thumbs up man, id luv to see this as a comic! ; )

DARKFIRE rocks!!!
Ryden - 9/26/2009, 6:02 PM
wow thats really cool, i lie the design and i think toyr drawing is pretty awesome man, i think this character is great :D
SabretoothTiger - 9/26/2009, 6:47 PM
ya ya ya howlett come on with the episodes this is a sick character
AshleyWilliams - 9/26/2009, 7:22 PM
mounted88 - 9/26/2009, 10:45 PM
looks like a snake eyes meets real military training lol. Great charcter. I think it could actually work in a comic book. You just have to come up with some villains and a sidekick
InSpace - 9/26/2009, 11:00 PM
Dude,I hope somebody from Marvel,or whatever indie publisher hears this.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:12 AM
Thanks guys! Had this idea mulling around the caverns of my brain for a while now, just finally started to channel it into a cohesive story.

Weiner123 - I hear you man but surely now I've posted it on here I have a proof of date on this idea that will stand up in court. I would love this to be picked up and published. Maybe I'll get a few stories, villains, etc put together and see where I can go with it.
DDD - 9/27/2009, 6:13 AM
Howlett@, the only legal protection an artist or writer can use in a court of law is either a copyright or a Trademark Patent. Nothing else will hold up in court. Never let anything you plan to sell be let out into the public domain until you publish it!

The only way a copyright or a patent protects you is as a legal weapon to use in court to prove, in a lawsuit, that you were the first sole proprietor of the intellectual property, i.e., the idea of your characters and name of your characters.

Putting it on here proves nothing I'm sorry to say! The law is very strict! You can't officially copyright a character or idea until you publish it unfortunately but you can designate it with the "(c)" for copyright from the very second you create it.

I have extensive education in this, I own my own business and have worked as a patent agent before. Plus I've copyrighted some songs I've written so I know about copyrights. I wish you hadn't written it on here. But you may be able to still copyright or Trademark patent it.

Always put the (c) symbol (for copyright) on intellectual property, after the characters name, because the moment you create it is when a copyright begins. You don't have to have it already copyrighted in order to put the "(c)" next to it. Also put the year of the date of the inception of the character next to the (c) symbol.

ergo: (c) 2009

Your character idea is an excellent one. but he needs a cool costume or outfit to make him distinct...doesn't have to be elaborate or a superhero suit but it needs to stand out and be memorable! Even if it's all black it needs some trimmings to make it stand out more.

The costume you have here is pretty cool but I would make it just a little more distinctive. And don't feel bad about your drawing it looks fine to me and I am a pro artist (not comic book but I do create and draw my own characters). Educate yourself a little about fashion design and look at the costuming the movies use.

Whatever you do don't publish it on here if you want to eventually publish it in a comic book or graphic novel! It's an excellent idea!

Don't ever deal with the big comic companies unless you already have your character Trademarked or published & copyrighted and whatever you do, don't show them anything without an agent or a legal representative!

You've really fleshed out his back story quite well and I personally like the alien connection! If you want to publish it don't let anyone ever stop you...just forge ahead! It sounds like a publishable idea to me! :D
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 7:00 AM
DDD - Thanks for the advice! I've made a couple of changes that I hope will sort it out a little. If I've got it wrong please feel free to point it out!
DDD - 9/27/2009, 7:17 AM
Now that's awesome! That's what I was talkin' about! You have changed the trim to an offset tone and now the outfit stands out and says, Yeahoo-oo-oo! But it's still classy, understated and tough-looking! I like it a lot!

I try to steer other writers and artists down the right path 'cause believe me I've learned a lot of my education the hard way! :D
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 8:42 AM
he would be cool as a antihero
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 9:29 AM
i got an idea for a sidekick for your character

name-Giovanni Soto

height- 5'7'

age- 16

gender- male

hair- light brown

eyes- dark brown

back story- was the second to be tested on. he never had parents he was an orphan he was sent to boot camp for bad behavior and from there he was approach by the government they told him they could help him with his heart disease if he went threw a program that change his life for ever. he was lie to they used him but he was saved by darkfire and from then on he was darkfire sidekick and he look at darkfire as a father

weapon- guns,small knives


this if you ever want your character to have a sidekick. this was an idea i had for a sidekick for your character after i read his info
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 11:35 AM
flames809 - Not a bad idea. Darkfire could find him while tracking down General Brooks. The powers could be similar but change as Darkfire is an alien with human DNA added and Soto is the opposite. I do see him as a bit of an anti hero bread for killing the human race but deciding to save it despite not fitting in. After all, he's a cold blooded assassin!
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 11:37 AM
this story could be really dark
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 11:45 AM
yo dude can u help me with a vampire story is human vs vampires and yea they both could have the same powers but the sidekick shouldn't have HEALING it would make for a better story and it would make darkfire keep a close eye out for Soto
LEEE777 - 9/27/2009, 12:36 PM
HOWLETT @ Good idea, Villains next! ; )
Watchtower31 - 9/27/2009, 12:37 PM
Awesome story man really cool idea. I really like the twist of how he's an alien.

This would be a cool comic book. I see it more DC than Marvel. But who knows maybe you could make your own series of comics.

It would be sweet to read some stories but you do have to watch out about people steeling your idea. I was the real guy that came up with Batman, but someone stole it from me lol.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 12:50 PM
flames809 - I'm happy to help if I can. I'm working on another story so a lot of my ideas are going into that and now this. But if you want a hand just shout man.

Watchtower31 - Cheers man! I know what you're saying, I've put some copy write stuff on there but I know that won't stop anyone. Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and believe people will respect ideas of others. It's the same with putting my music on myspace. However, if I ever see or hear anything that looks like it's mine and someone other than me is getting rich of it then they best be up for a legal battle! I try to make sure I cover my back! Bummer on missing the Batman train fella!
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 1:15 PM
OK i need help i shouted and the first villain should be a alien since he turns his back on his own kind that's how i look at it
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 1:32 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking of bringing in one of the alien homeworlds highly decorated war lords to hunt Darkfire down.

What exactly do you need help with? Characters? Plot? It's always good to have a twist in the tale (like my alien bombshell) it shakes things up and can give your hero a moral dilemma. Might be a stupid question but who's side are we meant to be on? Humans or Vampires? The Vampires could be that way because of something the humans did to them in the past. Whatever you decide, try to view it from the opposite side. eg, if the hero is a vampire hunter, how is he seen by the vampires? Nuisance or someone to fear?

Hope that gives you something. The more you give me on your ideas the more I can help.
Frogman - 9/27/2009, 1:41 PM
I created my own characters to - my namesake Frogman along with Flame Fist and a loada others, i have way too many ideas! I've done 5 comics worth so far and a 6th has been started. I'm liking Darkfire are you thinking of getting it published? I just do mine for fun/out of boredom ;)
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 1:52 PM
Frogman - I do it for fun mainly. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my otherwise empty cranium. I go to bed every night thinking of new stories, characters, songs, even pictures to draw. I just like to make sense of them and work them into something productive.

I would love to get this published but I honestly don't know where to start on that road.
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 1:55 PM
character i got the plot the main character is a detective on investigation that each time he gets close to the end he finds weird stuff and he finds out that its strangely contented to his parents death so one night he go and search for more clues until he gets bitten by a vampire and he gets saved by a group of people that are hunter they been around since the late 1800's so the hunters are secret organization that no one knows not even the government.

and there are going to be a lot of twist like a vampire kills Dracula just to get his Dracula powers while the main character was fight Dracula
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 1:58 PM
and there is also ghouls,zombies,werewolf,GARGOYLES,monsters
Frogman - 9/27/2009, 2:03 PM
Howlett@ I'm exactly the same!

Flames@ Sounds good! I'm liking it.
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:10 PM
frogman@ thanks dude i just started writhing it
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:13 PM
Sounds good flames! I'm liking the crime investigation/vampire hunting combo.

So which character are you struggling with? The main villain? I would say to research some famous names through history, find one who could have easily been into the occult and bam! There's your man. This will give him depth and intrigue. Just as an example, Alexander the Great. Through history we see him as a man who roamed far beyond his own kingdom to conquer foreign lands. Your story could dismiss this as false information as he was really searching for a vampire lord that could turn him. That's just off the top of my head, you need to research the facts as we know them, twist them into what "really happened" in your story and make them stick. Hey, if Alex turns out to fit the bill use it!
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:15 PM
that's a good back story of the hunter organization
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:18 PM
im struggling with not the main villain but other villian . im trying to say like u see in batman how joker is the main villain but there are more villains that's what im trying to do
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:22 PM
Yeah, it could either be the start of the hunters or Alex himself could be your villain as the draw of eternal life was too great for him. Hey, it could even be both! Alexander the Great, founder of the hunters order fell to lure of power and is now their primary target! If you don't do this I might! lol!
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:27 PM
ima do that but no one will know Alex is alive until the end of the second story that every missing piece of the story will be put together will
Frogman - 9/27/2009, 2:29 PM
which are the good and which are the bad outa these: ghouls,zombies,werewolf,GARGOYLES,monsters? cos how about a really huge statue that becomes a gargoyle that'd be a really physical challenge for the hero (you've gota have intellectual villains, physical villains amongst others otherwise it gets repetitive)
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:31 PM
there's only one werewolf left and hes good, monster are good , ghouls and zombies they bad they work for the vampires GARGOYLES are both good and evil
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:32 PM
Ok, try to think of what ties there are between the zombie, gargoyles, etc and what are they in relation to the vampires? Just like Underworld had Werewolves as the vampires daytime guardians.


Vampire = lord of the undead.
Zombie = once human tortured by vampires as their servants and play things.
Gargoyles = a sort of military outfit created to serve the vampires.

Once this is done you can think about the leader of each of these groups and what they would be like and these would be your "lesser" villains.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:34 PM
Sorry, you've already done that i see!
Frogman - 9/27/2009, 2:36 PM
there should be loadsa types of ghoul, like your regular ghoul, then shades (practically shadows but the most deadly) stuff like that

then the other main villains are like the head Vampire's assigned leaders of the ghouls and zombies. (this second bit is practically what Howlett just said, great minds ;p)
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:38 PM
your right Gargoyles- leader kind hearted but dnt show it in front of the vampires and they not so smart

zombie- leader dnt care who he kills and stupid

werewolve- only one left and is good was captured by
Dracula and then ran away and is living amongst the human
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:41 PM
How about a zombie/goul thats the head of the others. They are servants to the vampires so I would imagine this character has that "factory supervisor who thinks he's more important than he really is" attitude. He gets a kick out of stamping his authority down on others when in reality he is a weaseling spineless suck up when it comes to the Vampires. "Grawd" could be a good name for him.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 9/27/2009, 2:45 PM
Why not make the gargoyles shackled into service. They are really noble, valiant creatures but the vampires have a terrible hold over them so they are forced to do harm. In the end they could help the hunters, turn on their masters and in the process forsake their chance of freedom.

You could even have some gargoyles, having grown to embrace their evil doings, stand against the others in an epic battle.
flames809 - 9/27/2009, 2:48 PM
those are good ideas
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