So the marvel Ghost rider universe's satan learns of DC U and wants to get ahold of the Spectre,So he finds a way to open a portal to it,he decides to somehow trick Ghost rider into riding thru that portal in search of the spectre. He tranforms himself into an old lady,and walks to Johnny Blaze's house knocks on the door, and he answers. "Hello." the devil says. "Oh hi AGH!" Says Johnny as the rider starts coming out,"Thats right.Im evil arnt I?" Satan smiles as he turns back into his male form. The rider follows Satan into the portal. But satan quickly goes back in the portal and shuts it off. Now satan can watch whats going on in DCU and whisper stuff to the rider,As Ghost rider rolls thru DC,satan whispers "Im the voice of evil detection in this world." "Huh?" The rider mumbles. "Your powers of sensing evil dont work here." Satan lied. "So ill tell you who to go after. A little someone called The spectre." Soon enough the spectre finds the rider,cuase he sensed his super natural powers and wanted to find out who he served. When the rider sees him he attacks.

Name:Ghost rider
Powers:Control over fire from both earth and spiritual realms,The ability to hurt, kill, and/or capture demons and evil spirits.Immunity to hurt unless getting hit with strong enough spiritual powers.And a bike that travels at more than super speed.
Powers:Spiritual and manipulative abilities,such as Cuasing severe pain in human sinners,and the ability to fight and kill other spirits.
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