Lamest Comic Book Movie Villain - The Last Stand

Lamest Comic Book Movie Villain - The Last Stand

Many of them fought valiantly but they stood no chance against the lameness of these two top contenders. Who will be victorious in the final battle? Ice puns or Nuclear crap?

Feature Opinion
By selinakyle - Jul 19, 2011 10:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

In the deep freezer we have Mr. Freeze, skilled master in the art of lame ice puns. He won the first LCBMV poll with a staggering 881 votes which was no small feat considering who he was up against. At the radioactive nuclear waste site is Nuclear Man who, despite the ferocious look he is projecting, looks completely ridiculous. He also happens to be the winner of the second poll with an underwhelming 526 votes. These two finalist will face off against each other in the final LCBMV poll. So who is the lamest of them all? You decide!

Mr. Freeze - Batman and Robin

Nuclear Man - Superman IV

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Spidey91 - 7/19/2011, 11:07 AM
heat vs cold,fire vs ice,underacting vs overacting :P
thalidomide - 7/19/2011, 11:07 AM
still nuclear man
TravD37 - 7/19/2011, 11:12 AM
Yeah... nuclear man
AsianVersionOfET - 7/19/2011, 11:13 AM
Am I the only one that burst out laughing at Fichtner being shot in TDK up there?
SageMode - 7/19/2011, 11:14 AM
Mr.Freeze gets my vote for two words..........
Arnold Swarzenegger
LuBeTHiGhWalK3R - 7/19/2011, 11:14 AM
All Hail Nuclear Man!!!
selinakyle - 7/19/2011, 11:17 AM
Its a poll. Vote or gtfo!
Always people whining!
WellDrawn - 7/19/2011, 11:21 AM
Shoulda been Barakapool. They took the Merc with the Mouth.....and sewed up his mouth!!!
BrotherQStark - 7/19/2011, 11:26 AM

Arnies cool, no pun intended, but he was a lame ass villain. I guess this poll is a COLD! one.
LEEE777 - 7/19/2011, 11:28 AM
Damn sick of this lol... my comment didn't come up arghhhhh!!!!!

Again, DEADPOOL from Borigins should be up there or CATWOMAN from Catwoman, tho those are pretty bad lol!

Nuke Puke though coz ARNOLD says so! : P

An that was the worst Superman movie ever made... I would bring the last 3 seasons of Smallville into it but I wont go that low, plus it was a TV show, sorta! ;P

Minotauro - 7/19/2011, 11:29 AM
Arnold. Freeze. Period.

Mr. Freeze the character deserved a better film.
LEEE777 - 7/19/2011, 11:30 AM
NUKE MAN coz of his long girlie finger nails too ; D
selinakyle - 7/19/2011, 11:30 AM
Minotauro - 7/19/2011, 11:32 AM
@Leee - "NUKE MAN coz of his long girlie finger nails too ; D"

SpiderFan35 - 7/19/2011, 11:36 AM
I say Mr. Freeze, but the whole movie stunk so he was in good company. I'll never understand why people think they should completely change a known and loved character in a misguided attempt to improve upon it.

What if the world had ended after Batman and Robin was made and future civilizations or aliens found it and thought that was our idea of a good CBM? For shame.
Minotauro - 7/19/2011, 11:52 AM
@Grif - I agree with that.^^^
Sparrowsabre7 - 7/19/2011, 12:22 PM
I actually like Freeze because of how awful his puns are.
Oxion - 7/19/2011, 12:30 PM
Freeze still had a nice suit and the puns weren't all that bed, just don't Freeze should have been smiling and laughing when he said them. Nuclear man was just.........eeehhh idk. Nuke wins.
reverendjonnynemo - 7/19/2011, 1:05 PM
I'm with Grif.
ThaJoker - 7/19/2011, 1:28 PM
DOG Is such a stupid [frick]ing amerikkkan hero :)))))
Rubbers - 7/19/2011, 1:39 PM

"Mr.Freeze gets my vote for two words..........
Arnold Swarzenegger"

Actually, that's 7 words.
ShadesAtKnight - 7/19/2011, 4:13 PM
Definately Nuclear Man, because there is no excuse for that character being in the film. Out of Superman's entire rogues gallery, they decided to MAKE UP the lamest character ever.
RexDartEskimoSpy - 7/19/2011, 6:36 PM
Freeze, if only because they wasted a good character from the comics.

Nuclear Man's biggest crime isn't Superman 4, it's giving Marvel the idea for the Sentry.
SugarYumYum - 7/19/2011, 7:18 PM
Arnold and Scumacher (however the [frick] you spell his name) ruined Freeze but if done right, he has the potential to be an awesome and formidable character.

No one on this Earth can make Nuclear Man 'cool', 'imposing', 'formidable' or anything that makes a good villian so he gets my vote.
dudemanjac - 7/21/2011, 5:07 PM
I think someone nailed it when they said Nuclear Man took the role seriously. And I know ppl will hate me for this, but Nuclear man was ruined by the writing and such. Ppl will say his creation is lame. But maye had it not been that he was supposed to be the bastard child of lex and sups. Maybe if he had his own voice and not just been a maniacal puppet. The technology and special effect as far as flying and such were not even up to par with the first movie. They turned him into a mindless idiot looking to get laid carrying his would be date out into space where she could magically breathe and survive re entry. Forget that she was "falling" toward earth that looked to be further away than if she had actually been on the moon.

The movie was lame. They made it campier than any of the others despite having a very important message. Crack on Nuclear Man all you want but I will sit through the lameness of their first fight seen just to see him blow the crap out of the wall of China. I think here is where you can tell that he wanted to be a badass. I feel sorry for him, because he should have had the one on one Zod treatment.

Some how the dope who reedited this scene managed to mangle my favorite part but you get the idea.
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